— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149994
I lie somehow with my husband before going to bed, I am already in a half-sleep, he gently smoots me on my back and suddenly gives:

What a gentle skin you have! To remove it, reproduce it and make it a blanket for yourself.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №149993
I see

She was only 4 years old, she was scared and began to drown. I pulled it out"

"On a children's holiday in the park he sat a crying baby on his neck so that he could see better"

Do you really see the difference?

And I see the difference between putting a crying child on the neck and raping.
And I consider it a disgrace when a single father is planted, because the expert concluded that the tails of the animals that his daughter is drawing are phallic shaped.
And I consider it a shame not to trust objective evidence (video) and to judge a child’s coach for sitting a meter from the child.
And I also believe that a society in which an adult is afraid to save a child and even just come to talk to him, is a sick society.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149992
Education does not teach to think - a mantra of lazy people who did not have enough willpower to get this very education.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №149991
They pay around the President alone, and everyone will have to pay.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №149990
Good night! I want to send you another story.

Last year, when I spoke with the class, I asked what they dreamed of. The living of all responded to the desire to be happy. Everyone without exception made it clear that they want to be happy. And then she said that when you try to make others happy, only then you become truly happy. The amount of money and the position are powerless. And we remembered who we helped during the year (internat and TD). But here is another story from which you can draw conclusions about happiness.

Angel, the Jew, the owner of the most famous bakery in Germany, often said, “Do you know why I am alive today? He was a teenager when the Nazis in Germany murdered Jews mercilessly. The Nazis took us by train to Auschwitz. There was a deadly cold at night. We were left in cars for days without food, without beds, and therefore without the possibility of warming up. Snow was everywhere. The cold wind freezes our cheeks every second. We were hundreds of people in those cold, terrible nights. No food, no water, no shelter. The blood froze in the veins. Next to me was an elderly Jew from my town. He was trembling and looked horrible. I hugged him with my hands to warm him up. I hugged him tightly to give him some warmth. Raster his arms, legs, face, neck. I begged him to stay alive. I encouraged him. So I warmed this man all night. I was tired and frozen. My fingers blinked, but I kept massaging the man’s body to warm him up.
So many hours passed. Finally the morning came, the sun began to shine. I looked around to see other people. To my horror, all I could see were frozen bodies. All I could hear was the silence of death. The cold night killed everyone. They died of the cold. The old man survived because I did not let him freeze, and I survived because I warmed him. Can you tell me the secret to survival in this world? When you warm the hearts of others, you warm yourself. When you support, strengthen and inspire others, you also get support, strengthening and inspiration in your life.
Dear friends, this is the secret to a happy life!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №149989
A bad date is when you come with one bouquet and leave with another.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149988
Vladimir_el_140: You guess, we still have cameras in the workshops and on the perimeter.. and they eat carefully - and don't you do anything unwarranted in the classroom time.. 7,5 people, but the chiefs of 20, the guard of 20.... This is some wrong correctional labor camp.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №149987

If someone sees a child alone where unaccompanied children do not have a place, he will report this to the police, such precedents have already been, if the child becomes ill - people will call an ambulance.

In 1997, at the age of 17, I saved a girl. She ran away from her grandmother, slipped, slid down the slope and fell into the ice water. There was a maximum of my chest, but she was only 4 years old, she was scared and started drowning. I pulled it out without even wet my head, but my parents wrote letters to the administration and eventually gave me a medal for saving the dead.
So today, in such a situation, I will call the police, the ambulance, the rescuers; I will take the phone, I will scream, help, but I will not even give her a hand. And suddenly the pop accidentally falls behind and today's parents will write to the administration not to reward me at all.
My friend almost lost his freedom because at a children’s party in the park he sat a crying baby on his neck so that he could see better. And the foolish mother, who was not there at the time, rushed to the police. And now the father of two daughters, one of the most direct and honest people I know, is labeled pedophile-gay, although he was justified.
Pedophiles, just go on!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149986
realAVA: The dumb author of the advertised book can’t understand a simple thought:
If something from school education was not useful to you personally, it does not mean that it was not useful to anyone at all!
If for you, sequences and cosecans are poses in sex, then someone calculates the trajectories of communication satellites on them.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №149985
In one Bartholomew night more people were cut off than in the reign of the Terrible.

All this is like a discussion of who is more humane and decent: Chikatilo or Jack the Destroyer.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №149984
Vanno7380: Yes, you have to pay for everything yourself and I will tell you the idea. There is one company in Kemerovo, they pay workers like 40-45 good but fines for everything and everyone - in the end 25-30 on the hands, well, don't fall on the fines. But in addition there practice such participation of workers in the modernization of production. put a new telfer cost 300,000, in the morning come to work workers of all 145 people built. They announce, Yesterday someone joked by the toilet to everyone a fine of 1000 rubles. It goes two weeks again gathering, again smashed past the toilet to all a fine of 1000 r. My comrade asks, and who has seen, here is the security guard and technician, they say that it was a matter. Comrade says, we fucking probably pay the telfer?
All to work, and the speaker to the staff department.
This is the golden bottom for modernization. Learn to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149983
I can’t stand it, sorry)) to this:
59 is. I graduated with a gold medal.

I have to burn so.

In your resume it is stated that you have won the Nobel Prize. In which, let me ask, areas?
It is in Sarasota!"

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №149982
You will then compare it (night) with the Novgorod journey of the same Horrible. Or is it not visible in the eye? Or have you just not read about this journey, in books, with a normal reference machine?

We have read.

In 1569, Grozny arrived in Novgorod, which had about 40,000 inhabitants. There was an epidemic, and there was a smell of rebellion. According to the results of the reign of the emperor, the memorial lists fully preserved in the synods mark 2800 deaths. But Jerome Gorsay in “Russia Notes” points out that the opričniki cut out 700,000 people in Novgorod.

Are you referring to this glorious man?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №149981
All this ill-imagined pedophilia has naturally fertilized the soil so much that a very real pedophobia has grown and collapsed. Congratulations from all my heart.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №149980
Listen... it’s interesting, but does Bollywood make porn movies? Are they dancing and singing too? You are not aware?
The Government: Hm. I did not hear.
Vlad is no. They do not sing or dance. The usual porn. ( by
Has you already checked? So that’s sadness... where is the excitement?
I would sing if anyone’s mouth is not busy.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №149979
Here comes the joy of the flesh

>> The girls were walking in very short dresses? They walked. No one was embarrassed, no bad thoughts came to his head.

It was not embarrassing, on the contrary, it was pleasant.
Is it possible to call desire in the puberty period "bad thoughts"? Visited and so on! I do not see any deviation from the norm.
There was no internet with porn, "Playboy" was not published.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149978
Shorter than usual...
Is this show?
I was advised to do superficial communication training. I registered and went. Real good training: an unusual approach, interesting solutions to situations, etc. And one of the tasks was to get acquainted in a popular place. I went to Ashan.
and?... O_O
- Shortly, the guard took me out of there and said that it was not easy to cling to people (((
I would say that this is a task!
You know, one of the conditions was not to tell anyone that I do this for training.)
Something in your training scares me a little.
What is?
The first rule of the Fighting Club.
Fuck... go you! How can I go there tomorrow?! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149977
Stepanych: A friend I had here 3 years ago, called a taxi home from the cafe. The order was 170 rubles. To see something bad for him there in the cafe was fed, and at the beginning of the way he felt that the day valve in him was about to break off from all the safeguards. Since the prospect of carrying himself into some compact McDack in order to wrap it all from the ceiling to the floor did not smile at all to him, he persisted to the house itself. And already at the entrance door, and waiting for the taxi driver to count him 30 rubles from two cents, the valve broke. He didn’t get into the elevator, he went home by the stairs.

And when We had gone away from this revelation, caused by an abundant acceptance of bitterness, We gave him a new creature: Judas.
For he went out for thirty silver coins.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №149976
Conversation with the manager:
M: Users want this change. Do it.
I: For that I need access to such a stored procedure
M: I don’t have the right to give it to you, we don’t have a developer environment at all, and access to production is forbidden.
I: And then how should I do it? I cannot even see the process.
M: (after a minute of reflection) I’ll give you access, but you don’t tell anyone.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149975
We missed the grievous whisper of a bodybuilder on the backbone, to whom the neighbor's complaint does not allow to turn on the turnik in shorts. The question that he has no money for a normal sporting suit – that we will leave too.

Calming training is done with the most open to all the winds and cold body, about which in history and talk, with no evil nudism. Not a word about money, haha. And that you either do not know how to read, or are very hopeful that others can't - that we will also leave, your attempt to bite the deer for the ass in general failed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna