— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №60573
When the paper with the words "Buy Your Brains" carelessly sent me money, I wasn't upset, but bought 2 operations.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №60572
Krok12: Pizdec, and I lived in Uzbekistan and we had only one fun from morning to night, stoning each other with stones.* is

Chelyabinsk is nearby.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №60571
Are you talking about shaving? I have an ideal woman, pre-order mass effect 3 on the day of the Defender of the Fatherland with the words: in the country of peace, although in the game of the land to protect..... :-P

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №60570
and the most funny thing when they smooth the Push-Apa parallel, thinking that women feel something))))... guys, shoot the Push-Apa right away, don't think he smooth, he doesn't care..he is a parallel)))

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №60569
Everything became so original, suddenly the foam for shaving ended... but the annual supply of tea appeared.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №60568
We are watching today with a girl my favorite since childhood movie - Terminator, she is watching it for the first time (O.o).The girl is far from electronics, the moment, where his hand falls into the hatchback and electric discharges follow.
Q: What is it electric?
I: No, Blin, he has a white inside the wheel running!
The end of the movie, I watch, I cry, I am happy, I liked the movie.
And then the girl gives out:'he's not sick—he's iron, and the white has something to do with it?' It is so... omg.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №60567
Does your mother cook badly?? to
This can be expressed in one phrase.) XD is

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №60566
Support in social networks:

and XXX:
Why, when I walk outdoors in the winter without a hat, do my ears freeze? There is no such problem in the summer. What am I doing wrong?

The Support Agent:
Hi to!

You go without a hat. You do the rest right. In winter, outdoors are colder than in summer. Just put on a hat and the problem will go away.

Always pleased with your questions.
The support team.

and XXX:
I still don’t understand this relationship between winter and ears, please explain.

The Support Agent:
It is cold in winter. When it is cold, the open areas of the body freeze. Ears without a hat are an open area of the body. I think you understand the logical chain.

and XXX:
Now everything has come to its place! Thank you very much, you helped me solve a serious problem in my life! Can I count on your help in other difficult life situations?

The Support Agent:
Of course you can. We are always happy to help!

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60565
Conversation with the Blue in ICQ

Zzzz - have you tried the telecoms?
Zzzz - you might like it.
XXX - I am not a lesbian

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №60564
In her refrigerator flourish mummified cucumbers, two mysterious civilizations in peals, a tomato whirlwind and a month-old potato at the height of the incubation (then she will surely become a butterfly mahogany). Before getting something, I test the housewife of the apartment, how long it lies there and who cooked it, then coldly throw it away. Afterwards, we open the window in coordinated movements, spray the air refresher, my tank, and repeat everything again until each civilization has its own little Nibiru. Dasha is noticeably nervous at such moments - it is difficult to say goodbye to someone who is about to call you mother and stretch their polyps to you.

laugh_with me

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №60563
XXX is
The girls are so unpredictable..they previously gave the foam on February 23...and now they are not :(

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №60562
I called you at lunch! Fuck, you really did.
X: In which narnia did you put your phone?
YYY: I was sleeping
X: Did you go to bed at three o’clock?! to
I sleep badly at night.
Yyy: Because I drink coffee
Be a tough man.
Drink coffee before sleep.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №60561
Three sysadmines are transcribed:
X: Tell me who did what today?
Yyy: Well, I held phone lines to new employees, reprogrammed the ATS, then set up the jabber server, connected all the employees to it. I posted something on the site.
zzz: and I mounted the cysts between the branches, connected an additional line in case the first drops. A computer employee.
xxx: and I painted struts in painting)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №60560
– Cold
Embrace me
I’d better burn you.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №60559
In the military commando, the major walks through the entire corridor:
Who broke the stand? I ask the last time, who fucking destroyed this information achievement of the armed forces? Is it you?
“Not that you are a Comrade Major, it’s not me. Destroying anything in the military command and even if you’re of age, it’s a bad sign. I am a superstition, a superstition.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №60558
Uncle and aunt gave a pack of condoms and a catcher
Did they hint to me subtly that it was time to remove the prostitute?
Tagged: Lucky
I was given a cashier.
and socks

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №60557
SMS on February 23:
Congratulations on Oleg!
Thank you Katherine :)
I am Lucia Shevtsova.
I’m not an Oleg either. :)

[ + 44 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №60556
Questionnaire on the dating site:
In the status: "Mommy - anarchy, Daddy - a glass of port wine!"
— — —
About me: "I live with my parents"

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №60555
C hubra, discussion of porn site hacking:

XXX: Is it going to be there?
YYY: To keep the chosen, lead
XXX: There are also references to the race. I was told...
Yyy: A friend told me, ahah ;)
Everyone has a friend who tells that.
YYY: Oh, and it’s the same one known all over the internet.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №60554
She: I am free! Like a 70th size coward.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna