— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 63 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №41192
XXX: And I think that the image of Santa still corresponds more to the New Year. This is not patriotic, but I think so.
You are a sanctuary, you are out.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №41191
Where does childhood go?
In the ass. It is said that the childhood in the

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №41190
XXX is HAHAHA! I burned my house yesterday, that she is home 2 watched-I call her on Skype and I hear music at home on TV 2.I say to her: AAAA!!!FU!!!! What are you looking at!!! to
She says to me, I don’t smell. I clicked on the TV and there was a advertisement, I thought at midnight the comedy buit.
But I know that there is no advertising at midnight in the 2nd house!! to
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №41189
He: If you remove one person from your friends, you’ll get 555, right? and :)
She is: exactly!
The user restricted access to his page to view it, add to friends.

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №41188
The year of the big striped cat was replaced by the year of the cat.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №41187
Nicalette M (16:09) :
Walking along the road, Snow White, a thumb and a shrek Snow White says:
Here I am the most beautiful, the most witty.
The inch says:
I am the smallest and funniest.
Shrek says:
I am the worst and the worst.
They go further and look at the house, and there is a mirror of truth written on the house.
Snow White comes in. Going out - crying
I'm not really the most beautiful - it turns out there is still a Sleeping Beauty!
The inch comes. He also cries.
I'm not really the smallest - it turns out there's a little boy sleeping!
Shrek comes in and comes out, evil as a bull and a bull:
BL is D! Who is this man?!!! <SMILE>id=314 alt=':Let me laugh:'</SMILE>

Nathanael Kasilova (16:11) :
Is it true? O_O
Nikalette M (16:11)

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №41186
Jill... →
WOW : What?
Q: Can I ask for something?
I will not be photographed naked!! to
Oh yeah, July...

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №41185
Now I saw on TV "Only at home".I looked at all these intricate designs-traps. The most talented child. I was illuminated, I know who I was when I was a child.

[ + 77 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №41184
I watched the telecast "Mission Impossible" (first), and there in one scene they say..... "We have a man in Moscow... and the letters slowly appear on the screen... Dmitriy Medvedev" :)))))))))))) they suspected something back in 1996.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №41183
Buying gifts for March 8 and the New Year, a man understands how great it is when you have a single woman.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №41182
This is Pepe. The computer is called Vasya. Password of Petya. We need to go in 1C like Alena. His name is Sergey.

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №41181
I was lucky to see this on January 1st!! to
My nephew went to the toilet for a pot, but there was no news from him for a long time and I forgot about him. I hear the cat crawling his foot on the floor, so he did his work. I get up and go to the sound and see:
A cat buries a baby who lies face down and next to the heel of blood! When I was in shock, I jumped at the cat – he is beating, I raised my nephew – he... wakes up and doesn’t understand what it’s about))) Uncle with such a face – O_O, then begins to hysterically rust. Then I learned that he took something with sauce from the table and so sat on his pot, looked asleep in the process and fell forward with his face on the sauce))))
I almost sat. Imagine a cat’s year begins with a cat killing a child.

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №41180
There are a lot of boots here! Honey, you’ve gotten the bullshit here, and I’m going to check you now! Valy nah and Moscow do not endure me, I am tired today... - thought of myself Word, carefully emphasizing the "War and the World" with the green colour :D

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №41179
YYY(00:37:55 4/01/2011)
I just have no one to talk to.

YYY(00:38:13 4/01/2011)
I contacted the bot.

XXX(00:39:21 4/01/2011)
When I have no one to talk to, I watch porn.

YYY(00:39:54 4/01/2011)
Is this often happening to you?

XXX(00:40:49 4/01/2011)
Section of Table...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №41178
Coventry (00:27:42 4/01/2011)
22 to you?

johny1989 (00:28:03 4/01/2011)
Will it be 22 in a month?

johny1989 (00:28:19 4/01/2011)
I am not sure?

johny1989 (00:28:33 4/01/2011)
Just by accident? Setting

johny1989 (00:29:08 4/01/2011)
Yes, you, Olga, I don’t need it, I can rewrite myself)))

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №41177
Q: Do you give me pictures?
YYYY: Yes, there are more than three hundred! I need to fill it all, edit it, then scrap the archives, and then send it to you! I have nothing more to do?
Oh, please take me a chocolate!
What to do with you...I’ll give you pictures.
Do you give me soap?
Oh, and the rope.

[ + 60 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №41176
Another advertisement on the Internet : "Test for virginity"

[ + 106 - ] Comment quote №41175
bewreks: Here is an interesting algorithm for limiting the length of a laser beam in a light sword from Star Wars))

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №41174
You need to buy a fire.
What kind of yeast?
The fluid is like that.
and Korzyk?
Forget the fire, fucking!
The rocks?
Go to Fuck!

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №41173
The phrase from the new advertisement Actimele: "Light is the star of immunity!". I wonder, did they even think when they created it?

yyy: it was necessary as an opposition to add "Rita - the star of gastritis!"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna