— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №146074
A colleague told the story (after the first person):

I am standing in the subway, waiting for a friend. They agreed to meet, but he was late. I don’t like it and I don’t understand it, but I stand, I wait. And suddenly a puppy appears nearby, and begins to run at his legs, a good one, quite small, strong, cute. Clearly a homeless.

It was a pity, he sat down, grabbed, and the dog is good, good, pleased with attention. I took him on my arms, literally a minute passes, suddenly a woman comes in. He stood up, looked at me, wondered:

Do you sell a puppy?

How much do you give?

- Well, a maximum of a thousand - the woman begins to justify slightly, and explains - my daughter has long wanted a dog, I want to delight. A little money.

Okay, okay, all right, take for six hundred, and that’s all.

The woman rejoices, begins to confuse a little, wants to take a puppy, and I say:

Yes, I see you are a good man, kind, take it like this. Nothing need.

The woman is happy, takes a puppy, thanks.

So the puppy and arranged in a few minutes)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №146073
The Americans were not on the moon. It is fact!! to

Yyy: Were you on a flat moon or on a round moon?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №146072
by Nebadetej

I will recall from my own experience:
My son is four years old, a difficult period of his growing up. Regularly capricious. Once again he enters the rage, he doesn’t hear and doesn’t want to hear. I hang him a slit - not strongly, but tangible. He is dissatisfied:
Nothing hurt me!
I didn’t want you to hurt. I wanted you to pay attention to me, I calmly explain. If I wanted to hurt you, I would knock like this.
I shook my fist on the wall.
The son looks at me with big surprised and frightened eyes and suddenly becomes contractual. We no longer had to go back to the topic of physical violence (except for the rhetorical questions on the walk "Son, will you go home yourself, or will you be dragged under the mouse?")

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146071
XXX: Mommy and Daddy! Would you give me a drone for my birthday?
Zzzz: Why is it to you, baby? You have Carlson.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146070
I quarreled with my best friend, we didn't communicate a couple of weeks in the messenger and at all.

Were you without psychological support?
I: Without a psychological.
Husband: I have not agreed.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146069
This is:

Sticking a webcam is useless, you are monitored directly through a computer monitor or TV.
Each transistor of the matrix can work both as a control element of the background lighting, and as a photosensitive sensor.

So, were our grandparents right, hanging the TV screen (presumably from dust) and pulling the fork out of the socket? I didn’t trust too much "the devil" technology!)))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №146068
A few years ago, I went to Peter’s Botkin Hospital with angina.

At the time, I was 31 (and I look at 25 in general) and got to the hospital straight from work with an ambulance. After obtaining all documents, they are loaded into the car for transportation by departments.

We go together with a man of dirty-wracked outdoors aged under 65, already quite old, and bring us to one department.

Already in the department we stand with a bump at the nurse for registration for admission.

The nurse says, “So Denis is 32 years old.”

I immediately say, “You’re wrong with me 31, still young.”

The old man says, “I am Denis and I am 32 years old.”

My sister and I said, “Oh.”

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №146067
Democratic Legends of the USSR

could not. It was not so easy to exclude from the Komsomol. Study the game, read the statute.
Commercial since 1978

Boris Borisich was expelled from the ranks of the VLKSM in the spring of 1980 after a performance at the rock festival.

and lol. How pleasant is the eagle of a fighter against a totalitarian regime, which against this means some truth. Interestingly, Makarevich with his 1 place and other codles were not excluded for some reason. Per it's not in a rock festival, but in the fact that you didn't have to be in an inadequate condition, lying on the stage, while performing with a guitar to ananise?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146066
And 1978 is especially remarkable by the fact that our Soviet satellite has already fallen into Canada. A new uranium field has emerged in Canada. Immediately being enriched. (c by Geektimes)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №146065
and 24h. There is panic at home. I didn’t pay for it.
Everyone is out of the game. And I eat soup and rye)))
Can they see a little life?
and night. I missed my grandchildren.
I pay tomorrow. It will come cheaper.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146064
xxx: By the way, yes, they are so playful that the dream phrase of the girl programmer "I am waiting for a snowflake alone?" the first question was "What is it and when it comes out";

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №146063
> about my luck:
My comic ship will not be able to fly because it will fall into space style

Your misfortune has already said everything about your luck.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146062
I burn out of shame and shame, but I will ask, because others don’t know. Was the old Russian post-reconstruction? And in general, for some reason I remember that the "Kyiv science film" filmed a cartoon about a man and a woman on the island. A lot of freelance content, conditionally erotic, so to speak, active and, most importantly, happy sexual life. No cravings and no cries, only breasts. A lot of surreal-comic situations and drawings there, such as three palms, a man with a twist wraps his device, offers a woman a banana (which must be eaten and cleaned out of the skin), she has the pleasure of breast torch immediately and with a loud voice. Then she hides behind the palm, while herself is clearly wider, but hides behind the trunk entirely. Here is all that else. And then the action goes to the usual winter city, where everything grey, unhappy and without a fire, even the missionary act there is shown as just a hydraulic machine works. Mechanically and without feeling. But at the very end of one of the apartments your lovers are sitting almost the same as they were in the first half of the island, and from the kissing woman pulls like a toy with a characteristic glowing sound. In the name there were some numbers, something like 8.5, or something like that.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №146061
Great in the bus.
Will she suddenly betray? I am leaving for a year!
- Fuck, Sash, she's lazy to raise her ass from her chair and get away from the game to eat for herself to cook. She is ready to come up with such a sophisticated pattern that everyone cries out of pity, only to not go anywhere until she wants to. Do you think she will have power on the left man? Go to your army quietly, you will come - it will be exactly in the same place as a year ago.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146060
As long as there was a mortgage, the bank was constantly called once a month, or even more often - you have a gold credit card for a billion rupees.
As long as the debt has been paid out early, there are no calls. at all. Almost a year.
I feel incomplete.
You are such. by JOLB!
This is how you were labeled in the bank. He paid out.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №146059

Such a moment emerged. Will a self-respecting girl meet with such an infantile, who is formally an adult, and still plays childhood in the ass?

I understood! These are bots to fill the resource! Who else can foolishly say the same thing for months without changing the text?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146058
> And then there were a lot of tastes in the country. Yes, now I love to eat, weigh the center and don’t bother about it :-)

If such a tendency is to fast carbohydrates, the pancreatic monitor, it can prepare some kind of big western (especially if the girl is stuck with the USSR, the age is now steep in this regard). Well, and a little to move at 80+ can’t just be worse. Weight and sedation are not dangerous separately, the main thing is that they are not found in the same body.
And talking about the figure is actually superfluous. A woman may not be too bitter or full, she may be too sick, and the rest is a matter of taste. Some and one and a half centers maintain health until deep old age, saw such. Some can over-eat the elephant and do not crack, and even not very heavily fixed, so, the usual seductive tumor. In short, if you avoid certain underwater stones, the value of leanness is greatly exaggerated.
Have a good appetite :)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146057
XXX: On this Halloween got a turmeric from some splashes

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146056
Read the news: "Kevin Spacey will live as a gay". Thus e. There will be no turns on and the walls will be drilled early in the morning :)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №146055
> who in 2017 will come to the mind to try as a password the serial wheel of ninety wool year

All this has long been in the dictionaries of passwords along with the anatomically determined “random” asfjldkjasf and ladsfjpewriffcds, as well as the “tricky” zyfcfvjvltktlehfr. Something directly, something generational patterns. Well, and the shredder carries them from all the doors until it picks up. Don’t be afraid of brute force, but of an optimized brute force that understands your pale intracranial and finger joint correlations. He will pick up and lasdfkasdf, and zevfvslehfxjr, he has not correct horse battery staple yet to the teeth, because the words are many, they are random and do not form a phrase. But they were not invented by a man, but by a randomizer, and the man had already invented a meaning to remember. There are no blank correlations.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna