— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №58293
I came home, dressed up, washed up, sat down at the computer... I sit, I play. I hear footsteps, the light has turned on in the hallway and the father is shooting in his pockets.. long laughed, remembering the past.. =)
Where did you leave the cigarettes?
XXX is fucking.

The user "xxx" is disabled.

Offline for a week 😉

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №58292
I understood that I was older when girls with children began to be added to the asche...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №58291
XXX: In order for this to happen, we need to work more with the intelligence services. Burn, so to speak, the orange infection in advance.

YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Right to indefinite detention, like in the United States? To put children in prison, like in England?

Zzz: Well, if you must have learned to build democracy, then, yes, you have to learn from England and the United States. And if you agree with totalitarianism, you can do without these atrocities.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №58290
xxx is :
Yyy: Keep on, you intrigued me.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №58289
Dad went in and announced that it was 5 minutes until the end of the world... Then smiled, looked at our lengthy rows and explained that in 5 minutes will turn off the light and the switch will be repaired=)))

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №58288
Where can I get the right to control the armor?
God, go on this way! Who will stop you?! to

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №58287
XX: I just want everyone to be fine.
YYY: Xxx, even with Hitler?

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №58286
If you want the whole world to be subdued, start from the inside.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №58285
Life sometimes learns such wonderful lessons.
A few years ago, a company decided to build a hospital on the desert that is next to the house. Everything was as planned - and permission from the city authorities, and a plan, and a general assembly for the whole district for objections.
He did not go to the assembly and apparently nobody protested because the hospital was built. And, as was expected, the ambulance sirens went at night. I had to replace the doors and windows with noise-proof, so that fewer sirens came out. Over time, these sirens started irritating me and quite strongly. As soon as I hear it, it unwillingly breaks out “For...Let’s finally!”
This is the preamble...

On the New Year’s Eve, I decided to do sushi. I just love them and cook better than in sushi bars. But since their wife does not eat them, and I am forever in the hoops, the case of cooking them is rare. And this is such a day - there are no things and it is not expected, in the evening we are going to celebrate the 2012 meeting with friends, and before that - walk - I don't want to. As the saying goes, if you want to laugh at God, tell him about your plans.

Ingredients are purchased. Calmars were not fresh, bought frozen.
has prepared. Pleased to know. And yet another beer! It broke out in full!
I have not eaten my favorite food for a year.
Two hours later there was a slight illness. At 5am, it became clear that I could not go anywhere. I thought I got a cold in the morning. After half an hour, it became clear that in the best case, I would meet the New Year with a snoring. When he became sick, he began to suspect poisoning with calmaras. When he got sick for the second time and his legs began to take off, he told his wife to search for symptoms of poisoning on the Internet and what to do in such cases. Going here to the ambulance is useless - if you do not squeeze the chest (suspecting a heart attack) will be taken at best in 3-4 hours. At this time, I’d rather be at home.
And here on the telecast show about fuga (fish so poisonous, who doesn't know) show - right, what is called, guessed with the topic!
The woman says the case is serious - you need to go to the doctor urgently.
I analyze the situation. By the rate of deterioration of the condition, I pretend that the kayak comes somewhere in about an hour. I say, we go to the hospital.
After a couple of useless calls on the phones indicated on the turnover of insurance cards ("we are closed, you need to call there and there") we realize that we need to call 911...
Two fire cars and police arrived within a minute. with the sirens. In the house fell 8-10 people, like Uncle Chernomore. All as a selection! I lie on the couch and look at everything in a different way.
It seems like everything is familiar to the pain, and it is no longer quite ordinary.
They quickly measured the pressure, the level of oxygen and the devil still knows what (these are all firefighters) and then called an ambulance. The ambulance arrived in a few minutes. Hospitals have a choice. He chose his place where he once lay.
“Jambul is my home, there is my mother” (Vasya Alibabaevich). We put them on the knives, we were lucky in a half-blind state. He reassured himself, and now he won’t die. Gave oxygen, put a dropper.
Through the fog I realize that we go without sirens, without special signals, we stop at every light.
They arrived. Nothing serious was found except a very low oxygen content in the blood. Written at 23:56. The doctor said, “It will be worse, please ask back.”
The new year was met with the guard of the hospital in the waiting room. We wish each other a happy new year. Without toasts.

The next day I remember the events of last night. The question is, why didn’t the syrene be turned on? It would be much more convenient to go - there are almost no cars on the road, you don't need to scatter anyone, turn on the syrene and gaze without stopping.

Believe it or not, I don’t react to the sirenes at all. If you turn it on, it means that the person in the car, according to the major hero, is much worse than I was then, for the New Year.
Let them help quickly and let them recover quickly!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №58284
Respect your parents. They graduated from school without Google and Wikipedia.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №58283
12:04:09 Wolf_anist goes to room-flirting and dating
12:05:32 Wolf_anist comes to us from room-flirting and dating
12:05:49 Orange_piano: Wolf_Ananist: Well, how did it go?and :)

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №58282
Pelevin's novels can not only be read, but also smoked. When you read, it touches more.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №58281
Is it hard to write where you’ve seen it?

At first I thought it was HTML.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №58280
It was necessary to declare to friends in a slightly drunk state and shout from the threshold: Christ has risen! confusing views and a question with a half-drunk voice: “Is it already Easter?”“Christmas is like..." and my answer: "Yes, no. I just thought about eggs..."
Everyone was lying I immediately trembled from such a laugh)))))))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №58279
The Tango:
You guys, you guys are fucking.
Stop taking the first 10 steps to these fools. If he cheers, he cheers on your next greetings.I like it. If you need it, he will get you from underground, a child will write, call, in exceptional cases will give flowers, and you will never humble yourself, even if you love, then you will love, and the sediment from your humiliation will remain, and will torment you.

"Yes, you guys fuck" - the first phrase killed. Of course, the text was not written by a girl, and not even a grandmother... A stupid bull – read a cow. Sometimes the ears are worn out of such vulgarity. No normal man who needs a normal relationship will have anything serious to do with such a lady.
A woman who reacted so much about men is predestined to be hit by men because she will see nothing in her partner except for bad qualities.
If a girl wants to be the first step towards her, then she should be a girl, not thin, because cows only doy, and if they fuck - and then, perverse.

If you don't notice, after the girl's tail stands

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №58278
xxx: You convinced me that you were disciplined and punctual!
YYY: I am like that! If I sleep at work, I must sleep at work.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №58277
Why are you angry? 😉
She: so you do not provoke) I will be gentle and gentle))))))
How to use toilet paper for 180r? xd

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №58276
I talk to my younger brother (MB) on Skype, discuss his passed exam (studying in another city).

I: So what about the exam?
MB is sad. To the trio, the elderly for preparation did not ask those questions.
I: Well, punish her male, adult, so that the next time, the necessary questions.
The father, passing by, commented on the advice: "Do not think of punishing so, or she will like, you will not give up the session at all".

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №58275
by Evgeny 16:19:02
Guess the mystery.

Rome 19:07:28
42 is

[ + 47 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №58274
The game chat. After the announcement of the recruitment to the guild of people over the age of 25, there was a conversation about the fact that after the age of 25, people have other priorities:

I am 30, and if the question of choosing between the raid and the family arises, then 19 people will be sent.
You have a big family.
Theme: WELL

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna