— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №42332
I sit in a smoker. One friend (1) in the other (2) is trying to take a babble.
Give money before your salary.
I don’t have money... I just got divorced recently. He left all his property and money to his wife.
What are you, idiot? The naked? Go to your wife and take her.
Give it to me and borrow it to me.
2: I can not. I treated her as a knight.
1 The Knight! Well, let me stick to her and say, ‘I am a knight’s messenger. Pick up!"

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №42331
After the club, we go with a guy to if for tea... we walk past the shop.
You need to buy tea and sugar.
I add to the joke: - and condoms order!
He told the seller: “Please get a pack of tea, a pack of sugar and a pack of condoms.
What kind of tea?
He: What is the difference? No one will drink it anyway.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №42330
The office meal day:
Did you see who I have a bucket from my refrigerator?
Tagged as: Hoodie? What kind of hood? never seen!
The next morning admin:
Do you hear that I don’t have a wind load?
admin: winda o_o??? What wind? I have never seen it 😉

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №42329
The Discovery Channel.
Security of Borders.
Voice for picture:
This man has 40 hard discs of pornography, and now our expert is looking at him - to decide whether he can be imported into the United States.
It takes 5 minutes:
The expert issued a verdict: 10 disks are forbidden to import, and 30 can be missed.
Attention to the question – how?? to

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №42328
1> Oh these unhuman girls.
You are my sun :)
She: Do you also think that if I beat laziness, I will be able to make a small thermonuclear synthesis?
1> It is necessary to filter the compliments of the campaign.

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №42327
From comments to news about the flu epidemic

Jordan A, I laid garlic on the table at work. No one got sick with the flu. They killed and killed two vampires.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №42326
Happy hours, days, months are not observed. Post of Russia.

[ + 55 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42325
If you watch the news on the first channel and do not go out, you can accidentally think that everything is done.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №42324
The nurse kissed me in the pop before the injection

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №42323
"Hunting a bald man" - Medvedev says when Putin is driving around the country

[ + 85 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42322
And why is no one gathering everybody to arrange a flashmob with the simultaneous drop of water in the toilet? This will be a real DDoS attack on the city collector.

[ + 87 - ] Comment quote №42321
How tired of these months! Our brave scientists would come up with something to make them disappear.

Igor: Well, in principle, there is one remedy... for 9 months you can postpone your monthly...

Maria: What is it? I take!

Come in tomorrow evening.

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №42320
There was no snow all winter, but it only fell yesterday. And so as to compensate for its lack all the time.
At two o’clock in the night, I hear screams on the street, crawl through the window and see the next picture - on the snowed road at a decent speed carries an alien mark, to the bumper of which sandwiches are attached, and to these sandwiches are attached another.
They are demonstrated by the local drift of two girls and the whole of Moscow is chanted "and I am a May rose, and I am only from the frost ".
Our people are unique.

and Zoloto

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №42319
I went for my shoes and accidentally went to a sports store.
I am already interested.
I’m chasing the cats around the house, the cat in the shower.
I too )
by Dina

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №42318
XXX: At the seminar, the girl fell asleep straight at the first party in front of the lecturer. I slept for half an hour, I was tired, I got up, I woke her up. Here he notices the engagement ring and gives it:
As long as the husband is young. Sleep to sleep.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №42317
And at the gay forums of admin gay? When he calls someone, what is his name? Probably not a pirate.


[ + 94 - ] Comment quote №42316
For some reason it seems to me that my last phrase will be "Uh nihua to myself :D"

[ + 115 - ] Comment quote №42315
on the forum:"How do you dance at the disco?"

- depending on the col-va drunk (from the mode of the "a-la shady" to the "killer mill on the autopilot")

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №42314
I want to write an aquarel.
YYY: And cutting with butterflies?

[ + 100 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42313
Kissless: There were frozen windows on all sides of the bus, there was no sight of them, I had to see through the GPS where I was going.)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna