— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №93592
According to the Canadian National Post journalist Sean Fitzgerald, his colleague lost the key to the number. There was no duplicate on the registration desk, but the way out was found quickly: a colleague simply dismantled the door. = = )

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №93591
Vika comes from the subscription department, a girl educated, kind, gentle, smart. He opens the box of the table and removes his dirty fork from there, and stands quietly like this:
"Whoever damned my fool's fork and did not wash it, I will catch the damned fucking creature and kill the damned creature!
Admin is in shock. she and her husband probably don't have dirty dishes at home)))

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93590
Comments to VK post on vegetarianism.

XHHH: Fucked up vegans with their raw food
Fuck it with them.)
WOW: only if the Duma did not push the law on compulsory raw food))
ccc: so why do you? (
Kkk: Wow, a fool who? We are being read by the FSB and Milanov!
WOW, pray for it to pass. I will bury Gandalf alive.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №93589
My friend (D) was in the military. The case came to the psychiatrist (p):
Q: Are there suicides in the family?
D: not
Q: And what about you?
D: not
Q: Are you going?
D :...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №93588
This "Therefore, it was shot correctly"
In addition to being cruel and inhumane, your words are also based on the false notion of the villagers and the poor.
Read the book "The Raised Whole". The villagers did not want to work for themselves or for the collage.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №93587
That’s why they are lazy. Do not turn them! This is a dumb farce with rubbed cabbage.

Kitchen, 4 sections

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №93586
I am not greedy.
Sometimes you just stand at a corporate table and see the last butter in your plate.
Next Next post: The Last Candy
XXX: All of these guys.
XXX: And here I come in!
xxx: When I take it, I feel like the hero who saved them all from that uncomfortable feeling!
YYY: The Serpent...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №93585
For a woman to get a hospital, it is enough to come to the doctor unpainted.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №93584
D: You don’t appreciate me! People like me are not on the road.
M: Yeah...Those like you are standing by her.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №93583
When we were young, my mom and brother woke us up early before school and we watched ninja turtles for a long time in the morning, and then suddenly stopped showing them.
Then my mother explained why. In Germany in the 98th Chancellor was elected Gerhard Schröder, and we politically correctly forgot about turtles for almost 10 years

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №93582
To this: No, but what would you react if you woke up at two o'clock at night from the fact that a naked man lies in your bed and says "Silence, so it should be?"! to

I wake up at home sometimes.

The morning. The third floor. I sleep. knock at the window. There is a stranger on the balcony. To my deformed appearance: "Do you have seams not flowing during the rain after placing the seal?"

3 hours of night. I have a rooster on the balcony. I use it. It turns out, not at me, but on the floor below, at the neighbor. Voice: "This is the third floor?" Neighbor: "What are you climbing here?!"Voice: "I go to the girl I love!" Neighbor: "I’ve gone out of here, Romeo unworked!" Someone clothes in ropes and then flies down.

The morning. A bell at the door. I open at midnight. On the threshold a strange woman: “I didn’t lose my pants from you?” Woman, confused: "Child jeans to you on the balcony did not fly?"

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №93581
xxx: survived
XXX: I sit down on a paper
Did you have fun with the calculator?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №93580
After our first time, our beloved publishes: "I see a completely naked man for the second time!"
The first time when?? to
"A first time at the opening"

Doctors, such doctors

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №93579
By chance I heard from a marketer, an apparently typical TP, such a monologue:
“No, when the zombie apocalypse begins, I obviously won’t survive. I won’t be saved by a pair of guns. Oh, but if I had a Daedric sword, Yol-tu-Shul da Tenegriv under my ass, I would have arranged them!
It turned out a marketer - a rooted Ancient Sweaters, since the times of Morrowind... decided to play Left 4 Dead and was very upset.

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93578
The parents of the student who shot people did not appear at the trial. your mother. This is their minor child, raised by them, shooting from the Father's weapon. A true father would be responsible for everything his son did, a real mother would protect her child to the last. So don’t say they’re not pirates.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №93577
Samuel Ghandi was elected mayor of Shiraz seven times in a row for seven years each.
= is
This is a dictatorship in essence (- _- ) we also have 2 hobbies all 'elected' yes 'elected'

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №93576
In the mailbox, a promotional cartoon of some kind of remedy for diarrhea: a guy, sitting at the table, eats a healthy living first, blinking with his eyes (!) Eight-legged with a plate, then sends a huge bottle of champagne (whole, without opening), and then, grabbing the swollen stomach, is carried in a variety from all the legs. Then the banner playfully asks me: "Guess what he got poisoned with?"
So that’s what brain marketing is.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №93575
Age is when, when you see a girl on the winter street in the shoes, you first think “Dumb, you’ll freeze it all!” and then “Wow, what feet!”

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №93574
Man missing in N-sk was found dead
The missing woman in N-sk was found drunk
Missing on January 29 in New Urengoy, an 11-year-old boy was found by a long-distance driver
The question. How did an 11-year-old boy become a long-haul driver?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №93573
Ded: and it seems to me that the Maidan is the result of the conspiracy of the Kiev tires, which were foolishly broken to take the mountains of old rubber to the landfill

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna