— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157552
My wife told me a story that happened before we met her.

She went somehow with her friends to a restaurant, of course, drank, ate. They talk, laugh, and everything is fine. In the restaurant, the host announced that in 5 minutes the male striptease will begin. One of his wife's friends, Lena, who has long been married, modest, a rude word from her you won't hear, with all on you, after this announcement in the face changed. The girls were worried and asked, “Len, are you okay?” And Lena says, “It’s all bad! I forgot my glasses!“”

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №157551
There was a case with me when I was a child when I was locked in the toilet. The handle on the door of our bathroom was round with a button in the middle – this button and closed the door to the lock. I went to the toilet and closing the door, as usual, pressed a button. Maybe I knocked too hard or something broke inside, but the pen remained in my hand! On the other hand, the pen fell off: I heard it fall on the floor. And here, I stand in the toilet, the door is locked to the lock, and I don’t know how to open it. Mom and Dad are at work and will come only in the evening, I am home alone. Crying is useless - it is unlikely that the neighbors will hear me, and the situation is unpleasant, but not critical. So I stayed locked up in a small room until the evening, until my father came and released me. After that incident, he rained for a long time and nodded over me.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №157550
I remember when I was a child, I found a puddle in the shape of some megablaster. She was perfect in her hand, and looked roofy! In the meantime, the fox was frozen. So I hid it in the snow and dug it every day and continued to play. It was such a unique fig that when her stool fell, she even tried to “freeze” a new one. But of course it was no longer that.

But these days I was the coolest mega warrior!!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №157549
When a politician calls the enemies of a country, he always refers to his personal enemies. Do not confuse!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №157548
More about the names of the ships (short history )
In 1939, the light cruiser Molotov was launched and joined the Black Sea Fleet of the USSR. He worthyly conquered the Great Patriotic, but suffered from the exacerbation of class struggle in peacetime. When the Communist Molotov was exposed as a member of the anti-party group, on August 3, 1957, the ship received a new name "Slava".
Nobody remembered that Molotov's name was Vyacheslav.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157547
Ten thousand people are missing, right? And four hundred thousand policemen, there is where to get?! to

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157546
Do you complain about a boring movie? You might think your life is more interesting.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №157545
We decided to go to Toulouse. A week before the trip, she told her husband, “I feel like someone is waiting for me there. “I am late for a meeting!” My beloved is silent. When we arrived, we decided to go to the store. We stop, get out of the car, and a small piece of wool runs to meet me and blows. He hugged me with his legs and shrugged. I got into the car after the invitation. It was a pure Burmese cat. We dropped it a week before we picked it up. No one was there, they were waiting for us!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №157544
The most naive natives not only exchange the gold coils for glass coils, but also give the coils for storage to insidious merchants back into boxes for security. However, they are no different from other indigenous people, who exchange oil and gas for green papers, and the papers are stored in the same boxes where the boxes already lie.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №157543
My sister, when she was 12, came home from a drawing group (worked hard, wanted to become an architect). Sitting at the table for lunch, Dad asks her, saying, What did you paint today? The sister pulls out the soup and calmly answers, “The naked man from nature.” Father, I have to say goodbye, but I was slightly drowned. It turns out, the head of a man of a gipsy nature - Plato or Aristotle, I do not remember. The painting was beautiful

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №157542
I came to take my first-class daughter from school. The teacher begins to say that Masha the girl is counted, but in all the examples cites Harry Potter, and the whole class has already settled on these books, that there are other books... then somehow strangely looked at me and translated the conversation to another topic. All the way home I told my daughter that there were many different books and heroes, and the Unknown, and the Wizard of the Emerald City, the Mummy Trolls, and that she would tell more about them. And then we came home and in the mirror in the hallway I saw that I was wearing a maid with the emblem of Hogwarts.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №157541
I remembered. 2013 was a year. I will not name the city. But the essence is this: I come to the station by train and agree to go with the face of an unnamed nationality. He sounds the amount of 500 rubles at first, and when he comes, he says that from me 2000. I shrugged and sent it in three letters, throw 500 rubles on the panel, get out of the car and go to the trunk to pick up the bag. But here this bad man with the shovel breaks down from place. I didn’t think long enough to call the police. Luckily, the crew was still outside of the department guard. They come in, put me in their bowl and in 10 minutes we intercept this mountain eagle in a traffic jamming. In short, for a long time, this eagle was fined (the march and mint cleansed it well). Is that what he thought? I still get bombarded by them when I see these calls at airports and railway stations.

[ + 34 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157540
I sit on the couch waiting for the doctor's reception at the IVF clinic, on the side of the box window, and the reception room on the other floor.

A scream from the other floor:

and galia! There now the sperm donor will come in a red jacket, pay him for one serving!

All present (man 10) turn their heads to the door, enters a guy in a red jacket with the face of the jacket color. The curtain.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №157539
The lower the ruler falls, the more worship he demands of himself.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №157538
Changed rights in the summer. Of course, a certificate from a psychiatrist is required. I don't know how in other cities, but we have to go straight to the psychic. I come, I go, I look for the office I need. And suddenly the look falls on the mirror in the hallway. It turns out that if you look at it from a certain angle, you can see some sort of dressing room, and there are two either trainees or just young nurses. Halatics removed, hanged on the hangover and stand, talk toples. The heat! Well, I have looked. A low female voice brought me out of the thunder: "Who's the man who walks without observation?" I look around, then in the mirror, and I realize that the fool is me. On me, the linen costume is expensive, but in the interior of the psycho he looks like a pyjama. And a stupidly happy expression of the face. Also, not shaved, but naked haircut! I got my certificate in a week.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №157537
Why did Miller be awarded the Hero of Labor?
Well, judge yourself: a person has a monthly salary of 158 000 000 rubles. Anyone else, in his place, would get such a salary once and in a month and would be fired. And this one – and goes to work and goes and goes and goes and goes...

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №157536
Xxx: Sometimes you need to turn the hoodie. And you go into the warehouse, there was definitely a wire. Hera is there. Anything that is. But there are no wires. And you start crawling all the stuff and crafting something. And I have forgotten what the wire was and what you wanted to water there...

Yyy: The next day, you go to the shell for passages and get stuck in the wire that’s fucking everywhere.))

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №157535
I visited my aunt in another town. We haven’t seen each other in person for many years but only talked on the phone. And here we sit at the table, she looks at me carefully and says, "How long ago I haven't seen you!

I smile: now you will tell me how beautiful I am, and I really looked good that day.

And she nodded her head and longed like this:...

[ + 31 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157534
We are discussing with my wife the next record of covid in Moscow, she says to me:

Do you remember yesterday at the local chat of the mother-in-law? So today one writes "We were put into quarantine by the whole family because of a positive test, advise a fun catwalk with a rental or a taxi with a good playground, or the kids at home are bored. Not far from the metro.” They are advised!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №157533
My sister, when she was 12, came home from a drawing group (worked hard, wanted to become an architect). Sitting at the table for lunch, Dad asks her, saying, What did you paint today? The sister pulls out the soup and calmly answers, “The naked man from nature.” Father, I have to say goodbye, but I was slightly drowned. It turns out, the head of a man of a gipsy nature - Plato or Aristotle, I do not remember. The painting was beautiful

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna