— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №93312
My mom is cooking fish soup. I ask what kind of fish. Answered: "Heck and Heck"

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №93311
Site of Dating:
She: I will say immediately that the purpose of my stay on the site is to find a serious relationship (if, of course, it is possible at all). I hope you, like me, appreciate only real communication. I don't want to waste time on correspondence - I think it's better to meet once and understand if it's your person or not. If you are interested, I will be happy to get your phone number. Don’t be surprised, my family consultant may call, as I have burned up on relationships with men several times and decided that I will start dating with the help of a specialist.

He: Okay, only I have a meeting request (I usually find out in, unloved by you, correspondence) - write your date of birth (you can without the year, I counted ;)) and the last three numbers of the phone. My astrologer will make a prediction and tell if it is worth trying to start a relationship. If everything is normal. I will write down my number and arrange a meeting.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №93310
Sergey: I am not a selenium in games because I spend a lot of time on the robot
Q: I hope you are not a teacher?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №93309
Wake me up tomorrow when you go to work.
You sleep so sweet in the morning. I am sorry to wake you up so early.
Q: Do you want me to do something to you so that it’s not sad?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №93308
Straga: How I showed my wife AutoCAD and I tell her: here is the one, here is the one, but there are individual individuals who do this way because of which work is sharply added.
You have no less foolishness than us.
I: In the sense?
Wife: We were sent a table (many tables) in Excel where in each cell was inserted a photo of a cell cut from another table. The entire department stood up in stupor, the table seems to be there and nothing can be done with it, it is not suitable for work.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №93307
Why buy a smartphone for 20,000-30000 rubles? The price is overpriced, the microwave can be bought for 3000.
Y: You don’t understand, the whole life is in the smartphone: the photos are there, the music is your favorite.
X: It’s in the refrigerator for a lifetime.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №93306
xxx: By the way, I have a friend like that... vegetarian... pale, like a wamper))

Yyy: Hsssss... The herbivorous.

xxx: It is))) But I couldn’t convince you))

YYY: They are falling themselves down the food chain. The stupid.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №93305
I smoked for 15 years and quit in 1 day, forever! The folk remedy helped.
Did my dad eat?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №93304
Suddenly I realized that my childhood was over. I have to go home, I have to go home, I have to go home to my mom.
Oh, who would help...
M: So get the board.
I: (I put a crab behind her and a sting)
M and hunger.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №93303
We have a director.
“I have,” he says, “a car with a start-up, look.
Give the keys to a manager.
Go bring me the car.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №93302
Over the ananas.
The fire burned.
Banana has long been a legend.
Potatoes are not lucky.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №93301
Algorithms for solving the problem:

This is>>>

"On screenshots in Word

I’m more shocked by people who do more tables in word. But when the contractor sent me a table in a word drawn in lines, and the content of the cells in them adjusted with gaps and transfers, then I was just Oh...

I work as a senior assistant on naval vessels.About 75% of the table documentation, all forms from the office are sent in the word.The higher pilotage is the locked cells of the table (again, in the word), into which one word enters, and you need to fit a play about two acts.
From the fresh-take the filled paper form, smear the field corrector, scan, insert.jpg into the word and send it with the requirement to "immediately fill".

And I would understand if it was trolling.

Algorithm of Answers:
Print what you got.
Fill out the doctor’s handwriting.
Take a photo / scan.
Insert in word.
You send with the signature "Who comes to us with what, is from the same";
It is already trolling.
The engineer from NYC.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №93300
From the discussion of the collar super-deep well:
Sounds from the underground under the Kolskaya well – is it really science?
2 are doctors. They analyzed the record — even as if they found out from which library of samples pieces of sound in it.
It is not yet known where the sounds come from in the sample library.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №93299
When I read about Robinson Crusoe at the Institute, I liked the book. As I read it now, I realized that he just opened the era of Twitter. "I went to the forest". "I walked into the tree". "I made a scarf". "I am very unhappy" "I caught a goat" "I made a fence" "I am deeply unhappy", well, and so on, reading in the light of modern realities is nice.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №93298
This and everyone who responds to such quotes:
and Dad:
A two-year-old boy bites a souvenir rabbit. From Gisele. It is applied apple pie. What did I miss in Child Nutrition?

To the doctor urgently, his ass in his hands and running his son on a stomach x-ray, fucking unmade!!! to
You don't think that the authors without you know that it is urgent to go to the doctor, and here,, they write after taking all the measures, and rest?
And what idiotic manner is it to have everyone here without fully understanding anything?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №93297
Answers to Questions as You Grow Up:

Why are there three toilets?
10 years - I don't know if someone wanted and put them exactly 3.
20 years - I know... there is a science that says how many toilets are needed in the toilet.
25 years, I know. They are exactly 3, because there is a regulatory calculation in the SNiP Public Buildings, and it is stated that 3 toilets are required for this building area.
30 years, I doubt it. The SNIP is old, and that calculation seems to be wrong... because there are options where these toilets will be exactly more than you need... or less than you need.
35 years old - I'm almost sure the number of toilets cannot be determined accurately. There are different regulatory documents regulating the number of toilets on such a building area, and it is not known exactly which one is in effect at the moment to take it as the basis.
40 years - I know for sure that even if taken as the basis of any of the existing regulatory documents, it is impossible to determine how many of them should actually be and who has built: the one who designed, the one who built or the one who took the work.
50 years - I don't know anyone wanted and put them exactly 3.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №93296
For those who are embarrassed:

"I walk down the street, and I meet a guy with two girls, and each has one flower in their hands. I look at them and think: to cook potatoes for dinner or pasta?

Be simple, in most cases, everyone is poffy!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №93295
When I was writing my resume, my friend was standing behind her back and looking into the screen. Accordingly, it was all the way, making funny mistakes or killing in the resume an honest nonsense.
In general, as a result, a couple of organizations went to a resume, where the interests were hobbies: Alcohol, aviation modeling, radio amateurism.
XXX: And nothing, even for interviews called. True in one organization, HR clarified whether I am not bored to sit down and joke with radio details. The first point, the trip, did not bother anyone :)

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №93294
The diagnosis is:
I look at the advertisement of the note for 11k "For study and entertainment"
And I think "What’s the point of learning with such a note? It will be the easiest model in the matlab for an hour and a half!"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №93293
XXX: I felt sarcastic about her.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna