Why is there no mixed status? I want one: At work, angry, depressed, but ready to talk.
From the Auto Forum:
Whoever buys the right for the lamb, he will also take off the eggs on the bike.
a$ (20:03:44 26/10/2008)
Do you want to ask the President? Site is
GN (20:04:48 26/10/2008)
I want to ask two questions.
1. removing posts of type "translation bear"
If so, how often such posts emerge
In class 6 I got caught up with scratches - scratches that are behind the stove... made a big terrarium... the whole windowwork was occupied.... they broke up there just... the fertile pets were... but they were silent, which I was very upset... I come from school - a nightmare - I forgot to close the window...!!! A couple of disabled people and infants. The whole army broke up to master new lands...it’s just a uvertura.
Okay, I didn’t get a shark.)
In short, these insects (I said - bad ones), ran through the ventilation throughout the entrance. And it happened – Z A P E L E!!! A hundred or two, but it was like a million!!! to
To the quote:
here when yesterday or yesterday home returned: cold...dark...terrible...going pits..I think"no, everything, whisper"..and they, not noticing me, pass by..and from them it is"bearded puppies, contracts!"
and ?
Must be better. I was scared, Hole.
From hand to hand:
I sell the processor! The double!, 17 inch monitor, keyboard, mouse, columns.
Everything is in perfect condition, I sell. I move to another city.
Yulia... by tel.:...
XXX is
Why is your status so strange?
"Don’t take the kids to the Cross Island"
Because I had a driving class there.
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 has the following requirements:
Minimum 75 GB available HDD space
The first opinion - probably forgotten between 7 and 5.
Then I read on and the people say they have not forgotten!!!! to
The xxx:
How to write small letters?
Write this, you get it :)
You love, girls, simple romantics
Courageous pilots and sailors.
Let go, girls, home boys,
They shouldn’t have their poor mosque!!! to
oRb: (19:18:23)
Shall we go for a walk?
oRb: (19:18:33)
It is raining (
ArtisticSoulJah: (19:19:14)
Yes, that’s one of the reasons I don’t go here with a girl ?
oRb: (19:19:53)
> + I am here with a girl;)
Then I and my knee will go to you.
ArtisticSoulJah: 19:20:21)
Come, she doesn’t mind... she’s like me ?
oRb: 19:21:07)
> such
A rubber thing? O_O
torrents.ru proudly stands and repels all counterattacks
The 16th Division of the Third Fallout.
From the ASK:
by Kara:
by Kara:
I am crying ?
by Kara:
I just walked in and there is a picture on the right...
The troll:
by Kara:
Ruby is something... in the background of someone’s mouth.. increase.. and he says "Hello. I am 20 years old. I am a beard. I live with my mom. The troll. The liar. And the Virgin"
The troll:
The troll:
I have 20
The troll:
I live with mom.
The troll:
I don’t shave for the second week.
by Kara:
:D :D :D
The troll:
I am not a virgin!
by Kara:
This is revenge ?
xxx: It seems that from the new topic comes what I wanted – a pure, unmistakable argument, logic, and clear mind.
The word "halup" is extremely undesirable in business correspondence, no matter how figuratively you are expressed, remember the letters "x" and "z" are located on the keyboard insidiously close)
People, and you can from time to time in the abyss to write some rules on Russian, chemistry and algebra... I need to get ready for EVA :)
and moluscous. On the shore of the sea in Northern Ireland found a mole that lived 405-410 years! The age was determined by counting the number of rings on the shell. Unfortunately, as a result of these manipulations, the mollusk died.
410 years to live and die from what someone wanted to count the jump you lived
on track: "Who understands in Sopromate!!! VIP for 6 months"
xxx (16:20:19 27/10/2008)
And I chatted to DNX to break out I can't have it there fucking spambot
xxx (16:20:39 27/10/2008)
Here is how to answer such a question.
xxx (16:20:41 27/10/2008)
The most famous city of Belarus
xxx (16:21:03 27/10/2008)
I have a helper in Belarus and it says Gomel and it doesn’t fit either.
yyy (16:21:24 27/10/2008)
xxx (16:21:45 27/10/2008)
Fuck it!! to
xxx (16:22:56 27/10/2008)
has fallen!
<Annyshka> Poor girl
<Nicolas> Z ljk,jt,
<Nicolas> I am a bullboy
<Annyshka> bulbo?
<Nicolas> Dumbloob
<Nicholas> The Frog
<Nicolas> I am a friend
<Annyshka> well it is not to pronounce
<Nicholas> and
<Nicolas> Delfine
<Annyshka> is it good?
<Nicholas> Bishop
<Nikola> and
<Annyshka> Does the pen hurt?
<Nicolas> fuck you in the mouth!! to
<Nicolas> I am a DOLBOEB I!!!! to