— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №135801
Head of the corporation:

Fill up an anecdote.
I’m not sure if he will like it.
Our tourist stands in the middle of the Silicon Valley and the river.
Fuck me, I am Russian. Do you understand, dogs? I am Russian!

My aunt passes by.
What are you worshipping. We are all here, all Russians.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №135800
I can freely write in an hour a couple of dozen pages of A4 12 font without much stress. I think the translator can print faster. To read and learn information is a matter of a few minutes. Open any book and determine how long you will take to read a page of the text. Add to this the need to simply reprint this mastered text and the problem is solved. A dozen pages per hour a person with a knowledge of the language, I think, will go astray. If he wants to eat.

Are you working in Otis? And the output of finished products in the NIH, engaged in fundamental science, did not try to normalize?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №135799
One day my wife asked me to play Stalker. It should be noted that the wife is not a gambler.
On the mission lies a wounded man and dying voice "Help me". By the thought, you give him a medicine box, and in response he gives you all snoop. Well, the wife runs to him from the columns I hear this complaint "Help me" and right away the line from the shell.
I was long over her then that I would not ask her for help.

I remembered the song from the Diamond Hand: Help me! Help me!

It is a pity that Nicolai had no calash.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №135798
Yes, sunshine, your wife and mother are fun to wash your pope toilet and it is not exhausting to struggle the bushes for the bush, but the paragraph is like boring programming.Maybe those men who are forced to stumble on the buildings until they collapse, also do not work in a more intellectual and monetary profession, because they are more fun there?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №135797
Boys and girls, what damn do you lead families where everything is bad and everyone is obliged?
Did your colleagues or colleagues tell you to do that? and :)

Imagine, in most cases yes. "Married, though to an old Armenian" "Children and grandchildren and grandchildren" What you sit here in the computer, you have to walk in the street and look at men". These loving parents so press their beloved daughters. The fact that an unmarried, and also a childless woman is considered a "failed woman" by default is not necessary to remind, I think?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135796
and amused:

Well, and girls are initially the easiest choice - to get married and have children, "choose a family", so to speak.

"Unmarried", "why does a girl need it", "children and family are the main purpose of a woman", "baby with eggs", "unnatural", and more is what a woman who has chosen a career hears. And what they hear about 'carriers' (note the negative emotional coloring of the term) girls before they are granted the right to make 'choice'.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №135795
here here :

Yes, sunny, your wife and mother are fun to wash behind your pope toilet and it is not exhausting to struggle for the borst, but the paragraph is like boring programming.

And the funniest thing about this is that if you are a woman, then engaging in some dull programming or something no less "complicated, and therefore boring", for you most often does not completely cancel the need to have fun washing the toilet behind all the pops available in the family and striking the pants. You are indeed obligated.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №135794
XXX: How many girls were in terms of sex?

Yyy: There were about 150 in terms of sex.

Yyy: But I’m really far behind the plan.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №135793
xxx: In the news you said +28. Is it true?

Yyy: somewhere +24... +26. The wind is not very pleasant.

The wind fucking unpleasant.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №135792
The 21-year-old saw two teenagers breaking a child’s hill through the window.

He dressed up, went out into the street and, coming to them, said:

Are you running well?

Yes, and what then?

- I called the police on you, I think you will be able to escape or not?

So we ran?

It will not help.

Why is?

I agree.

What to do?

Remove what you have swallowed.

Breathtaking and standing out of effort, two swings, return the hill to its original state, then ask.

Can it now?

Now it can. and run!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135791
I will start from the beginning. My dad hadn't seen her for years since four or five (as my mom drove out for drunkenness and fattening) and didn't mock, no and no, and fuck him. Naturally, neither food nor gifts were seen. And here suddenly (five years ago), there were relatives on the father's line (thanks to social networks), relatives are normal, working people, but as they say in the family, not without wickedness. As the aunt writes to us, the wife of his brother, the father asks for my mother’s number. The number given, I wonder what he will say in so many years. And then it started... Yes, I only loved you all my life, and you are the best of all and so on (to say, he had a wife, who also safely washed him up). Then after the emotional outbreaks began, put money on the phone, then let me visit you, only I have no money, if you list me, I will come. And the question is why you need us in so many years, and also at our expense. It is bold enough!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №135790
The internet is falling today.
yyy: lucky you - we are here falling ice rain, passers, branches, trees, wires and supports LEP

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №135789
What is Misogynia? Girls are simply not interested in such a boring and difficult activity as programming. Who is interested - those quietly learn and work, in IT offices mostly modern educated people, not chauvinists. Well, there is a small percentage of people justifying their own laziness and inability by external circumstances - but they are of any gender and in any field of activity.

Oh, how gracefully you put misogyny into a comment that denies misogyny!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №135788
Straga: SMS from friends in the morning after yesterday’s meeting, which I didn’t get on: Yesterday we drank so cool beer that we just have a wild headache, and you don’t, because you are a FAIL!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №135787
xxxx: I go out of the house in the morning, say goodbye to the courtyard and to maintain the conversation I ask:
Is this falling from the sky?
The palace is sad:
I don’t know, but I’ll try to remove it.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №135786
What was the most interesting cut?

Stop complaining about misogynia! Take yourself into your hands, cuddles, stop being afraid of the mythical "sea pigs", stop reading the hue about the role of a woman and procrastinate! If you want to study programming, go! Get up from the couch and get your papers!

There was a programming girl. In the key that, after studying and working in this field, you encounter chauvinism from all sides. Why are you unable to accept the fact that misogyny exists? Let us pour all the shit into your ears from childhood, and then mock - say, you are weak, and with the world and society everything is fine?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №135785
They asked where Ebola was coming from. So there is nothing interesting - they found a vaccine and injected the population. In Africa, people don’t sit on the internet, don’t know that they are being vaccinated by the U.S. government, so that in some countries the epidemic has already ended without any excessive drama, and in others it will be quietly over soon. be healthy.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №135784
Mom, buy some bread.
You have already told me. Do you believe in my strength?
Silence in the phone.
I believe. I believe in your strength. I do not believe in your memory.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №135783
With Trump’s victory, 2.5 million Americans moved to Canada. Trump has created 2.5 million jobs.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №135782
At the grandmother in the village everything grows - and potatoes, and cabbage, and pork, and the ass of the granddaughter from cabbage, potatoes and saliva.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna