— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №149954
One grandmother said

So it turned out that in recent years I have lived and worked far beyond 1/6 of the land. The director of the company is a simple prince (well, it happened). In fact, in addition to the prefix to the name, this title does not give him anything (that is, he can not claim power), but the very fact of working with such a person is a small reason for praise, and at the same time a source of all sorts of curious stories. Here is one of them.

Like many other princes, our prince studied at a major Western university. He studied under a strange surname, so as not to confuse teachers and classmates, and especially not everywhere posted his belonging to the royal blood (at work, by the way, not everyone knows about his noble origin - the man is really modest, although at the same time and unreally smart). Until one moment.

They had a course in modern history, in which they were offered to write an essay on one of several proposed topics. And one of the themes concerned the activities of the grandfather of our prince (I will not name the names, but the personality is really legendary). Of course, this topic was chosen. Numerous relatives who remained on their memory of the same legendary ancestor were interviewed, family archives were involved, etc. As he said, the essay was excellent.

After a while, the ratings are announced, and our prince is surprised to find that for his essay he received a rating of "B" (four). As he himself says, there would be any other topic - not even shrinking, but here the honor of the family is affected. In short, I talked to the teacher:

Why put “B”?
Poor quality of work.
In what is it expressed? Everything seems to be as it is.
Doubts about the reliability of the material.
...??! to
- You understand, in the open sources and in our library there is no material that would confirm the truthfulness of what you have stated.If the Internet existed then it was only on military bases. I asked colleagues who were involved in the history of this region - they were also unable to confirm your version of events. So your essay is nothing more than a fantasy. There is no more than four for that.

The prince, according to him, became red, then greener. Then he exhaled and issued a long tirade, the meaning of which was reduced to the following. He respects the library of this university, and those professors who study the history of his country from the materials of this library. But the source of information in his essay was his grandmother, the granddaughter of the hero of the story, as well as his cousin, respectively, the grandson of the hero of the essay. Documents confirming the truthfulness of the stated, are stored in his family assets, and if necessary - the embassy of his country will declare a note of protest over the assessment of the actions of the "father of the nation" professors of this university.

The rating was corrected to “A+”.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №149953
Hello the printing?
and yes.
Printing, we need 25 banners.
The size?
- 1m * 1.5m - 10 pieces and 0.5m * 1m - 15 pieces.
Banner or paper?
The banner. Without the perforation. How much?
About 32 thousand rubles.
is understandable.
Is something bothering you?
Can I count on cooperation?
Of course, what exactly?
- I am willing to pay 45 thousand, the difference is ready to compensate in cash?
Hm... yes... I think it will work out. Make an order?
to form.
– Send the maps to the mail, by the way, where do you need the banners?
A rally against corruption.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №149952
XHH is a programmer, VU is an analyst. XHH has a question on requirements.

WOW: Is it understandable?
XH: No
WOW: That is not? I explained for half an hour.
Yes, but I did not listen.
WOW : Why?
I’m not just interested.

But honestly.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №149951
I am, of course, not an expert, and in general that still a heretic, but I do not recall something among the recommendations "do not kill", "do not adulterate"and "do not desire the donkey of your neighbor in any sense"nothing like "redempt yourself inadequately expensive candles for the barrel". I suppose you have invented it for yourself. The meaning of a candle is to pray while it is burning - accordingly, the one who prays needs it, and not anyone else there. And they do a favor to the creator by buying temple candles, fucking, and better buy a hot lunch in the potato shop!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №149950
Without feminism, life is much more exciting. They will write so in the news that Zhirinovsky harassed a journalist - and guess what gender the journalist was)))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149949
>>> Which religion has forced you to suck on the WFP by ignoring the possibility of using the two-step sorting in advance?

Usinsk, Komi of the ASRF. Fueling 15 minutes. Passengers are not allowed to leave the boat. The needle was not directly observed. Only the trees. But far away.

and 198h. The Air Force Regiment was raised by alarm, 3 days without taking anything off, waiting for the departure. Around the Antoshia were concentrated circles of shit. The same “religion.”
Not everywhere, you panime, Sheremetyevo.
So is.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149948
“Only Jesus Christ walked on the water, the rest were swimming.

Jesus in the world of insects!

[ + 29 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149947
This is:

I look at the picture on the current page of my ex.
I: Again he gave his foolish flowers. Can I write her a comment "Stupid, he’ll leave you anyway!"?

What, with his personal life, is so silly, when the stranger causes so much curiosity?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149946
Sometimes when I talk to clients I feel like a druid. They also talked to the trees.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149945
In the topic "what you recommend":
A neighbor at the sunset of the nineties worked in a perfume store. One of the buyers decided to ask her in the spirit "Well, if a man came to you, you would be like a hut, so that it would smell?" Aunt of Light answers "Yes, the basis of the difference, most importantly, let it come - and there it will be!"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149944
The boss is joking. I said I like spiders. They typically live alone, quietly wrap up a network and administer it.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149943
The phone number broke, the owner: Muadib Muadib Shayhulovich. I said it’s obvious levy, and to me 'and where did you get it? Write like there are few strange names.'

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №149942
to this:
> and > 59. I graduated with a gold medal.

>> We have to burn

The Gentlemen. At the MGU (I HZ, as elsewhere) the diploma with distinction relied (I HZ, as now) a gold medal. In a red box. And all this was presented in a solemn outing, ball dresses, the handshake of the rector and the Te Pe. As a happy holder of the red diploma and, as a consequence, the gold medal of the MSU, I can say that there is someone who is burning.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149941
Discussion of new combat missiles
vngv: "Our new rocket is flying on an unpredictable trajectory." No one has yet reworked the phrase "To whom God will send" so creatively.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №149940
I have a transitional age.

Your transitional age has long since ended.

Do you mean I’m just so stupid?? to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149939
phenomenon of eggs

Recently there have been a huge number of people (both men and women) who have not had to take responsibility for their lives and make serious decisions. The maximum level of decision-making is the name of the cocktail in the nightclub. They do not have to choose the university, arrange for work, etc. and etc.
And imagine that such a person (woman) has someone for whom she bears full responsibility. By realizing this, the roof goes down. There is a feeling that there is finally something serious, the main thing in life, and, naturally, from her point of view, it should be the main thing not only for her, but for everyone.
Per not a very successful analogy, but nurses remind me of muddy bosses who received their position unmeritedly. They also think that they are now the most important people in the world, know everything and know everything, and everyone else owes them.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №149938
>>What does the word "client" do not suit?

We were fined for the word "client". Customers are in the bordels, but we only have guests.

A former strip bar dancer.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149937
and Taxi. I take order. I come to the point. The courtyard is illuminated by a single lamp. I see two figures coming out of the entrance, one judging by the height of the child. Sit on the back seat.

and good night. Going like that?

Welcome to. and ah. They went.

Please bring the child in the belt.

There is an unhappy cry from behind:

“Tambovsky wolf you child, fool!”

Unfortunate and incomprehensible. I turn and crawl. There is a real dwarf there.

The child arrives... taxi, passengers, an uncomfortable moment

Until then, I only saw dwarfs in movies and circuses. Well, OK, I think that being flattered in the style of "I thought you're a child so like" will only aggravate the unpleasant situation, and in general I'm above such a fuck just apologizing for starting the move. We go. In the back of my head I literally feel the unhappy eyes of a dwarf. In front of the DPS. I shrugged a hairy ribbon. I stopped.

- Captain such-som Regional GIBDD documents insurance bla bla bla...

and good night. Please please.

Do you take a taxi? Children are lucky?

He looks into the salon. through an open window.

OP is breaking. Why does the child not sit?

Then Tirion took it. The phrase "You creatures bustled, what I busted you child!" He was the most famous in his monologue. Oral for a long time. The captain squeezed that now the best option is this retreat gives me the docks, and immediately gives on the taps in the direction of the post.

The rest of the road of Karapuz was still a long time. Already arriving at the destination he apparently spoke at last calmly asked me why he was all fucking. He replied that someone wanted to fuck him on the street was dark, so it seemed to me that a man of small height was a child, and in the car it was dark, so Gaiishnik also thought that he was a child. The man even apologized a little silently. Apparently a serious complex has developed because of its deviation.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149936
The Fourth

There is such a cute bird, it's called the "butt", and it shakes just that. So I suggest changing the name of the band to the folk dance "Trysopuska", and everyone will be pleased.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №149935
I am a supporter of cremation and that ashes be scattered over the lake. This is the dream of death. And my husband just wants to go to the grave, he said that if I die first, he will ruin me anyway. Then I decided that if he was the first to accumulate, he would fly over the lake like a sweet one.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna