— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №93752
About the Statistics.
XHH: By the way, if my salary is combined with the salary of an effective manager, and then divided into two, then on average, he and I make a nice pair. But that’s the fact that in the statistics he shares, and in life he doesn’t want to, damn :-)))

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №93751
We are all wrong. Others are mistaken more often.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №93750
I am lucky to meet with intelligent bombers. Maybe they just got more?
Appropriate recently at the store comrade such with a paper bag:
- Man, and you know, for example, how much does a collection of poems of Joseph Brodsky cost in a cardboard twist?
and no. Probably a lot...
and yes. very much. But I am willing to give you for 80 rubles.
I take. Why are you so easy to break up with Brody?
- Well, you see, Brodsky, I know by hand, but the taste of "Gus Zhatetsky" unfiltered for me is still a mystery...

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №93749
If you sleep on long winter nights, do not turn on the light and computer, do not watch TV, then you can fit in the social norm, and saved electricity will be enough for the 24-hour lighting of the skyscraper LenEnergo in St. Petersburg on the Constitution Square.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №93748
silv_m> 4-1 women in hockey played
Jasan> You need to enter the Olympic Games discipline "Enter the burning cabin" and "Stop the horse to race". And then all the pores.)
Jasan> Well, these are summer species

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №93747
It would be a mistake to think that if there are normal signs of civilization in the country, then in the
There cannot be huge masses of the population reduced to the level of the wild.

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93746
The village is small, everyone knows each other a little. The sign was placed - overtaking is allowed, I overtaken some tractor, and here I stop, a new mint. "We have broken" says. I am there, a sign"."We went, we will see." We sit down, to him, we go – indeed, a sign. Returning to my car, I say that I will tell the local head of the GIBDD that his subordinates do not know where the signs are installed. And then the phrase!! Do I owe you a thousand? Please do not tell the boss. Gathered on free future violation)))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №93745
The ideal people always have the letter "A" in their names.
Is that why your husband will be called Ararat?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №93744
Why do you eat so much ketchup?
It contains lycopene. I want to think he helps me feel like a man.
Q: So is he, not I?? to
I just didn’t understand, did you bring me to the ketchup?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93743
C the heart. Topic "How to promote sex shops".
Webit: Make video instructions to the products.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №93742
And the character Gothic II killed dragons before it became Skyrim.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №93741
No one has ever lost in my eyes because of the pay on clothes; and yet people are more concerned about a fashionable, or at least a clean and unpaid dress, than about a pure conscience.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93740
The dialogue.
He has such a nice wife, and for some reason he went as a guitarist to a female rock band!
M: Yes, you’re cute to me too. I am not a guitarist in a women’s group.
You are not a guitarist!
M: Well, would it be, maybe I would go?
J: If you were a guitarist and went to play in a female band, I would break all your hands and shake your guitar in your ass!
That’s why I’m not a guitarist.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №93739
Review on one of the online electronics stores (on e-cigarette, spelling of the author):
The only thing: for those who are with her now or will buy her - take care of her as your girlfriend. I am about the fact that if you put it on the couch and fail to sit, you can break it in half and break the wires.
Interesting girls had a man.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №93738
I have a washing machine – a goop... it runs away when it presses off.

^ ^ ^

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №93737
And why was there no joke about the fact that when the fifth ring was not opened, the rings were compressed and the organizers of the opening of the Olympics?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №93736
XXX: You are going. I removed the netbook and cleaned it. I am Ohuenna. I feel like a goddess.
Tagged: wo wo wo
YYY: Palehchi
yyy: a technician from God
XXX: That is not all.
XXX: I then picked it back! And he works! Even better! Not too hot as before. A lifetime, an eagle!
XX: True, there are a couple of screens left after that. These are small things, but they still work.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №93735
Hate is a more sincere feeling than love.
If you hate, you will do anything to hurt a person, and if you love, you will make a movie.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №93734
The Russians stay there for a long time, but then they don’t go anywhere. They just straighten and straighten, straighten and straighten. This is our special path.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93733
The first xxx!! to
Yes, I’m only half a second late!
You are straight like sperm.
TTT: In the ass.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna