— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №123114
The great actor Alan Rickman has died.
First David Bowie, now he...
The high year started very sadly, comrades :-(

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №123113
I will add:
Only in Russia can you be white, blue and blue at the same time.

And also red (communist), grey (uneducated), and you can all be purple.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №123112
We have a surplus on pork, a surplus on chicken, and a surplus on ham with grain. Lobsters, of course, are few, but what to do. We will live, we will not die.

The lobsters are small. It is of course a gesture. Hard without them.

XX: By the way, we also have a surplus!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №123111
I had a friend, Danny. I met a man of middle age, smart, sympathetic, assured, lived with him for six months. And then somehow comes to work all overwhelmed. We came to her immediately: "Dance, what happened, who hurt?" She smiled, then told me.
She decided to legalize the relationship with this morroworth, well, and insisted: say, dear, and when will we sign up? He was a little surprised, and then said: "Do you want to bring me to the ZAGS? Let’s get married " And then to the side, like himself, half-voiced, "What I, the third time I will not divorce, what if it is necessary?"
She didn’t get along with that cowboy.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №123110
Going to my sister’s house and drinking tea.
How much sugar?
Give me one.
C: Right, there were two at the time, nothing! Two and a half times.
I: Oh, next time you don’t have any sugar, will it be one?
C: and then again without sugar and will be one and seventy-five.
I: Ah, and then a little more than half.
C: This is so. Statistically, you drink tea with sugar all the time, in fact, the third cup is empty.
I: Statistics, you are senseless shit

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №123109
We are looking for a young man who, as a boy, gave his bulterier to a shelter for 13 years!!! Reply to!! to
I am looking for a boy (now a young man) who delivered a bullterrier dog on Bondarsky (KYEV) as a child to a municipal shelter on the insistence of a maid.
I stopped experiencing 10 years ago when before our eyes a 10-12-year-old boy brought his 13-year-old bullterrier to Bondarsky. I remember very well how this child cried when he gave his friend, as he told these stupid chinches that his mother-in-law was pregnant and that his father told him to get rid of the dog. How he was hanging on the wheels of the car, when the "guyceles" twisted the good old dog and plunged him into the body.
What would I want this boy to know? I was looking for him, but... The data of the owners were under the grip of a great secret.
We bought this dog. If I’m not mistaken, he’s called Chelsea (washing, and I confuse already). It was a dark-white dog, a coat, maybe a tiger in the dark. It was taken by the most wonderful Natasha from the Crimean Horn – a team of help to bullteriers. He lived his life in good conditions with caring people.
What I want:
And I’m all looking for this boy and I really want to tell him – my friend, your dog wasn’t snatched, slept, and burned alive in the crematorium, as many did at the time.
Live in peace! If you know yourself, please contact me! I want to know that you received this message.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №123108
It has always been fun that so many people like to read in the toilet. In principle, they can be understood: someone is tired of children and hiding, someone in the fifth year can't get a book, someone with digestion is tight... But today a new, limiting level of spotting. Why are three adults holding a Soviet BOOKWARE in the toilet?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №123107
Browsing the official maintenance newsletters FORD stumbled on an interesting breakdown:

Transparent suction glued to the glass focuses the rays of the sun at a point and permeates the details of the cabin."

Jerebec: Fuck, I have in VAZ21021 t.n. The fucking twinkle of the epoxy-powered CPP handle with the "pink" inside, about two o'clock in the day and later began to focus incredibly directly into the knee and the right leg needed to be monitored constantly so that next to the pen wasn't found.

Solar Wind: Removing the pen is not an option

and butterbean:
5 to transmission speed
20 to Charisma

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №123106
xxx: How do you deal with a society that considers the dirt a brilliant invention?

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123105
Mass mailing in the corporate chat:

Admin: Dear members of staff. Save the documents and close 1C. In 2 minutes there will be a reboot.

XXX is out!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №123104
And if she looks good, cookes deliciously and behaves well, she has bonuses in the form of snacks, resorts, and most importantly - a man who loves her (and for the business). Isn’t it worth trying for that? Is it from nine to five and the evening with a cat in a mortgage room or a mom’s apartment better?

To whom how. Man will always choose freedom from slavery. An animal can choose a golden cage. But not fact.
Because of love there is no talk, there is about buying and selling everything.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №123103
Danila: Hi, how are you? As a business?
YPA: Yes how to say... In the all-Russian trend.
In the ass?
YPA: Yes

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123102
In 1994, when I was seven, the biggest holiday for me was a trip to McDonald’s. They were not in every corner. These trips were the third place for me after New Year’s Day and birthday. Now my brother is 7 years old (my mother gave me a gift for 20 years). And for him, the greatest celebration is if he is allowed to eat a rollon or a rooster. No, you don’t think the family is rich, and he eats well. Just for him, McDonald’s is already something ordinary that doesn’t cause fear. But the forbidden ugly patch in his head is associated with some sort of magic.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123101
Who found in the gift a candy "The Bite of a Woman":

This factory has a lot of such sweets. Here’s what we bought for the new year from their range: a woman’s bite, a man’s tears, a grandmother’s memories, a carpenter Vasya, a cockerel Petya, a puppy Masha, a collective farm Glasha, my knight, glamorous rest, life succeeded, the ruler of the world.

Taste of sweets corresponding - delicious, but absolutely not a classic. For example, tears are chocolate with the addition of pineapple. They have a very creative taste maker and designer.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №123100
We had a religious course. The course was very interesting, and I liked the teacher very much, although many of the group did not like her.

And she warned us once that we should not consider giving her a bribe. Especially if you want to be an intermediary. He told me one story:

I taught at athletes. Hockeys they were anything... And I understand that they did not give up on my object. This is what a hockey player should do with the knowledge of how the Four Truths were revealed to Siddhartha. Or will he suddenly, during a match against the Tatars, decide to adopt Islam? That is why I put them in the “three” exam for Christ’s sake. There was one guy who could not answer anything. I told him to go to transfer. He looked at me and said, “We have been promised to put it.” And it turned out that their coach and another teacher promised them that those who would drop 2500, would get a "three" machine. They have fallen.

I was so offended! I don’t even know why: maybe because I didn’t get that money, or maybe because the guys were so deceived. I thought I would bet them for Christ, and they thought it was for money.

So, guys, whoever would not offer you a bribe for me, no matter how holy I swear, don’t even think! I will send you all to the transfer!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №123099
Thus e. If I have a dog, children and a husband in addition to work and cats, then I am a weak, dependent woman.? to

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №123098
And when I'm finally fucking (which is inevitable), I will surely go on Facebook on other people's pages and ask everyone: "Cheekrym?" and then ban regardless of the answer.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №123097
It looked very funny when at the recent New Year’s corporate, the choir of bearded administrators performed the song: "We’ll go with co-o-t.
In the two fields,
We are two with a cat.
Go to the field! and etc.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №123096
In this case, the phrase "royally screwed up". and expected to see a lot, but not "elegant fucking"
And Google offers "Royal twisted", not bad too.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123095
I couldn’t go past this pearl of changes:

The remains of dried sperm are well preserved inside the female body even for decades, so a special genetic analysis can tell the number of relatively recent partners.

What’s in his head, right? There is also sperm, right?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna