— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 14 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156002
Survived the Brezhnev stagnation – survived and Putin’s retardation.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №156001
The story about Canadians in France and Russians at the conference ( reminded. A friend of mine from Russia accepted an invitation in the late 1990s to work as a researcher at a Canadian university. He liked his work and life in Canada, and six months after his arrival he filed for the PMJ, soon receiving it. His career at the university settled: a year or two later he received a professor's position, excellent funding, results above the world level, publications, invitations to conferences with reports, contracts with leading firms... At some point, the man began to stress the need for frequent visa filing against the background of the Yugoslav War and the other eleventh of September, and he decided to get a Canadian passport: it was easier to travel around the world and in general... The census of settlement (the owner of the PMJ there needs to live a bit on the territory of the country in order to be able to apply for citizenship) he almost lacked, some ammunition-three months, but he didn't want to wait, he used a point allowing to include prices in foreign business trips, and brought all his trips there at conferences, which were in total He formed the documents, sent back, in response - silence. Finally, after almost the same three months that the friend asked to be counted in the census, comes a paper: an immigration judge (there are some there) calls him for an interview and demands to bring proof of the facts of holding all the declared conferences at the given time in the given places (copies of the programs of the conferences), as well as proof of the applicant's active participation in them (copies of published works of these conferences with theses and articles under the authority of our hero). My friend cut off everything necessary, pulled a thick folder with him. The old judge looked at it all carefully, then asked him to explain what his friend was doing, and then said about the following: "I feel deeply guilty to you. The fact is that I myself in my youth was a professor at the university and I know how popular "conference trips" to resort locations are at the expense of the state. And when I saw that you had enough courage to call business trips “conference trips” to San Francisco, Honolulu, Cancun, Kyoto, Nice and the like, I decided to teach you a lesson: to draw the answer of those 3 months that you demanded to count, and finally to arrange a conclusion for trying to present entertaining trips as business. I didn’t believe you could actually work hard there. But now I see: you are a world-class talent, and also a worker, and I was deeply wrong in giving you a sentence in advance, and the only way to smooth my guilt is to give you citizenship right now. Repeat my oath.”

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №156000
Suspiciously wealthy officials have proposed restrictions on payments to suspiciously poor families.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №155999
Xxx: In any profession, some actions are produced to complete automation. The brain doesn’t even turn on.

Once we went to a friend at the house. As usual: evening, chashchik, songs under the guitar... In the morning we go home. I went out and waited for the others to come out. Friend of Denis:

Vlad, what are you doing? Why do you have a pencil?


I come to myself and realize that I stand and note the defects of the welded seams on the garage gates.

Yyy: It is good that the author is not a proctologist. I don’t think his friends would like to wake up from his deformation.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №155998
Xxx: Bread in my life, played a special role, I remember when I was 6-7 years old I thought that bread, it is the best delight. When you are hungry for a few days and you are able to eat bread, that is the happiness of a hungry child.

When I got into the children’s home, I couldn’t afford, and many guys gave me their bread for lunch. In general, if someone wanted more bread, it was just to take it from the pot, where it was lying cut. But from the dining room it was forbidden to carry food, especially bread. They were afraid of the breeding of cockroaches, but the boys still dragged, hid in their sleeves, and dragged into the bedroom, under a pillow or into a cushion. I really wanted to eat at night. After the fight, we lie down, we chew bread and tell each other all sorts of stories, or we chew anecdotes, or someone from the girls sang songs to us, and we fell asleep.

The bed was constantly in the crumbs. You get up a few times, you get rid of it. It was especially funny when a strong wind or a wind on the street swings, and we lie or sit on our beds, chew bread, or fall asleep under any song that the girls sing in silence. And no alkashi, no drunken battles, and the mother in the attack of white fever, will not crush her chair on the floor shouting that she was attacked by the devils. Just finally at night, it is quiet, and not scary, and the stomach is full.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №155997
The son called and indignantly stated that going to the instructor so often - absolutely unbearable.

I have thought. On the one hand, the boy at the age of 15 must already understand that life is full of intolerance, on the other hand, he cooked me yesterday for dinner crumbs with potatoes, that is, practically gave the most notorious glass of water.

Not in old age, but a little earlier, but I gave freedom with a broad gesture. The main thing is to warn the mother, or she has a well-known advocate of education.

Being in the euphoria of one’s own nobility took five minutes. My clever child called back and told me with a thoughtful voice that something was wrong.

He, as an honest person, called the instructor and told him that he really wanted to come to the class, but he could not, due to family circumstances.

The instructor was a sociable and curious woman and wanted details.

He was not ready for such a turn of events, and said that the whole family had gone to the country.

The picantness of the situation is that I have another son, who at the same time was just at classes with this same tutor, who looked at him so interested and asked why his whole family went to the country, and he did not go?

He, in turn, looked at the instructor with surprise and that our family had no house and we generally lived very modestly.

Any excursion must always be carefully prepared in advance.

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155996
xxx: And when the workers went on a business trip to India for the first time, they walked the street and smelled the smell of meat with smoke. They searched for a shell and found a crematorium.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №155995
My husband has a mother and a younger brother. He is four years younger. In all my acquaintance with this family, my husband's brother, never celebrated a holiday with us, his mother and his brother, my husband, he never congratulated neither birthday, nor New Year, or anything else. He lives as a neighbor. With her husband, her brother has a very bad relationship, they are more enemies than brothers. This brother for strangers will do everything, a straight shirt guy, but for his relatives, the finger on the finger will not hit, and even if you ask for help, you will not get this help. At first I was very surprised by this attitude in the family, to my questions, why? I was told that as a child he behaved as if he was from a strange family.

Here, the day after, the mother-in-law broke out the anthrax, and found albums of photos of my husband, and a notebook where she recorded his first words, how much he weighed when he was born, when he sat and other little things. We sat down with her, looked at the photos, then she brought more pictures of my husband, from childhood and to the army. We looked at it all and I asked:

Do you have a photo album of your younger son?

The Sister:

Not much of his photographs.

Did you just photograph?

Well it happened.

Didn’t his first words, like his oldest, also speak?

It was no longer that. Okay, I’ll go back and clean it all.

Imagine, two sons grew up in the family, the eldest everything, every birthday in the photography studio to make a beautiful photo, and the younger shish, if something was bought new of the things, then most often the older, the younger gave up. If all his life he was treated as a strange child, then why be surprised that he now behaves so with his brother and mother.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155994
There is a simple and effective way to dramatically raise the quality of free medicine in Russia - you need to ban all officials and deputies from being treated anywhere except in district clinics and hospitals.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №155993
The big boss requires a list of employees, say, for premium, the goal here is not the main thing.
The list is discussed and prepared for a long time, but the boss puts his resolution into the text: "I disagree."
Sadness, sadness is popular, but one smart employee just changes all the names on the list.
The boss silently signs pleased that he was listened to.

A truly intelligent man will never fight a fool, he will do so that he himself will agree.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №155992
Russian pensioners are not so poor, and officials are not tired of demonstrating this. The 69-year-old mother of the head of the Ministry of Commerce Denisa Manturova and the 84-year-old mother of the head of the administration of the President Anton Vaino bought a network of gas stations with a turnover of 60 billion rubles. This is because they are strong in the economy.
The pensioners! Read more about Business Secrets!!! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №155991
He is lecturing mathematical physics. To simplify the recording, a lot of new labels are introduced. Near the end of the lecture he had to introduce another one. He looks around the board, thinks for a few minutes... and says, “There is such a letter in the Georgian alphabet...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №155990
I came yesterday for halts, replacement of water, sewage, bath, washing machine, compact. A young family, 20 years old. Apartment of Grandma. The boyfriend has left, the girl is talking on the phone, I am collecting a washing tank and heating my ears. She talks to a friend:

Have you heard of the light? No, about the little girl, what a sister, not. In short, she found her daddy! Well, like a daddy, he is a worker, only a rich man, rides on the watch. Taurek is new, the class house, I watched the photos. The light is fashionable, only on a taxi, ah. What? What a jealousy, ha ha ha, he’s old, fucking old! He is real forty years old.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №155989
Many years ago I went with my family from Sochi. Travelled Kotelnikovo, to Volgograd 150 kilometers. I go to the gas station, there is a line, 20 cars on one column, 100 kilometers later, another gas station is closed. Anyone who has been there knows that the infrastructure in this area is the same. Gasoline just to Volgograd, and then if you go in the economy mode. I switched off the condor, 90 km / h, it is already night, the road is empty, rare cars exceed at high speed. The family sleeps. Here, I notice, behind a jeep, four lights on the roof light. I add speed, the jeep too, I reduce to 40, the jeep too. The road is empty, there are no settlements, there are still signs hanging with a warning, such as to stop dangerously, stop only at the GIBDD post. I waited a lot then. I think that if we were rushed to this sea, we would have sunbathed on the shores of the Volga. Something bad? well well! I think the accomplices are probably waiting in front, these are passing behind, swimming, fucking. With these thoughts, I went to Volgograd. I go to the gas station, the jeep stops from behind, a man comes out: "Hello, landlord. The navigator broke, fortunately I saw your Tatar numbers. “Why did you drive so slowly?”

Earth, if you’re reading this, don’t do that anymore. There is one road to Volgograd, would not be lost.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №155988
The xxx:

I remember my shortest interview.

This is what? (Put your finger into the scheme)

The Resistant.

What is he playing there? (It goes to my player)

and Dorset.

Monday at 8 p.m. with documents.

It was less than a minute).


My shortest interview.

I came to arrange in the office. I went to the director. He said, go to the engineer. He asks questions. We go to the engineer-and there my former colleague sits, with whom we worked side by side for 5 years. He resigned for a few years as a former member.

Oh my hello.

by Zadar.

and AMM

and emm.

All standards are appropriate.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №155987
xxx: We have a cat and a dog at home, and it's so fun to notice the contrast between the grace and accuracy of a cat and just fuck what a dog's clumsiness :)

On the other hand, the cat is of the opinion that it is we at his house live, and not he at us, but with the dog somehow much more warm feelings :)

Yyy: This is always the case, you live with the cat at home, and warm feelings for the dog. It is disgusting.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №155986
Xxx in a day. I hadn’t eaten since morning all day. Near the evening, another departure - firefighters during the extinguishment of the fire found the body. The man burned nobly - like a chicken grill, his legs from knees to feet were overburned. I approach the firefighter, who is just standing at the body. The firefighter says, “The captain...” I have not eaten all day. The nose catches the smell of dull roasted meat, saliva is released and in response the firefighter hears a wild whistling from my belly. I remember how he hit me then. And I wasn’t clever that fucking, I left from the winding side.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155985
God created people equal, but something went wrong.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №155984
Language school in Valencia. It is very pleasant to see that the Russian language occupies a strong position in the international market.
Signature on the poster: "The funny words your gaming friends use? Go to us and you will understand what they mean.”

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №155983
I don’t understand why people are worried about immigrants.

My neighbors are Russian.
All the children in the school are Russian.
All the shops are Russian.

I like it here in Israel.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna