— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №149854
What is not the national idea - once every 100 years to take away from the rich land and factories?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №149853
A story that I was not a witness to, but it was told so long and so detailed in the faces of my fellow servants that I was ready to eat, issued by the caring Motherland, shorts and shoot myself with a postcard stamp. Because that day, being in the dress, I had to leave for a few hours to the nearest town to our part. We had our own mail, but the blind belief in the "friendship of peoples" forced our deputy to write out the local press.

We then served in a warm and humid climate, and the local population in conversation constantly sought to switch from Spanish to Portuguese and back.

In one of those glorious days, when the whole part was built on the plateau, in anticipation of the divorce, the army "uazik" entered the plateau without rushing, with the tent removed. In this untouched jeep of the Soviet army, our deputy was sitting in the back, surrounded by beautiful boobies in panamas and necklaces, covering their faces, leaving in sight only the coal-colored eyes. For the fullness of the image of the barmalayes lacked only a beautiful striped maïka. And they had swords and one of them they obviously tried to demonstratively shave the intendant on the go. Major sweated heavily, but tried to move in the tact of improvised shaving, otherwise he risked being sent to his homeland in pieces.

The brave Latin guy gestures explained that his name was Juan and demanded five boxes of "callaches" for the release of the officer. He was able to trade, and this was clearly not the first such deal in his life. In the Soviet army, everything is happening around the plateau. To the plate also adjoined the construction of the sanctuary. The bell of the glass sounded and, flying out together with the window, the frame revealed the interior of the medical unit. Rising tremendously in the midst of what a second ago was the window of the shipyard, the captain of the medical service and the wife of the officer who had fallen into the clutter stood together. “Let Lenu go, Pidorasses,” she cried, frightening her gentle baritone to the herds of birds for a couple of kilometers in the district.

Considering that an officer and a big woman in a white coat are more than just an officer, the two martyrs rushed to the sandstone and jumped to the doorstep and found themselves inside. First, they wrapped a glass closet and, seeing the packages with ampoules, began to fold them into their bottomless pockets. Then they covered the wife of the rear, but due to her infinite dimensions, it was possible to cover her for a long time.

An incomprehensible picture formed in the head of Venika, a soldier of service, sitting behind the screen waiting for an unpleasant cleansing procedure. Venice had a shutdown. In a country where thousands of people die from diarrhea every month, Vienna couldn’t be ashamed. It is worth explaining separately that Vienna was a very specific little man, whose relatives, upon reaching the age of 18, entered the army, considering it a good use of Vienna as an army turniket, on the thin end of the assault barrel or even just bombs. Rodna didn’t love Venyamin very much, we didn’t love him too much, the whole part didn’t love Venika. And how can you love a soldier who confuses a bag with sugar and salt while dressing in the kitchen, how can you love a breaking valve along with a pipeline while brushing your teeth? The noise in the sandstone he perceived very ambiguously - he stood up. Have you ever seen a white cloth covering the body inflated by a pleasant breeze from the missing window? Latinos, too, probably never saw the Canterville ghost before. Something screaming, they tried to get the white ghost out. Per it would be the best way for them to dive into the Venyamin Machete, but they foolishly missed that opportunity. Wenyamin, thinking only of one of the categories led by him, to the full horror of the guests and the military doctor, began the movement in a quiet manner, being dressed in a shirt. The military doctor knew what Vienna was and cautiously tried to hide behind the barmalayas. Figo has succeeded.

Grouchocha and splitting in two, the upper part of the wooden frame of the shell buried under it a military doctor and one of the Aborigines. Another, seeing the glorious death of his comrade, tried to escape. But the cracked rope freed Vienna and, breaking through the diaper of the cloth, he hastened to the exit. As he then tried to explain: in search of the toilet, because an unusual situation led his body to a sense of intimacy of complete relaxation. Between the toilet and the exit was a lot of latinos. It was in this order that they collapsed from the doorstep of the shed: the ladder, the bandit and the boots with the Venus sitting on the shoulders of this same bandit. There is such a very unpleasant thing - a "coloured" fracture, which is how latinosus was diagnosed. Seeing the unhealthy boiling, wazyk approached the doorway to pick up his shareholder. Instead of the bandit, Vienna jumped into the car. Surprised the driver gave on the gas and moved on one of his known path. Even more surprised was the bandit holding a knife at the hostage’s throat. Vienna grabbed the bandit with both hands, in an attempt to stay inside the "goat", during his strange trajectories of movement through the territory of the part. Travelling under a low branch of a tree, Vienna mysteriously disappeared from the goat vertically upward. Ironically, the fate, along with Vienna, hanged on a tree and barmalay. Probably, they were the only ones in the part of the lift and they found themselves on Venemian.

Wasik leaned into the fence and turned back. I don’t even know if it’s worth saying that he passed under Vienna. You will not invent it intentionally. Later, someone said: the lifts broke, Vienna himself claimed that he himself jumped. But the fact remains a fact: Vienna landed on the car's cap and finally demoralized the enemy by his appearance alone. The awakened security of the unit finally took up its duties and, turning all the invaders, transmitted them to the hauptwacht. Soon to them, in the neighboring chamber, joined and Vienna, in front of the eyes of the whole part, exfoliated under the tree. Stress is the best medicine for constipation.

Vienna, for her heroism, was awarded an honorary literature and wrote a letter of thanks to the Motherland. The answer did not wait long, the text of the telegram from the chairman of the council was extremely short and read: "Welcome. I hope the army remains.”

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №149852
During the reign of the king, there was a church in our village. This was not the case with the counsel. But there was a school, a hospital, a club, a library. There is nothing of that. But there is a church and a cabbage.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №149851
At the first hour of the night, I went to the shower, leaving the working computer on.
The cat opened Skype and sent a message to my boss: "Zucca". It seemed to her little and she called him. The boss decided that if I’m calling at this time, it means that the matter is really "sugar" and accepted the call. Further, he said, the first thing he saw was a furry cat's ass, which was visible very clearly and in all the details. I was able to appreciate it, as I was then sent a screenshot for memory. Then the cat knocked his nose into the camera, wrote: "Fyff" and called the phone.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №149850
I am 50 years old. I remember the time when the sanatorium and the holiday home did not accept children up to 5 years old, and the baby in the airplane caused a surprise by the unstoppability of his parents.

All of course right. But with my mother and her sister, my grandmother sat for days. Me and my cousin were sent to our house for a couple of summer months. In addition, as soon as I became ill, one grandmother rushed to sit with me and the other pleased to take at least for a week, at least for a month.
My mother and I have a good relationship and she loves her grandchildren. But she works (I don't live in Russia, before my mother's retirement for 10 years, but you often work for retirement). Yes, and she’s simply not obliged to spend her life on my children (and at the time I thought it was).
The only way out is not to ride, not fly. I do, I wait for them to grow up. But the majority of mothers from such roofs go and this condition is as cool as it is, and for the household and for work is useless.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №149849
Who recommended the film "Three Idiots", Indian? Enthusiastically!!!!! to
Thank you very much, good man!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №149848
xxx:"Chechen gangs are weaponizing in Berlin" What is the blasphemy? What kind of gang? They are independent fighters, brave rebels!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149847
>Potomy what ecli nao6opoot, that read caxapa inpitaeetcya in paquetik and ero jalko outpacyvat.

Are you oxphaned to get a package out of your puppy?! to

[ + 26 - ] [9 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149846
A mother-in-law is a hypertrophic sense of self-importance and service to the whole world for what she gave birth to. It is not related to the upbringing of children, whether she will be born a future bandit or a future scientist - the merit, rather, of the children themselves.
A long time ago, when 4-5-year-old children walked alone in the courtyards, and the 10-year-olds themselves went to the clinic, when entering the university together with the students got single hysterical mommies, and now - a child without a mother - it's nonsense, the whole family is dragging! Thus, excessive detocentrism, the instigation of the value of children for the happiness of adults and the obligation of reproduction are externally imposed social phenomena necessary for the prosperity of corporations that trade in children’s goods.
by p.s I am 50 years old. I remember the time when the sanatorium and the holiday home did not accept children up to 5 years old, and the baby in the airplane caused a surprise by the unstoppability of his parents.

[ + 34 - ] [15 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149845
We are frightened by geys and geys. You know, I’m fucking on gay and geek parades. Let them walk by the pen, kiss me, fuck me, right?

I am afraid of this:

Sit a little next to the little girl, fill a journal, watched by dozens of eyes and a video camera – and you’ll be accused of pedophilia – that’s what I’m really scared of!

And I am afraid that my child will be in trouble on the street – no one is insured – and no soul will dare to help him out of fear of being accused of pedophilia.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149844
Another word came into use – “outsourcing.” It is beautiful! Russian in order. Clear and clear. I have, for example, a sanitary technician working on a contract when in the toilet the content is stuck. But I’m afraid that if he starts outsourcing to me, I won’t get a bottle. Anyway. already is. The toilet was recently repaired. The call. I open the door and look into the laced shoes. And above the shoes intelligent such a face without the usual blue. “Did you call a facade specialist?” asked the owner of the face with the shoes. “What?” I squeezed a little. "Are you changing the toilet?" - stunned by the incomprehensiveness of the client, the sanitary was coldly informed. “I, yes... and... this... where is Uncle Cole?” – “I retired,” the shoes followed in my variety... sorry, “deficit-rum.” “Everything!” I understood. “It will cost me expensive.” And – charged for the installation twice the cost of the toilet itself. Although I never understood how the work of the "specialist in the faction" is different from uncle-colina.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №149843
Dico liked the phrase from the JJ about the debate: "Well, how he threw up... Preliminarily, of course, he shouted "hold me seven" and, convinced that they hold, rushed into the fight.

[ + 26 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149842
What does it mean to want someone to take care of your life?
The point is that your praised entrepreneur simply won’t be able to do without qualified professionals, and if you’re sorry for the money, then let him do this work himself. And probably some think that only they do important things, and the rest are shit.

I support. I was in shock when I worked as an expeditor. The boss for some reason thought that the salesmen in the company were the most important, and the rest were the auxiliary elements. And went away from there. Let the vendors sell everything on their own machines.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149841
<Gaddafi Dak> People love to commemorate a monkey with a grenade, to the place and not to the place. So, I say responsibly: meeting a man with a grenade is much more terrifying.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149840
Check in the metro:
When I go with the suitcase on the wheels, it enters the enlightening closet, it is checked.
When I go with a 80 litre backpack. Within a bunch of iron, a sword! (I go to the historical reconstruction.) The frame is up to maximum. No one checks, because the backpack does not fit into the enlightening closet. I walk without stopping.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149839
I explain to a friend the characteristics of working in a Chinese company.
My friend (D) You have a Chinese director.
No, but not meth. The Chinese are fully satisfied.
D. Matis of the Russian and Chinese.
A man and a condom.

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149838
>>>> The challenge is dropped!
>> God is not in the temple, but in the soul,

Per, even if there is a Christian here, able to answer without "you still will not understand" and "it is not understandable at all".

Under soul in all cultures is usually understood a person or something of this kind. You cannot say that she is in you, because it is you in her.
2) As God is a metaphysical entity, CB is not a place, but a state. To get into this state, it is necessary to find peace with yourself and forgive yourself, which is easier if you have refrained from shame all your life;
Every person has his own perception, there are no two identical personalities. There is not that God has each his own, every dirty stone in the universe is distorted by perception.
4) Muslims call their God Allah, while Buddhists do not see any difference and do not call anything. The Buddha is the teacher and example of a man who has successfully reached the Nirvana – the freedom of the individual from the body shell and the entanglement on the bodily way of life, which is repeated, repeated, and all overwhelmed; the true Buddhist has truth in the soul, not conscience;
Everyone has something of its own, and if a person believes that he has no soul, then it is! But if he’s bothering a lot about it, it’s a cry for help.
If so, I’m a troll and a pagan, and I worship fire and sun, but I’m bored and I can’t pass by and leave my smoking fat IMHO.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №149837
This is one of the most common opinions of modern anthropologists. Our ancestors evolved as hyper social animals. At some point, interaction in the herd became even more important for survival than interaction with the rest of nature. Accordingly, the mind developed under such pressure and began to see social phenomena in natural phenomena. Thus e. When the trouble happened, the brain in the pattern thought not "how did it happen?", but "why am I so?" "who am I so?", "who am I angry with and how can I please him?". In response to these questions, spirits first arose, and then other persistent memes that grew into religion. So mysticism is a natural product of the creativity of a healthy brain, and even if a mental bomb wipes out all of humanity’s memory of religions, they (religions) will recover quite quickly.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149836
In the evening of 18.03. I think, if Sobchak won the elections (Tfu-Tfu) and went to a decree, would she not have been fired for 3 years and had to hold re-election to replace her? Failure to comply with the RF Code? Or is the next candidate automatically becoming an IO?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149835
My friend has a horse for a trip. More precisely his wife. So, according to him, this fox burns 47 tons of bubble per month.
What about the horse?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna