— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 109 - ] Comment quote №42432
I had to use the services of the priests of love. So I decided to order a more experienced one.
They brought her to me, and it all went its way.
I sit on a chair, and it is traditionally between my legs.
I sit and think, "blin daj, I don't know how to behave myself, how not cleverly in silence."
And then it came to me to say, “How is it?
She opened her mouth and said:
I have a son of your age and I’m doing it to you. So how do you think I am doing?

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №42431
Do you have any babies working there?
What are the grandmothers?
He: Well, men of the female sex

[ + 98 - ] Comment quote №42430
Talking Mom (M) and Sister (C)

M: Maybe you’ll introduce me to your boyfriend?
C: Oh no, Mom. I am not ready to introduce you. It is too serious...
M: Bl*t you July! And the fact that you have been living together for two years and you are about to give birth is not serious???? to

[ + 70 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42429
There are seven types of revenge.
The first vengeance is good.
I will take revenge and forget.
Revenge is selfish.
I will take revenge to get better.
The third revenge is perverted.
Revenge on the uncle of Shurina, the mother of the three-born sister of the offender.
The Fourth Masochistic Revenge.
To avenge yourself.
The 5th Revenge of the Child.
To die so that everyone will cry.
The sixth revenge is evil.
Revenge in 20 years.
Seventh Revenge is sclerotic.
Not to take revenge...or not to take revenge at all...or to forget all the time that you have taken revenge and take revenge again.

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №42428
(After a long argument in the ass about infinity)

White Sandy: straight as I begin to argue with you, I feel like my Aikyu is rising)))
White Sandy: You have a good effect on me)))
Sandy protein: like a straw on an apple))))
Gambit147: No one has called me such a shit before.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №42427
A friend went to Africa to work as a translator. Picture with African Americans and machine guns.
Today, you have never had this:
You came, let’s say, to a business meeting... And after yesterday you got a little tired, and the head hurts... And instead of "Peace to you, earthlings!" translated "Kiss my ass, dirty monkey!"... And all such trunks were educated, and so PIST-PIST-PIST!!!111 And no one remains alive, only you stand and so "Gy-gyi, lia... I'm sorry..."

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №42426
People from the South of Russia
We were promised cold on the streets today.
In the end, their promises were not fulfilled.
hhh: and apparently, in order not to disappoint the people, turned off the heating in the house >_<

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №42425
You don’t understand women.
She has the perfect proportions of mind, talent, easy fuckingness and the presence of beauty!

[ + 117 - ] Comment quote №42424
Probably the Russian cold in Hogwarts would be the first thing to start fermenting turmeric juice :D

[ + 79 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42423
I went to do fluorography at my clinic.
What I saw: I go into the office, there is a young laboratory worker, I take off a T-shirt. She puts suckers and something stuck her finger pretty strongly, begins to whisper. I went out and ordered the T-shirt.
What the high school students who passed the medical examination and sat behind the semi-open door of the office saw: a 20-year-old boy comes in, in the office a lovely laboratory assistant. In a few minutes, women’s screams "A-ai-ai!" are heard. In a few minutes, the boy comes out, sticking his belt.
I’ve never seen so many surprising and respectful looks before.

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №42422
Off site of ambulance writer... so and really soon we will die...=)

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №42421
We perfectly match each other. Even in bed. She is broken, and I am a devil.
by Facepalm

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №42420
Mom recently: I’m going to pick up my dad, or he... looks good.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №42419
mutorga (22:44:50 28/01/2011)
My grandmother broke the TV and she thinks I should fix it.

mutorga (22:44:56 28/01/2011)
I am a programmer. (

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №42418
Once he was in the bus, at one of the stops in the window, he watched a picture: a man with a bitch-like appearance asked someone for a cigarette, holding it in his mouth began to look for fire in his pockets... and from the top of the shutdown began to roll a decently plotted sink of snow (I think a man hit, not too!) The cigarette falls out of his mouth, he makes a step forward and at this moment the snow lava finds itself behind his back...he looked back with shattered eyes and spotted the whole district: I will never stop smoking!!! He kissed a cigarette, smoked and evaporated.

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №42417
and Sgt. The State Duma adopted immediately in the second and third reading the law “On the police”, reports Interfax. All three opposition factions – the KPRF, the LDPR and the “Just Russia” – voted against the law, but 315 votes of the “United Russia” proved sufficient for the final adoption of the law.

and Sgt. Joker> But we have multi-partyism in our country!

[ + 99 - ] Comment quote №42416
The cat got. It was "Vengeance" Just jump out of the kitchen, at least for 5 minutes, come back - a bunch of brown beauty is ready.
They were taught in a wicked and deceitful way.
They first bought him a house. He liked the house very much, it can even hide from the dog!
This is the moment, wait! Kotte painted another Everest feathers in the kitchen... We put this hill on a slope and.... to him in the house.
It was a shock. Someone dared to fuck him in his own house! and :)
Now it can be pulled out of the house only to eat or to go.
My favourite house :)

[ + 120 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42415
I look right now "Well, wait" and I think"Why is the wolf an idiot exposed?" On the stadium he perfectly pulls the rod with full load, runs 100m faster than everybody else. At the construction was only under four iron baths. He knows how to put bricks better than the Uzbek, perfectly drives a catwalk, combine, jumps from 800 meters even without a parachute, and much more. And the rabbit only does what goes to circuses, ski resorts and theaters." The children of Halyave taught something at the time?

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №42414
My cat doesn’t cheat me with anyone. He murmured only with me.

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №42413
BlessSin (20:50:13 28/01/2011)
I was told yesterday by the director: "Don't smile, I can't fool you when you smile."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna