— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №90245
in the forum
B*I bought a telecast, brought home, unpacked, I look at a film on the screen some well I nailed it and scratched it, B*I and it turns out to be a special film for 3D(((((((
Advice from the forum:
I’ll buy a movie that turns the car into a 3de )))))))))))))))
CSC: click back to any STO where they are toned)
Stack this film on your eyes and you will be watching 3D, and not just on TV
Kkk: My LG 3D TV did not pull out of the package. I look like that, though dull.
The bubbles burst all! Better to contrast.
KKK: He kicked the needle. There are points on the screen. It became worse. Dress the box, let’s see, maybe it’s better.
The head must be swung into the box - for the sound around))))
NN: I look straight into the box. On the box there is a picture of the TV in natural size.
RG: It was still not necessary to get out of the box and not to bring out of the store. Just hardcore.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №90244
Kosmach: today at 12 a.m. on the 7th channel RNTV showed a torch carrier who told how he was preparing for this responsible event: ran around the village with the FACE-IMITATOR))) straight so he said.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №90243
The whole earth is such a device. You light it with light, and it makes space ships.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №90242
DUDENOFF: Agree, since then mankind has entered the information age. And it is just entering into force, gaining momentum.
I think in a few generations people will look at today’s people as savages.
God_Mode: Yes, I already look at today’s people as savages.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №90241
The source of unceasing torture.
I already want...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №90240
WOW: And what happened?
In bed yesterday I said to her, “You’re just a wizard!”
Oh yeah yeah, I’m a 90 level magician.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №90239
The news:

USA threatens full withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan

They threatened!! to

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №90238
by Dick!by :

Some 200 can be counted, with the remaining millions rubbing forests in Canada and washing democratic toilets at McDonald’s.

How many in Russia?
There are fewer toilets in Russia. And those who wash are generally units.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №90237
The xxx:
I went to the subway with my 7-year-old daughter and she fell asleep. The next one, I bounce it, but the result is zero. The train stops, you have to go out, she sleeps. Nothing to do, I take it on my hands (yet that circus in the stopping wagon to lift a sleeping 30 kg child). And here she speaks loudly:
Yes it worked!
The whole car was crying.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №90236
Plutonium in Nsk can be taken every second Wednesday of the month at midnight at the corner of Mukhina-Proletarskaya from an invisible man in a pink coat of fortress with two nails. Have you been to Tehran? TEGRAN KEASOYAN on vacation.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №90235
Such a feeling that the whole modern cinema has so exhausted the ideas that it works on the principle:
People don’t read books anyway, let’s screen something.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №90234
You go to the website for a job, and they’re happy to see you again.
Polite and fucking.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №90233
It’s time for Hermione to play Game of Thrones.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №90232
I am in the store in line. The son asks the young mother:
I want chocolate!
He gently answers:
I will buy you bread and water.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №90231
Talk to a friend on Skype. He was asked by the electrical monitors what the law of Ohm was, but they did not know. He adds at the end:
We do not use the law of Ohm.
0 0 How is it?
We do not need him.
Per you are ignoring the law of universal gravity?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №90230
From the ASCII.
Olya is:
I was so once on a diet, I was sitting, crying, my husband said that I was fucking, bought me chocolate chips and chocolate and said, “Lope, and then I can’t tolerate your psyche.”
Olya is:
and became eating them.
Olya is:
I eat and cry.
No comments...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №90229
Mail in the chat:
- Men, and all the right and left pads wear equally? I think my right hand was a few millimeters stronger.
If you brake your right leg, it should be.

[ + 12 - ] Comment quote №90228
I can lose anything at home: a notebook, a T-shirt, a virginity.

[ + 51 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №90227
An employee of the Ministry of Energy said:
Yesterday another masterpiece from the citizen came: "I believe that the experiment on the implementation of social norms of electricity supply in a number of regions contradicts Article 21 of the Constitution - "no one can be subjected to medical, scientific or other experiments without voluntary consent."

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №90226
by JJ
As the classics said, “You are not afraid of this, you are afraid of that!”

Somewhere in the corner of our political kitchen, the autoclave, in which the successor of the current regime - the new political system of Russia - grows not by day, but by hour. Russia, which has lost the tradition of the working-class movement, which has lost the purpose of the scientific organization of society, which has transformed itself into people and their power, which is struck by the most dormant superstitions and, after all, is poisoned to the root by a bizarre mixture of communal peasant morality, urban merchantship and various thieves’ concepts, replacing (suddenly!) A code of honor.

As soon as the coryto [state budget] is empty, the inhabitants will help the new system out of the autoclave.

That will be scary.

And what color will be the patch over the head of this cadastre - it doesn't matter.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna