— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №42652
Based on corporate ethics considerations, employees of the Russian pension fund are strictly forbidden to wish the jubilars long years of life.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №42651
The colleagues!
Today after 18.30 will be necessary to stop the DEV server at and the customer's employees will turn off the server from power for 10-15 minutes.

After that, it will be physically moved to another place and we will need to restart everything.

P.S The fact is that it is now included in the network filter, which the cleaner periodically uses for its vacuum cleaner.

This carries serious project risks. Yes, I was crying too. : )

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42650
The insightful reader himself will guess what this distant story has to do with me personally, and why I tried so hard not to distort in it any known detail.

Half a century ago, a very cute little girl came from Rostov-on-Don to a huge Ural factory. In her warm southern town, there was a man, a clever guy from a professor family, who lived in an enormous apartment. What is called, all friends advise. He was a couple of years older and already had time to become a postgraduate student, but always found the opportunity to be with her - then going together to the Caucasian mountains, then playing in the then STEMs - student theatres of miniatures. The guy was prominent, astute, tactical, but something still apparently lacked her in his virtues - their relationship she left friendly, although warm. But at this deaf factory, another guy immediately looked at her, also with a higher education, but broke his way out of the barracks, from the Ural family of scattered peasants. While all the other factory guys watched her openly, he alone looked at her in a human way. Sometimes even too humanly – when she first went to them in the cabinet, everyone stood on her, and he thoughtfully looked at the flowers on the wallpaper at that moment. When they became friends, he with endless patience walked with her through the pine forests, leaning one step where she had to go two or three.

By December, their relationship developed to such an extent that they decided to celebrate the New Year with her in communion together, sending a girlfriend away from the room. But two hours before the New Year, they were awaited by a surprise – the guy No. 1 of the
of Rostov. He arrived without warning, rightly reasoning that on the frosty New Year's night the girl would not deport him - there were no hotels in the factory settlement. It happened, she did not expel him. But she didn’t want to drive out the guy No. 2 either – she liked him. As she recalled, she was especially angry that both guys were perfectly polite and wary. No fight was planned, and with both, the New Year's Eve became some sort of nightmare nonsense. She was drunk for the first time in her life and was sick. The educated Rostov guy No. 1 could not withstand this spectacle, shrugged and went out to smoke. The educated Ural guy No. 2 breathed, grabbed her in his arms, took her to the shell, resolutely swung two fingers into his throat and instantly brought in a feeling. She recently celebrated her golden wedding with him, and I think she never regretted it in her life.

[ + -12 - ] Comment quote №42649
Dear Father Christmas! Last year I asked for a boyfriend.
So, take back that goat and give better mandarines!

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №42648
(From the discussion of mystery and rebuffs)

Show me the dog guesses.
where in this phrase should the thyre stand?

[ + 52 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42647
Shaaman: Today I realized that it might be disgusting to sit naked on a cold toilet cover in an office room.
Shaman: When it is still warm...

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №42646
Dad recently burned: he was typing text in the word, wanted to format it in the center, but in the place of the button to format in the center, the assistant dog was sitting and the language showed him. So Dad patiently waited for half an hour until the dog left... He didn’t wait, he called me.)))

[ + 92 - ] Comment quote №42645
This is a real story.

At the first class in the auto school, the instructor looked at us for a long time and silently moved his lips. Then he said sadly:

19 of women.

and pause.

Eighteen of them are blondes.

and pause.

- I will soon let you go so much that I will be afraid not to leave, to leave the house!! to

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №42644
How many flowers in the rainbow?
and seven.
Just as much as a note.
Why is?
Note also 7.
and clearly.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №42643
And I have somewhat fallen self-esteem of myself as a mother, when the son (2 years) looking at the "Beauty and the monster" at the moment when Father Bell comes to the castle, he sits in a chair, and then the door opens, all the candles are extinguished, everyone is knocked in the corners in terrible horror, there is a terrible music... and here in this moment on my question: "Son, who has come there?" the child replied without thinking: "MOM!and "

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №42642
by Angel666
Why shouldn’t the Jedi be renamed Jedi?

by Angel666
Imagine on the road. by Jedi Petrenko. Their documents!
And the stall is talking...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №42641
I: Wife, the doctor has forbidden intimate romance.
Husband, lightning: and tough porn?

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №42640
From corporate correspondence:
Dmitry : Hi I would like to tell you which model we need CISCO887-K9 or CISCO881-K9 will also go.
Vladimir: I don't remember exactly, ask Marina's model, she recently boasted of her show.

Dmitry: Marine, what kind of sickness you showed to Vova
Marina: He went, I didn’t show him anything.
Are you talking about Cisco?

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №42639
The xxx:
In my house there is a whole food chain... a rooster-hammer-rat-cat-puppy...

The xxx:
The Korean has to...

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №42638
The Russian byte contains 64 bits, of which 30 bits are scattered, 24 bits are repelled, 1 is lost along the way and 1 is broken, and the result is the same 8 bits - but how interesting!

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №42637
Do you have a Twitter?
No, I have cured it.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №42636
Comments on News from
Nurgaliyev proposed to call the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Mr. police officer"

The rubbish sounds better!
Better than "my lord!"
The police officer.
– Gotichenko: “Yes, my lord is a police officer! Now hold my handcuffs and shake my ass!"
“Oh yes, and if it’s a woman then Mrs. Police, that sounds great.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №42635
by Dean (16:54) :
The man called from the doctorweb.

by Dan (16:55) :
Grit, let me name you the arguments to use our antivirus, and you will try to find at least one not to use it.

by Dan (16:55) :
Probably half an hour.

by Dan (16:55) :
I had one argument "we have on all Ubuntu car"

[ + 127 - ] Comment quote №42634
However, nothing has stopped the desperate Russian tourists. "Join, people, let us give copot to Tutankhamun!" - called on the blog of the Russian lady before flying to Hurghada, writes "Moscow Komsomolets". Not different from her, and the majority of Russians, who are already in Egypt and do not rush to leave. The eyewitnesses tell about them: "With the screams "All from here, we have a tour, the money is plotted!" - the Russians broke into the burning historical museum".

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №42633
I’ll go eat, I’ll buy, I’ll write
XX: A pleasant appetite
Thank you, when do you have lunch?
XX: I haven’t eaten since I started working in the police, there’s no time.
Q: Did you lose weight?? to
XX: Yes, I have not always been very big. My dad used to gently call me “Rama from the bicycle,” then “The Paper Horse,” and now he says that I am “Krepyš from Buchenwald.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna