— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №76925
According to the old good Slavic tradition, the administrator, who resigned from work with a thunderstorm, is remembered by his former superiors with a silent silent word for at least six months.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №76924
Las: You’ll call home an enicacher – dress more sexy. Then drive him out.
Mmmmm... I’m a villain! Mahahahaha!! to
What if I call you?
See also: EM
Las is
Alphaluna: I will not dress.
Tagged with: Vapsche, AGA
Alphaluna: And then I will run away.
Alphaluna: The sight of your disappointed mosque will raise my mood for at least six months.
You are a bigger bad guy :(

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №76923
(I moved to another community)

So why did you move to Huddersfield? We seem quiet and peaceful.

- You understand, surrounded by all sorts of artists there, the questions "who painted the whole shell with green hair paint?" "who painted the sword so that the whole floor went through" and "who's this blue hair on my haircut?" can be asked not only to me, unlike the environment of teachers of preschool and elementary education.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №76922
From the Auto Forum:
In a friend on a cruise, the signal is standing, the signal is slight, the signal is "Go, and then you call", the second time you pine "SEREEGAAA SEREEGAAA..... ";

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №76921
I bought a stick in the form of a piece of keyboard. Now I wash everything with the Delete key. The mixed feelings.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №76920
XXX: Are you fucking there?
YYY: How did you guess? O_O

[ + 39 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №76919
About the children. To stop the shit.
The father is a caregiver, because his wife is not working.
Siddheld, and not a week, and two - for the wife was indebted.
Children 2 years and 4. There has never been such order at home. The younger learned to pronounce half the letters. And all that is why - let's sit on your podcast forums and have to engage in children and work. Not crying, all men are goats. Look at yourself, dear women of men. Because it is real - females - to eat, chew up and cry for another cup. The football. It is bad.
You will be extinct as a class without "cats". Cook washes, do not raise children, fuck - so - on the three. Pants for the queen.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №76918
I thought she was covered with a carpet... And that’s a tattoo...

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №76917
If you don’t want to share a man with anyone, don’t drink him.

[ + 55 - ] [7 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №76916
The juvenile justice.
The best Korean has two daughters twins. He raises them alone, the woman fled to a young lover.At the time of the events described, the daughters were 13 years old.The appearance is already a model, the mentality is the same.We sit at his house in the kitchen, we smoke, drink coffee, we talk dimensionally.The entrance door quickly opens, and both the heirs appear on the threshold, whisper about something about their own, we have zero attention.
The father himself is quite peaceful, smoking a cigarette, interested.
"Girls, I can't understand the shit, in the rooms, the beds are not filled, the dishes are not washed.
On which both vertices, synchronously crossing hands and bending their heads, went out.
"You don't have the right to force us to do anything.We were told in school that there is a law on the protection of children's rights, there it is written.
The peaceful mood of the daddy disappeared somewhere.He demandingly knocked on the edge of the table.
“Yes, you guys, you put your dear mobile phones here, you put them alive, I said, there is no such thing in this law as I would buy your phones on your fingertips. And the internet you will not have.Yes, and not why it is for you, I will also pick up the computers.No shit exactly in this law, there are no computers.You are lawyers, you have learned them on your head.Forget about your pieces, go in the rolls. Go to Fuji.
However, already on the Internet, one of the girls crowded, and badly looking around, was washing dishes, and from the sides of the rooms was delivered a business top.
At the end of the monologue, the harsh father smiled.
The kids are growing up.And in the floor of the voice I asked if I don’t know if I’m selling more flavors.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №76915
Do you not think that Putin uses Medvedev on the principle of a “terrible girlfriend”?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №76914
Chat wot:
A girl with a wet bullet is looking for a guy with a top bullet.
Do you join the company?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №76913
from a sex forum. People are trying to figure out what is the difference between male orgasm during masturbation and during sex.

XX: There is only mine experience. From a physiological point of view, it feels like it. Everything goes through emotions. And if you abstract from them, there is nothing special. An unfortunate parody of onanism. Smile :D

YYY: This is a very big experience. Strange, because it is described as an incredible bliss. Did you have it with or without a condom? Personally, I have negative emotions from minet, as well as from masturbation.

ZZZ: Well you fuck, you give it. both of them.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №76912
An impossible task? Have you ever washed potatoes with a hammer?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №76911
xxx: Remember I share my soul sickness from my friendship on the amber? came the phone to choose.
I am listening to the radio and everyone knows where I am.And the operator is the one who lives on my SIM?Pfffff, farewell my brain.
Call the psychic.
XHH: In the community was called several times when she was running naked.
She also makes songs when she sings.
And you say that aliens are only watching her in your store.)
Do you try to explain to her that the Android icon is not an alien?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №76910
Discuss with humor the gender relationship in preschool age:

Children are giving up pearls. My daughter is 5 years old and rides. I approach, I worry, what said, happened? And she passes through tears and tears: “Mammaaaah, I have a man who doesn’t eat!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №76909
The game of solitaire taught me that there are no path situations... you can always take a few steps back and start a new one.
Yyy: Well, go smart! take a few steps back... when the base was not yet lying.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №76908
I sit at night quietly in the counter. The clock is about three. Suddenly I hear some noise in the living room and in the hallway the light turned on, I think I look down. Here I see that my grandfather will waste the home medicine box and with some packaging he rushes to the toilet. I ask what happened? What a hurry? And my grandfather answered that his stomach disorder was direct intolerance, and he tried to read something on the package. And I see he mistakenly grabbed the plaster. I couldn’t stand it, I said:
What I decided to cover up!? to
In the morning laughed with the whole family, the sabotage grandfather is still looking for)

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №76907
Question: What kind of humanities are taught logic if they do not use it anyway?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №76906
Commentary on the trailer, porn broadcaster:
Good luck to everyone :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna