— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №91785
here here :
I am for what? I am not so old. But, listening to the hymn of the Soviet Union, I feel that for its revival, I and Mikhail Kalashnikov are ready to pay tribute not only to words.
Given the fact that the Union collapsed more than 30 years ago, either you are over 50, or you have listened to stories about "I was in the Soviet era."
Maybe you still start living in the real world and stop dreaming of a good fairy with a pipe that will fly, shoot all the pids and do you very well?

Go to school, or the mom will go to school!! The Belovež agreement, December 1991, 23 years ago. I am 31 years old, but I still remember something about the union (pioneering tie, rows, a stone shale in the recreational park), which gave birth to me during the time of Brezhnev (but you probably think that this is the father of Vera Brezhnev).

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №91784
O God! Give these believers brains!
A flying pasta monster. Give these pasteurizers brains!
Nothing comprehensive! Give these atheists brains!
Don’t squeeze the humorous resource with your arguments!

[ + 98 - ] Comment quote №91783
You are terribly mistaken.

A loving cat? He doesn’t care about you – he just needs you as a source of food and a warm home. So keep going "earn for your cat", slave.

On September 1, I had a cat who lived with me for 18 years. A month later, someone threw a tiny kitten into the entrance, a maximum of 2 weeks from the family. She cried loudly, hit the corner and trembled. Parents were against taking, because the last cat recently died, and it was necessary to leave in November for a week and a half. I put it in a box and put it in bed. She screams at the entrance. I was sorry. I decided that if no one takes it before evening, I will take it myself. So it happened. So without asking anyone, I just went and took her for myself. Here is everything – and compassion, and my kindness, and even the fact that it all looks like a sign from above. Now she’s a fun, beautiful cat, and guess who she loves the most? Not the parents with whom she watches TV in the evenings and who mostly feed her and serve her with tastes. and me. My room, my couch and even my knees are her favorite places. And she does not sleep in the house bought for her, but under my blanket.
So, the only one who can care about you, the source of food and a warm home is a human being.

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №91782
Given the fact that the Union collapsed more than 30 years ago, either you are over 50, or you have listened to stories about "I was in the Soviet era."
Maybe you still start living in the real world and stop dreaming of a good fairy with a pipe that will fly, shoot all the pids and do you very well?

Given the fact that the Union collapsed in 1991, you are a victim of the EGE, and you will not be helped by any fairy; and to shoot all the pydors, unfortunately, only Kalashnikov machines will not be enough. We need carpet bombings and mass shootings.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №91781
YYY: Do you have Sisadmin with a beard and a sweater?
XXX: we have sysadmin looking tough, healthy, bald, powerlifting engaged. All of his appearance.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №91780
to this:
“Klichko called his party ‘Udar’ because he’s a boxer. Don’t let God the gynecologist think to go into politics..."

Gynecologists are in charge throughout the country.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №91779
So far different "Peter’s installers" (without offenses :-)) by 6t. Every day "do", somebody has to do a black job.
==== is
By the way, there was a reporter about miners in Norway: the pay is higher, the work is cleaner, mechanization is everywhere, normal conditions, no of these "comes any, the forces are not left".
What are they doing wrong?


We are not in Norway. We have the money that should go to mechanization, goes to the chief boss’ pocket. We all laugh at people. See more reports, you will also learn about the end of the world and the usefulness of urine therapy.
and your cap.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №91778
The leader, addressing the team: What is your name Peter?
The team: Igor!
Peter is named Igor!

Company in the Middle)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №91777
from the correspondence.
XXX: Norm, I drink beer
Yyy: The last time I saw you here, you drank beer.
I didn’t drink anymore.
You come just when I drink.
You may be white?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №91776
Galenko left Niva, a post on the blog:

What I am going to do, I have not decided yet, although there are many options. I’ve heard that there are people on the internet who already know where I’m going. If they really know, let them tell me, I am interested.

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №91775
Attempts to explain to a woman that she was wrong, naive and ridiculous...

She: What kind of evil are you?
I: Do you remember what you did on a Friday party?
She: Bone, you are what, fool? Today is Tuesday!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №91774
You love Virtue.
You: I like the puncture. I just ballad from her.
Someone is funny
You are: AHA
I like punctual people.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №91773
I’ll have to try something on the transformator oil.
Nails, for example

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №91772
At the meeting, the deputy chief of staff issued: "The faster the communicator runs........" everyone listened. "The faster the coil rotates..." everyone fell under the tables.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №91771
The Dirty Nigger
Victor: Sergey, be politically correct: an afropid.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №91770
Of course, you can talk to your friends! Not with that company, but with your ex. And not with this, there’s your ex-girlfriend. Not that, there are girls. And you will not go to them, suddenly the girls who will come?! to

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №91769
Apologies and advice. The window of the registration fit an elderly intelligent in the form of a lady (D). The window is clearly undistorted neither by the intellect nor by the education of the registrar (P) of the middle years:

D: Tell me, please, and Natalia Nikolayevna Goncharova receives today?
R: (second 10 blinking his eyes, then opening his mouth to say something):
D: Oh, I’m sorry... – splashes in her hands – Natalia Nikolaevna Chelnokova, you’re sorry... associations...
R: (She opens her eyes widely and, when she opens her mouth, she hangs...... she makes... she makes... she makes... she makes... she makes... she makes....) No, she doesn’t accept today.

The relationship of two civilizations

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №91768
On December 25, I went to the store to buy a martini for the corporation. I took the bottle into the basket and went out.
The girl in the box asks: What year are you born?
I: What about those who were born in the year of the Horse Martini for free?and :)
Do you have a passport, you have 18?
I: bleak... lived to 30 years almost nobody ever asked...
not sold.
Yesterday I went with my husband to buy something for the new year. I bought a kilogram of ice cream for 600 rubles, I think: Ahhhh, I will sit down on January 1 Sherlock to watch... And I haven’t been in the metro for a long time, and they say to me at the box office: your card is blocked, you need to register again with us to make purchases.
The cock. I didn’t sell ice cream.
I am afraid to go to the laundry store. Suddenly they will say, girl, you have small breasts, we won’t sell you a bowl.
This is what is happening in Russia before the New Year.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №91767
I remember, I was a little boy, at the beginning of the winter, I blinded from the snow not a grandmother, but a manly gun. Everything is as it should be: wheels, a conical stem of six-inch caliber, a small brustover along the perimeter. Dolly looked at me from the kitchen window.

In the first meltdown, the wheels turned into unclear bits, and the trunk "sleep". The construction lasted until spring. I was proud that the passers approved. And then it turned out that a rare padonag blinded under the windows a half-meter hernia for the winter.

All with the enthusiasts, and be more creative in the holiday!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №91766
The flowers also have flowers. I will never forget. At school, in the lesson of botanics wrote independently on the structure of the flower. No one in the class could remember that word. I thought it had something to do with pigs. I signed a crush. He was awarded five for inventiveness.

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