— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146094
xxx: I have good news: the task N has been cancelled - we do not.
YYY: And we haven’t done it a long time ago.
Zzzz: We are professionals!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146093
BceM_IIpuBeT: Why is the aquarium empty? Did you eat fish?
Ramil: She is plastic on the batteries, the batteries sat down, the fish lay on the bottom of the mouth.
Harald: where the world went, rubber women, fish on batteries
Ramil: electronic cigarettes
sehellion: alcohol-free beer, electric cars
Ramil: Mac OS

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №146092
I was 15. The words pedic, blue and gay I didn’t know, I didn’t even know that there could be something between men. There was no geo-propaganda at the time. My friend and I once got involved and played very seriously. I guess we do something shameful, but no matter. hidden from their ancestors. So far nobody knows. He served for two years, I didn’t. His daughter is soon to finish school, and my son is in 5th. Growing up will get a girl well. I’m going to be with a guy, that’s fate. I will support it even if my wife is against it.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №146091
The Air Forum

“If, let’s say, a child born to two geniuses, immediately after birth, be given to the flock of meteorologists... eheye... that is, wild boys, then nothing will ever come out of that child.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146090
I heard on the radio today that the police are looking for the murderer of a Gypsies. Sending a summary and an accompanying letter.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146089
On the video capture card manufacturer’s website ad: "Please do not use a splitter to unlock copying protection".
Fuck, if they didn’t write, I’t even guess, thank you!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №146088
I watch a porn-hub video where a charming girl brings pizza to five men. The pizza looked so appetizing that I didn’t watch the video and went to the kitchen for dinner. the old.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146087
Women’s sexual freedom has the same right to exist as men’s. But when I heard this story from her, I thought for a long time about the characteristics of female logic.

And what about female logic and logic (genderless) in principle? Full of men who believe that love (and family) in itself, and the freedom of relationships on the side of itself, and none contradicts the other. So your acquaintance just lived according to such a scheme, which is more common in men.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146086
[10:57:04] Dmitry Matrenin: And which smart man multiplying 1.36 by 100 gets 136?! to
[10:57:16] Dmitry Matrenin: Instead of 36
Victor Dobrov: Any normal person
[10:58:45] Dmitry Matrenin: Soryan)))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146085
With foolish enemies, you don’t even need to spend money on a piar.
Alexis the Teacher

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №146084
She works as an anesthetic nurse.
Following her words.

When people after operations and anesthesia are brought to the general chamber, they are observed by staff at the time of "retreat" after anesthesia. Usually the doctor comes and asks general questions: how well-being, what day today, etc. The goal is clear: to assess the patient’s condition. Since some patients may begin to get stupid and inadequate, and such individuals can harm themselves and other patients in the department.
If there is a suspicion of the patient's bullying, especially coupled with hallucinations, then with the help of bandages they are fixed to the bed, for their own benefit.

They bring a young man to the room. The guy comes to himself. To him fits a doctor and my acquaintance (which is an anesthetic nurse).
The doctor asks him on duty questions and the guy answers them appropriately.
But then suddenly he gives the phrase, “Doctor, I wanted to tell you... you have a dove walking around the chamber.”
The nurse and the doctor looked deeply, shrugged their heads. Without unnecessary words and gestures (the experience of joint work, it is) it became clear: you need to bind.

And here from under the patient’s bed comes a real pigeon.)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №146083
From the operational report:
Petrov, coming from the factory after work and hearing the message of his wife that their son had won the Olympics in physics and mathematics, silently turned, went out, called the door to his neighbor, the mathematician Zimmerman, and struck him without explanation.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №146082
British bartender Daniel Bill told The Sun that Spacey approached him on the street when he came out of the bar to smoke. Bill claims that the artist showed him a penis and then gave him his precious Swiss clock.

Do you want a clock? Fuck you here!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146081
Conversation in bed:
-Blin, I just normally and exactly crossed the bed today, and it was flat until you came!! to
Did we do anything? O-O
I didn’t really move...oh!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146080
I read the news site:

Sobchak entrusted the conduct of his campaign in social networks Adagamov
Dog in Domodedovo will be taught to distinguish between euro and yuan by smell

I read the news right for the third time.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146079
I went to the metro today from work. There is a guy sitting next to him playing in FIFA. The screen is big, I sit watching his game, like some kind of activity, not so boring.
The crowd is filled on the ring, a man of 35, comes in, stands up over us. He saw football, looking down to the game with interest, two stops looking closely, then when the people relaxed, he opens the backpack, gets a beer, opens and continues to watch with beer =)
He watched the match with such interest, right on the face can be seen how he experienced. It was a pity he had to go out earlier, it was interesting how he would celebrate the victory =)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146078
The MFO:
I was offended. And for what! I wore it for 2 hours (!) I chose the appearance of the character in Warcraft.
I tried to find out where the hairdresser was located.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №146077
“Let it be their secret.” Why do we need this secret? They say, “Let no one be tempted.” This is the strangest thing about homophobia. Some striking uncertainty in sexual orientation, yours and others. It turns out that heterosexuality holds on a thin thread of ignorance. It literally hangs on the hair. You will find out that there are gay, you will meet, don't give god, in life - and all, a missing man.

To awaken the sensuality of any orientation to teenagers is sufficient for each other, it has always been enough and will always be.
Therefore, the only effective means of preventing homosexuality among minors can only be to keep them in single chambers with feeding through a window by the face of an unknown sex, which is better over time to replace with a machine. There are no patterns on the wallpaper. There is no other means. We need to think about the relevant bill. Nothing will help any more. And this too.
Alexander Baunov

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146076
The first job at 29 years old, immediately an engineer with a salary of one and a half thousand euros, without knowledge of the local foreign language. English and Russian are usually enough.
Just an engineer.

What did he live for before?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146075
Spacey approached him on the street when he came out of the bar to smoke. Bill claims that the artist showed him a penis and then gave him his precious Swiss clock.

They were measured.
Spacey has lost.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna