— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №60613
In contact demotivator - In the corner of some room placed a spider and a lot of small spiders next to it.
The comments:
Fu Fu Beasts!!(I have an agrofobia at all!!and (
What about agrophobia? Fear of agriculture?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №60612
I remembered. A member of the group told about the past events. In the early 90s, the physical culture faculty of the Belgorod pedagogical institute (already a university). International co-operation in the community. A German girl on her fingers requires her to teach a Russian phrase that would allow her, raising her hand during the lecture, to ask the teacher to get her out of the audience. The next day after the interlude, the girl raises her hand, stands up... and speaks to the entire lecture hall with such a sporty voice: “Let me pass.” The times were harsh – not all have yet determined: "what is good, what is bad". As they say, everything ended up in the end, but the "discussions of flights" were ridiculous.

[ + 32 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60611
Time does not cure. Time passes by indifferently...

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №60610
“Do good and it will get you.” A long time ago I had to work as a welding worker in a large organization. There was a high salary. Prices were such that if you work honestly, you will go hungry guaranteed in 2 months. Therefore, everyone was engaged in assignments, but smelled without lifting the mask from the face. Now it is history: Since it was the case with the Communists, there were students in all the industries, practitioners, who were simply required to train the craft. There was a student here as well. And the most interesting thing, he really wanted to learn to weld, he really wanted to. No one wanted to waste time studying a poor student, everyone was chased away from him, shouting - "don't hinder working, redis". I felt sorry for him, especially because I wasn’t the same student so long ago. Take and advise. Hear, a student, at lunch you do not bother anyone, take a stick, electrodes and go to a bunch of debris, there boil as much as it enters and you will not bother anyone. In those days, neither electrodes nor energy were counted. Since then everything has been tired, the student glittered with a welding machine on a bunch of breakout, nobody got, thanked me at every convenient occasion. Everyone was pleased. The idyll continued until it had to be loaded with metal to be sent for melting. In general, they put wagons under load, pull the crane, crush, start lifting... and the crunch in the bag, a bunch does not even think of moving. What a fucking thing, I guess. They check and quietly hang out. The whole bunch is folded together, and each piece is folded to each other. The leadership is not what disagrees, it just cannot understand who, but most importantly WHY did it. A scandal grows, dismantling begins, it turns out that this is the job of a student, who immediately without any bites of conscience says that it was I who almost forced him. In general, all the workloads roast and choke at every convenient occasion, I "die" with a gas cut on this unfortunate bunch of mother with the last words of both the student and his kindness. For three days she was cut in pieces, the student was a goodwill fool. Well, at least for simple wagons did not count. Here is a good thing for you...

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №60609
The stamp on the poster at the entrance to the city clinic:
“Treatment alone is dangerous to your health!”

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60608
Only in our clinics while you are in line for a certificate you risk not only to get sick again, but also to die in the process of natural aging.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №60607
Oleg: I want to sleep.
Oleg: and 2 lamas of backs.
Pasha: Why do you sleep?

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №60606
Most girls on February 23 remind me of landers on Air Force Day. They ask the same question – "Served". And in case of a negative answer, nothing good to expect!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №60605
Is my 16x9 monitor better than your 4x3?
It is like watching. Yours is longer, but mine is wider.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №60604
xxx: The most unexpected surprise on March 8 is a diamond ring packed in a nork coat cross-linked with a golden chain in Bently’s trunk!)))

Yyy: and in the luggage compartment the bodies and mints are braking.
YYY: This is a surprise.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №60603
This is just my chest.
What to Shame
Don’t say that about your breasts.
Breasts are the foundation of the world!

[ + 40 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60602
Commentary on the film:
"Look to the end! I train will and patience, I want to become strong and enduring. The next test is to swallow the worm. andquot;

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60601
In a wonderful country, Australia, which is among the ten richest and most prosperous countries in the world, lives 20 million people. People and 40 million The kangaroo.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №60600
During the maslenica instead of the foreign "ok" I propose to say "this is the handcuffs!"

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №60599
I go to meet friends. The meeting place is unknown, so the road is shown by Nokia in navigation mode. I am late, my friends worry where I am and call without stopping. Each time the phone closes the card with a photo of the caller. I get married, but I go. The new challenge:
Will you be soon? Another one calls.
If you don’t stop calling me to the navigator, never!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №60598
111: what is this song there where "Dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam dam"?

222: You are chasing?1 is the imperial march!

333 of Agha. There is still a continuation of "no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no"

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №60597
Today I saw a spherical apple tree in a vacuum. The girl with the iPhone and iPad from which she read the biography of Jobs.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №60596
From a dating site.
Are there normal guys?
The first comment:
There must be a lot of princes, a lot of horses.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №60595
The rapid transition to democracy in Syria is hindered by the air defense system and chemical weapons.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №60594
Routetracker, discussion of the concert of the debtors 2011

The coolest blacks of modern times! Even the chorus is alive, to protect!!!! to
If they had a chorus of dead, they would indeed have been rough.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna