— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №43352
XXX: I read the report, big, boring. Minutes on the tenth reading inserted unknowingly "listen to me who, or not"
If anyone responded...

[ + 75 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №43351
As a child, I used to use the Great Soviet Encyclopedia.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №43350
Why Femide's eyes - the shake of banknotes and the ringing of coins is heard with her ears.

[ + 41 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №43349
I was twelve years old then. We all lived in the Soviet Union, where circles and sections were free. Those who were not directed on the right path by their parents often changed these circles like gloves. At that time, my girlfriend and I went to the art circles at the Palace of Culture.
and bitter.
And one day, when the classes of young painters ended, a friend told me:
- Today in the DC are licees with Polynin. All the corridors and
I know the stairs, do you want to go to the show? The “show” then.
No one knew...
Of course I wanted!
We walked up a black staircase, went down and looked out at the door. The hall of the Palace of Culture was spread behind the door, dressed spectators, walking, waiting for the start of the performance. But unfortunately, at the door, an elderly controller was sitting on the chair. The cloud!
We walked through the door and suddenly a voice came from behind:
Do you want to go see?
Behind us stood a stranger, he came out of the door that led to a small corridor.
We cried silently.
“Well, go,” he said, and we went back to some corridors.
On the way he explained:
Go up to the balcony. There is usually no one checking, but if suddenly
You will be driven out, come to me behind the scenes, I will find a place for you.
We thanked and went to the balcony.
The first department was great. No one bothered us. But then the entrance began and we got bored. We got a lot of courage and went looking for our good wizard.
I did not risk going through the scene. They went back by the familiar path to the black staircase and to the side door. In front of us was a short semi-dark corridor, a bright light was poured out of the open door to the right and silenced voices were delivered.
We stunnedly looked into the room. There were three people sitting in front of a large mirror. Полунина we recognized immediately and frozen on the threshold in full stupor.
What do you think, girls? I asked Assisi.
“Here’s such an uncle... – we forgot, – He’s so kind... He’s us.
I spent...
by A-Aa! Pauline smiled, and he was Robert the child-guide.
So, for the first time, I heard the name of Robert Gorodetsky, whom I saw many times in the room "Blue Canary" in a cylinder and with a funny harmonic.
The rest of the show we watched from behind the scenes. It was great!
I got into home. I arrived late and there were no mobile phones. But all this did not matter much.
I still remember Robert Gorodetsky with warmth in my heart.
A terrible blow was the attack on the actor in 2005 and the following three-week coma. He was very happy to be back on stage. God give him many more years of life and creativity!

[ + -9 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №43348
Amazing to be nearby!

If after viewing news on the News channel, suddenly turn off the TV
- then on the dark screen you can see the reflection of the lamb, and if you watched the whole family, then at once several...

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №43347
Why is the disc so noisy?
He reads the disc.
In a loud?

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №43346
A: Hello to you ))
M: Hi, how is your nothing? I'm fine, just cool, almost spring, I closed the session, the weather is great, around so many beautiful and smart guys!!!! )))))))))))
C: Are you okay?
S is?? to
M: He left me ((((((

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №43345
You know what "New Vasyuki" is?
BBB: Unfortunately not.
ccc: Whatever goes into detail, it is now called "Skolkovo".

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №43344
Sitting on a pair, a man looks:
The second course?
Unstoppable is:
and I? already finished.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №43343
Oh yeah yeah yes. And tonight I will have a self-forgotten reading of Anna Karenina...
HH: But not though. Today is Evgeny Bazarov. Karenina has already gone by.
Oh... Oh... Oh...

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №43342
Oh yeah Ask a philosophical question.
If a tightly compressed sprinkle is lowered into a vessel with a strong acid, where does the sprinkle energy go?

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №43341
This story happened a long time ago.
We only have cars running on gas in the country. XH was the owner of such a car. There was a shortage of gasoline.
XXX came to the tank.
Is there gasoline 92?
WOW: Unfortunately not.
XX: Then give the water well.
OOOOO :!? (Bring a bottle of water)
XX throws a pre-fabricated splashing pill (such as upsarin ups), blends, pouches it into a gas tank, starts a car and leaves.
The next day repeat the same procedure.
What kind of pills do you have?
XXX: I do not know. One of the factory.
Sell the pills. We pay well.
He visited many tanks at that time.

[ + 54 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №43340
The other was taken to the national team of light athletics. I’m still waiting for him to become famous and he’ll be asked “why did you go into this sport?” because the decision was made after watching porn with a gymnast!

[ + 88 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №43339
I love women's magazines)))) I went to the barber, to fix my hair for Christmas. While waiting for her turn, she read a magazine, a section to which readers send their letters with problems, and in the next issue they will blink advice from other readers. Letter: "Of course, my husband and I have had trouble lately. We have a one-year-old child, so I don't work, I sit with him, my mother helps me understand. My husband doesn’t like that she lives with us. He comes home at 7 o’clock, he is cooking (I honestly admit, I can’t cook, so he is always cooking), we are eating and at 9 o’clock he is already sleeping that he’s tired and wants to sleep! Very rarely I manage to persuade him to clean up - to wash the floor or the bathroom, to clean the dust. I’m looking at the child, it’s hard work too! How can I convince him to be careful with me? He works as the head of the IT department, I don’t think he’s so tired!
The answer.
I would sell you and your mom for organs!! stupidly!! to

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №43338
by 111:
The most terrifying phrase of school childhood: sheaak, get the double leaflets.
You probably weren’t terrible! you are awesome!
by 111:
What a distinction I am.
2nd round
111: round, An, usually, stupid
222: Okay, but note - it wasn't I said.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №43337
MTS today launched the service
Everywhere as at home
For roaming in general
Xhhh: a friend just gathered in the Ds, decided to advise
Xhh: well I write: la la la-la there is such a service, "Everywhere as at home"
Tag: fucking behind
What a fucking home!
HHH: I couldn’t convince you that I didn’t review porn, but accidentally pressed two buttons at once :(

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №43336
Hungry man <=> woman with PMS

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №43335
In the street -28, in the sky no clouds and the sun shines=)
The sun is mocking!!! to

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №43334
From the news:
Lawmakers read x thousand comments to the law on education and decided to add Russian to the mandatory program.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №43333
xxx: work no time, only reports
YYY: So write in the reports that you are.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna