— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 91 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42212
In the darkness! I took a pair of socks. proved to be the same. Both without holes. I still do not believe what happened.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №42211
From the forum, section "About yourself":

To the child, I sing the Mill as a whirlwind and tell for the night about the integrals and dark matter.

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №42210
Wife (22:16:16 24/01/2011)
Tell me something good...

I am (22:16:25 24/01/2011)
The cats

Wife (22:16:35 24/01/2011)

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №42209
Comments on Smartphones:
In other words, I will not buy anything! As long as you bring it from the store, it’s outdated.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №42208
And let’s instead "Allo" say "Putin, the bomb, the coup"))

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №42207
It is like a suitcase without a pen.
What, too, to bear heavy and throw out sad? ^ ^ ^
No, you’re just that useless shit!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №42206
Sometimes we find something that would be better to go by.

[ + 76 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №42205
I returned my phone three times.

Once there was a funny incident.
We went to Lake Senez to swim.
We found a great place near the water, but it all turned out to be polluted after yesterday’s picnic of some company.
And among a bunch of garbage was a knight with the rights and a passport of one of the celebrators. I found him and returned his documents.

But before that, he carefully removed all their shit from the shore.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №42204
It takes 7 seconds for food to get from the mouth to the stomach.
Human hair can withstand a load of 3 kilograms.
The length of the penis is 3 lengths of the thumb.
Women blink twice as often as men.
The girls have read this text. The guys are still looking at their big finger.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №42203
Tiro: The girl from trouble bought herself a hamster. List of shots for one and a half hours:
1st "Zay, his food smells so delicious!"
2nd "He is swimming!"
Three "And so pleasantly the wheel turns!!! He just eats and turns! It mainly rotates. I am afraid he will suddenly get tired!"
4 is Zay, he’s been sleeping for 20 minutes! Suddenly he got sick?
5 is "And suddenly I didn’t like him? I made my room for him!"
And I thought I liked strictly logical and rational girls...

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №42202
Nanotechnology in Skopje. And what about the grandmother desperately shaking an electronic thermometer?! to

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №42201
[ALEXXX] (10:56:05 24/01/2011)
Is the session on the 31st?

[BlooDcast] (11:01:27 24/01/2011)
From 31 January to 28 February

[ALEXXX] (11:02:23 24/01/2011)
It hurts until February 28.

[BlooDcast] (11:02:39 24/01/2011)
I was told the same at work.

[ + 104 - ] Comment quote №42200
from ZH:
I am standing at the refrigerator, cats actively polish my legs, shrink and whip.

The kids are hungry, do you want to?
I’m a thin voice for cats – yes, yes! Let’s eat it, Mom!
I am for myself – and your water is over! You are poor!
* for cats * - ah, and all the water drained out, lee more!
The roof of your mother is gone, right?? to
For the cats - of course I went, eat it!

[ + 92 - ] Comment quote №42199
My mom works in the institute, my dad works in repairs, although he was also a teacher before.
The older brother bought his mother a new pot, arguing that he was ashamed of the old ones. The father shows him his old metal scissors and asks: “Don’t you be ashamed that your father cuts metal with such scissors?”
I am ashamed that my father is a metal director.
Father: What should he do?
Brother: Working at the Institute
Is this a prestigious type? Taking a bribe?
My mom doesn’t take bribes.
That’s why I cut the metal.

[ + 105 - ] Comment quote №42198
I’m not even going to ask what Johnny Depp dreams about. But when does he start singing "The Winged Hicks" – is it good or bad?

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №42197
Talk about soup on the phone.
I’m going to eat boyar soup now.
2: What is it?
I don’t know...probably with hair.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №42196
The White Devil:
I'm at sea, I don't want electricity to our south.

and Rapid:
Ride to the sea of Laptev

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №42195
xxx: fucking that's why they know so well... came, stayed in the office for 2 minutes, didn't say a word to me, all the mood ruined me...

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №42194
Q: When will you learn to control the bed?
When I left, you slept in her.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №42193
I am regularly turned away from how my mother-in-law communicates with my daughter. We did not struggle with her for a long time, we spoke gently, but in a normal language - as a result, she does not understand the bird's language of the mother-in-law, and every time she is upset: "Mom, the grandmother does not speak Russian, I do not understand."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna