— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №92852
Comments on the news "PROJECT MARS ONE":
I still go to the bathroom on the street! and these are flying to Mars)))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №92851
There was a funny incident yesterday. Our dog loves cherry just wildly, cooked with that cake (with cherry not with a dog), she has already eaten two and still asks. I read it out loudly: "Stop eating so much, or you will turn into a bowl!" Then I notice my wife who is useful at this moment in the refrigerator looks at me.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №92850
to this:

here here :
I saw the movie yesterday. Just something fantastic! Bruce Willis was killed!! to
The Armageddon?
No is! He was killed at the beginning of the film. I waited for the whole film to jump out of the bushes and save the world again!

Tell me about the movie, right?
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I know the same film with Sigal - "Ordered to Destroy" - died without breaking a single arm, stumbled out of the plane)))
And I watched him in the 90s - at first I didn't believe it at all, maybe he didn't, I think, twice...
And imagine the degree of my shock, if I still remember it 😉

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №92849
to this:

A girlfriend (a girl with a quite normal figure, but with a good breast) works in the underwear department, telling how she is entertained by male buyers. On her question, what size their ladies have, they rush, trying hard not to look at her.. hm.. size and shy say:
Well, here’s... like you... probably... well, about the third.
She is very polite (habituated!) explains that they have about a third for all colors and fantasies, but the eighth is better to look at in specialized departments. Sometimes men are attacked by stupor.

Where do you say the store?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №92848
On one book site I wanted to read a book. The first comment
Good book... I lived for the light... until Svetlana slept under Ignat... now I worry for the dark!!!!and "
The curtain.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №92847
If we spend 3 thousand rubles each month + a hundred rubles each year, then in 5 years we will have about a millimeter already.
yyy> yes yes
xxx> and fuck it. This is what I wrote to my wife.)
yyy> yeah, and I was glad.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №92846
Conversation between Moscow and Ukraine in connection with unrest in Ukraine:
M: When will there be someone in your government with the eggs to stop all this chaos?
The only one with the eggs is sitting :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №92845
DerArto: It turns out there is an internet on the top of Everest! Probably made on the requests of the chickens.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №92844
xxx: wine lovers - they are such lovers
xxx: It reminded me of my classmate, who went to study and live in Moscow, but she liked to visit Peter. And here she, on her next visit, dragged me into a buffet in a large stall. I said, what is there? Nothing has changed since the Soviet times: watery pins with sugar powder and coffee with milk from the pot. To what she replied to me, without blinking her eye, with this Moscow-Paphos acanyam: Well, how do you not panic? This is the same classic :)
yyy: no, the Savetsk peaches are honorable, and in a large stall it is really a classic.
I don’t even know what to compare...
yyy: well probably a bank of tomatoes in a tablet covered with newspapers
yyy: looks like shit, taste shit, but - a classic!
You are of one sect :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №92843
Nemi Montoya: Cuba, I need your kidney.

Nemi Montoya: Tuflia

Nemi Montoya: Help

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №92842
xxx: Measured the woman's temperature with a multimeter. My wife resisted. Measured resistance: 1,087 mOm
yyy: The resistance of a wet woman should be much lower.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №92841
xxx: at work gave a toy - laser roulette) I walk and measure everything))
YYY: Bring her home!
XXX Why?
YYY: I too... em... I’ll measure something :)
xxx: She does not measure up to 20 centimeters))
YYY: How subtly you lowered me...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №92840
Changelog Facebook client for Android:
What new
More efficient use of memory
Now you can remove events from your life.
Errors corrected

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №92839
Killing Them Softly / Killing Them Softly
Aster: I hope there is a separate hell for the localizer.
Aster: where "catel" translated as "jacuzi", and coll for ass as "free prostate massage"

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №92838
And with the unbelievers everything is much easier - they are on the drum, whether there is a God or not. Provide irrefutable proof – okay, He is; don’t give – silence and don’t phonize. In other words, if the unbelievers ask for evidence from you, it is only because you are rushing away with unfounded claims.


Comrade of archives. Silent faith without imposing it on everyone does not cause unbelievers to want to hear the evidence. But when you bring a book written by the cave Jews as proof, it is funny.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №92837
Andrei came up with the name of the new fairy tale: "Vasilis immortal and Kashya beautiful"

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №92836
From the category "Film":

XXX is a movie? In the 90s, he was a student. A submarine rescues several people from a yacht that crashed in a shipwreck, but it turns out that they made it to capture the boat. I remember the footage of the saved man who caught a sailor who brought her something and suffocated it with something heavy, sitting on it in a rider’s position.
YYY : A fool?
xxx: Something movie "The Frog" does not googled.
Zzzz: Something else was lost.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №92835
More about sharks:

I read interesting facts. I come across the following: "If a shark floats up its legs, it can fall into a coma".
with feet! The Shark!

It is said that in Soviet times, in one of the front lines of the newspapers, there were such words: "The sharks of imperialism pull their predatory legs."

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №92834
All the actresses. and the singer combination. For example, a man was leading a cooking show on television and suddenly sang, okay? The cook! The singing! Machevic or Machevic...or Machevic, I don’t remember.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №92833
I sit in the cafe, at the next table three girls, apparently rollers. One of them, the most beautiful, says:
And here comes a new application, and our team commander doubts. He says, well I can’t take into the team of a man with nick "Pizdjuk Sherstyna"!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna