— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №25028
From the instructions to figure skates: "After going out on the ice, if you are still in a vertical position, first try to hold onto the board or your companion."

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №25027
I don’t think I’m getting used to 2009 (

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №25026
Humility makes a man beautiful.
Yes, it is in this color.)

[ + 103 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25025
After the third slice of soup, you begin to realize that something is wrong.

[ + 87 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25024
Funny Friday
According to the national geographer, the shash shows American prisoners who are given pants of different colors depending on whether they behaved well or badly.

[ + 98 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25023
Shadow2425: Girls are 24. I will do whatever I want for you in real for free! If you are interested, write to the person or aska 55******87 even if I am not online! I look forward to!

Kashico: Will you cover my wallpaper?

[ + 63 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25022
JustAHate: Some people are killing me. I read a website with advertisements on the sale of bu equipment. Then literally:
I sell a computer for 10,000 rubles. Black, weighing 2 kg, diagonal 16 cm"
This is the time when computers are sold at scratch.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №25021
Friends, apologize for the UG, but the appeals to the relevant search resources did not bring results.
I lost a wallet. There was little money there, well, and hell with them - there were right. I live in St. Petersburg, and I am registered in the Urals, so I will not be able to rebuild them in the next six months.
If suddenly someone found a wallet with the rights to the name of Nestoruk Andrei Alekseevich, please bear the beacon on the number plus seven 92 one 766 thousand twenty-four
or in aska: 4 five five 109 six two two.

against the UG:

Over the past 10 years, 5,670 people have left Russia abroad.
Physicists, 1349 chemists, 986 biologists and none of them.

[ + 93 - ] Comment quote №25020
micha (23:08:09 18/01/2010)
We go somewhere, we go? Baptism is...
dolphin (23:09:29 18/01/2010)
Let us immerse ourselves in the world of corruption and adultery.

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №25019
Are you busy?

I am not talking to you.


No, I won’t say every second word.

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №25018
I finished university. Then he was taken to the army as a lieutenant. and served. Then I decided to get another higher to shake the brains after the army. And you know what? If I pass the session because of the fact that the army no longer threatens me 0_o Hard without a magical pencil...

[ + 100 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25017
XXX (big bookkeeper): Yes, imagine that your computer is broken. What will you do?
The television also broke. It happens in life. What then?
You do not have a wife or a girlfriend. And it does not succeed.
No money for beer and vodka. Friends are all busy.
The receiver also broke. What now?
Oh! Here you finally realize the important role books play in our lives!

So why do you read?! to

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №25016
The news tape:
In Ukraine, 4 people died at election commissions, one woman stuck in the toilet.
In the village of Bulakhovka in the Dniepropetrovsk region, the grandmother accidentally voted 36 times.

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №25015
The sequence of status in the contact:

5 and 7 :(
2 to 3 :(
6 and 6 :)

and commentary

[ + 93 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25014
Boy: There is Tina Thun on Dendy.
Girl: Who is this?
Boy: Tine Toon
Girl: Who is here?

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №25013
If a cap has a dog, then it is undoubtedly dog breeds.

[ + 69 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25012
It’s already 2010, and the cars are still not flying (((

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №25011
to the girls from the secretariat. sit the magazine list:
C: The chair of the head costs 83 t.p. ! to What is it interesting made of?
I: From the previous leader’s skin.
C: O_O

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №25010
I got a new bath yesterday, corner! :e
She said: wow! How is Yucca? With bubbles?
In the ass of the bubble!! to
She: – No... the Yucca from all sides...

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №25009
Editor on TV:
"WIMF will buy MiG-29K fighters for "Admiral Kuznetsov" - is it in the news to place or in the ads?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna