— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №58253
On the slopes of Fujiama, the Japanese could not see the Kuril

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №58252
Recently I hear in my address phrases such as "a devoted friend", "a devoted employee".... why do you want to ask "who?"

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №58251
Let the zombies hear.
Let the zombies come.
The zombies will find me.


This is not the case in the world.

Children are not eaten.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №58250
It was worth remembering the internet collection of funly reduced prices, such as the "boy with a finger in the eye cookies" (pointing is preserved), as almost broken in the "Magnet" on the box: "kinder egg shock for girls" )))

[ + 56 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №58249
The sofa broke. I bought cuts, brought home, put on the table...Woman about half an hour later: sweet I removed your curly nails in the box...

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №58248
From the Women’s Forum

Alin: I just haven’t found a worthy one yet, because according to the laws of genetics, children will inherit the genes of the first sexual partner, even if he is not the biological father!!!! I don’t need imbalanced bodies!!!! to

DrAke: This is how it works!!! to

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №58247
From the Friend Lens:

Good luck!!!! I have moved!!!! It even collapsed!!! to

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №58246
Christina: yes, I still do not seek to fulfill all these desires, I just want to have sex every day and cat :D

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №58245
And you know that members of the party "Patriots of Russia" take bribery in foreign currency with especially great disregard?

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №58244
Something died in the forest.
The wrist flowed backwards, and the crown flew its tail forward.
The bus of the 407th Moscow-Podolsk route at 19-15 departed from the metropolitan subway half empty. This is in the middle of the week!
My favorite place in the tail, above the engine, on the right. I sit. At the last moment, a couple came in. A girl with a huge bear and a boy with a bouquet and a bag. They climbed to the left, the doors whispered and the bass turned to the left.
of Warsaw.
The couple went great.
One place is a girl + a bear.
2nd place is a boy.
Third place is a package.
4 and 5 - a bouquet - three fresh tulips.
They would probably have taken the sixth, but it was already busy. by me.
Withdrawing from the dense stream behind Shcherbinka, the bus joyfully climbed to the traffic jams on Silikatna.
and Zebeka! The driver shouted under the brake.
A crowd of workers crashed into the bus. The boots immediately attracted the attention of the men:
My friend, pick up the flowers. Have fun with the boy.
The boy slowly turned his ass.
In his eyes shone indignation and he read the huge letters "CHMO".
It is a mushroom. This is how the babies in the sables look to the asphalt when they are touched in the metro.
You stand up. The pioneer stumbled and turned.
The bettors looked around and at the same time jumped on the seats. The tulips squeezed slightly through the hustle of the engine, and the bag, whispering, stumbled to the guy on the treasure. On the third seat sat a healthy uncle, one of whom said, “Shit!”
The girl whispered something, but immediately silenced under a cloudy look of the man.
The Red Mountain! announced the conductor.
The couple ran out on the feet of the standing.
The girl jumped normally, and the boy got a quality pencil.
Smashing with pins, the wreck from scale flew into the sandy-snowed jade near the outskirts. The pack described the parabola in the air and landed in the sudgorob after the stop. Judging by the crystal bell, not all the bubbles remained intact. An approval ball passed through the hall.
The doors shaken. By gaining speed, the bus was heading to Pahra.

[ + 36 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №58243
If you live long without a wife, you get used to young and beautiful women.

[ + 28 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №58242
Last night I went to the pharmacy for condoms. The seller pulled 4 different boxes (time was midnight and we stood in the door) and began to list: These *brand name 1* is cheaper, and these *brand name "* is more expensive, but WHY they are with nanotechnologies!!! to
As a result, they fell out of the pharmacy with another buyer under the common rust: "Gandons with nanotechnology for nanomaterials! " and 😉

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №58241
You are my schizophrenia, please don’t touch me.
My schizophrenia is paranoid.
I lulled her, I go my own way.
You go into your boundaries and defile your places.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №58240
You know that Matanists know how to divide by zero. :D
Yes, it is not possible to divide by zero.
zzz: The emergency news. Yesterday, a sect of Matanists burned a philologist in the name of Koshi.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №58239
Interestingly, the New Year began: I met the French Ruslan and Yaroslav and the Korean Evgeny.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №58238
XX: You are a smart man. I have a serious question for you. Why did the wolf blow and the roof fell to the pigs?
YYY: Probably because the pig is an illusion, or desire, invented by the wolf.So the brain and self-induction generated everything so that the wolf forgot that he dulled and translated it all into his illusion.)
YYY: or they were and the wolf's pearls caught through the pipe
XXX is mda. Now this has become a philosophical question – illusion or reality? and :)
YYYY: "Purse of grass in the oak. Illusion or reality?" title
yyy: in a glossy magazine for torches
Tagged: narcissist

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №58237
The Lonely Programmer (11:12)

and r
I also want love, tenderness and hugs.
Otherwise it will be the blood of the cat rabbits split!!! to
^ ^ ^

[ + 43 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №58236
Fuck how lucky the girls are. :c
Why is this lucky?
The socks are all colored, easier to look for. xd

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №58235
In the army there was a combo. One Cabardine ate phenazepam, pumped it for a day, and then the combat forced him to ride a huge wheel from the ural with the inscription phenozepam on all buildings.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №58234
Why are your breasts swollen? :) Don’t say you just need to wash 😉

to the money. to cuddle?

Oh well)))

Anyone for money?

No is. Only yours.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna