— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №58313
On the site with shoes description of boots:
Type of hood: hood.
Type of seat: seat.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №58312
When Google finally releases such a proga that will send off all yandex.bars, satellites, defenders of quip and other creatures that change the start pages and default search in the browser

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №58311
The lifestyle.
In my free time I like to ride the elevator.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №58310
I took a shower. I go out of the bathroom naked. A cat sits and with a playful gaze looks at me in the abdomen. He did not tempt the cat, he wrapped up a towel.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №58309
xxx: strange... freelancer asked for 359 rubles of advance payment)
yyy: stock is worth a monthly subscription xDD
XXX is fucking.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №58308
Medical institute, practice of pathanatomy... Teacher (adjusting the microscope with the next preparation): “My God, you just look, what a charm! Unfortunately, 95% of patients simply do not survive before this..."

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №58307
The World of Tanks:
You are not joking! It is so planned! Enemies will go, they will think that this is whose country house, and here it is shooting us home in the back! =) is

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №58306
We are in our country like children of alcoholics...we are beaten, we are separated, we are not allowed to develop as individuals...and we are all waiting for a kind parental word and candy.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №58305
nickos: decided to find a community on Facebook dedicated to our small town, say, is there such an intelligence? It turned out there were, there were even 40 people, wondering who admin...
I am the admin.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №58304
Nat: I looked at something under the keyboard, and there was a bunch of little stuff. I went to the kitchen and saw a mountain of dishes. and washed. I went to remove the sausage left on the table in the refrigerator, washed the refrigerator (it was time), then under the refrigerator. Then he swept. Then I washed. In four hours I’m back to the comp... Fuck, I was going for the cloth!=D

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №58303
XXX: Who are you so evil?
yyy: In the session (((

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №58302
klopocaswq: found this topic on the net.I was sure that another cowboy.He entered his name and was in shock!!! Reference to
Yuri: Fuck, you’ve already gotten your spam... you’ll appear again... Fuck your grandmother... The horse!! to
Klopocaswq: go go fuck fuck fuck!!! to
Dmitry: It is a miracle! A Christmas miracle! The speaking bot.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №58301
I want to go to the third high.
YYY : Why? You recently got the second.
I like to ride in the subway.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №58300
xxx: The longest recorded game in Monopoly lasted 1680 hours (more than 70 days).
I don’t believe it is 70 days.
yyy: afternoon
XHH:means that aliens are on the moon and in 2012 will be the end of the world that you believe, but that in the monopoly you can play 70 days you do not believe?

[ + 50 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №58299
Tatiana: On December 30, the father was at the corporation, and then decided to sit alone in the bar and disappeared for an hour. On the other side, the voice of a-la is heard "blonde" (then it turned out to be true) and says the following: "Hello! Your dad was so badly applied by the car when he ran over Nevsky!". His voice maneuvered. "He is very drunk, he is inadequate! We don’t know what to do with it!". "Is it okay with the packaging? You called the ambulance?" - I ask. the voice with the reproach answers: "I am from the ambulance!" O_o

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №58298
I’d invite her to a wedding just to watch her jump for the bride’s bouquet.
YYY: Yes, she will take six of the light athletics and bat!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №58297
I communicate with my younger brother (MB) on Skype, discuss his passed exam (studying in another city).
I: So what about the exam?
MB is sad. To the trio, the elderly for preparation did not ask those questions.
I: Well, punish her male, adult, so that the next time, the necessary questions.
The father, passing by, commented on the advice: "Do not think of punishing so, or she will like, you will not give up the session at all"."
The Chickle (Chickle)
WOW: ahah, punishment, and potm in 9 months another exam will pass

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №58296
I put on pasta for dinner and I remember:
It was impossible to eat meat in the army. So I ate pasta right with bread.
What the father answers:
and salad! I ate fried bread with bread in the army.

[ + 33 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №58295
Where to buy Japanese mayonnaise?
-Well, to look for it, you add wasabi to ketchup, this is the Japanese mayonnaise!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №58294
Commentary on the article on the increase, KMM, member

What nonsense are they writing here? Should a man have a member to his knee? To when he walked on his legs fighting or while standing supported his beard?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna