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[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №149794
Other Western athletes who used doping because of “health problems,” such as asthma, were not disqualified. In this regard, the most striking is the American athlete, who officially takes testosterone (due to transgender) and continues to compete with women! Her name is Mac Beggs.
Don’t you think the world is a little crazy?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149793
Every two or three months Crowley chose a plant that grew too slowly, or managed to catch the gray rot, or started to dry, or just looked not too good compared to the neighbors, and showed it to everyone else.
Say goodbye to your friend, he told them. He broke...
Then he left the apartment with the convict under his head and returned after an hour and a half with a large empty flower pot, which he left somewhere in a prominent place.
And the plants in him were the most luxurious, blooming and beautiful. And the most frightening""

C is Pratchett. Good signs

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №149792
A professor of mathematics was asked if he would vote. “According to the laws of the probability theory,” replied the professor, correcting the glasses, “there will be no such thing as one of my voices, so I will not vote.” “According to the laws of probability,” the professor replied, correcting his glasses, “not everyone will be so smart.”

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №149791

>>>Who has such a level of professional demand that a nurse with three classes of education is an unbearable luxury?

Interestingly, he himself would allow to his child "a young man with three classes of education"?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149790
I don’t understand the logic of the Pharisees. Not so few works of art are used... em, say so, fanfics on biblical motives, which can be interpreted as heresy with the Pharisees consciousness. "mama!"Aronovsky is there, the serialists "Lucifer" and "Supernatural" - but all this quietly shines past. And then because of the sad movie about the ballerina, where the religious theme is not at all closely touched, or around a short story about the frog - so many diuretic mines explode at once.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149789
Neradence: I bought food today in the dining room and heard a very charming dialogue between a young woman and the chef.
Do you have anything dietary?
Q: I don’t know what your diet is.
Something like cottage in Kiev.
and pause.
Q: A roasted straw?
J : Yes.
Neradence: I still think.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149788
There are inadequates everywhere, but specifically in the army they are reluctantly dismissed or imprisoned.

A beautiful story. I don’t believe the word at all. You won’t find anything like this in the army anywhere. And such a number of inadequates among "chiefs".

[ + 43 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149787

At work, a letter was sent to everyone - on March 18, not only to come to the site, but also to report on it by phone. I’m sitting there, thinking: to bring these pirates a violation of the law 67-FZ, article 3, paragraph 3, or not to get involved in this homosexual orgia with horse rust?

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149786
As soon as MY taxes cease to allow for lifelong treatment of all kinds of "children with disabilities" who are doomed to be completely useless to society (including myself) throughout their lifetime, I will immediately go away!

I understand a person who seeks personal gain in this aspect. But how do you estimate the amount of benefit not yet brought by a person by the circumstances of his birth??? A healthy forehead can become (and becomes!) A pedestrian and a criminal, in comparison with whom a disabled wheelchair worker working as a teacher for schoolchildren is just an example of benefit to society! Most of those sitting in prisons, in palaces, are not disabled at all, right?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №149785
Barrymore, what terrible whist is coming out of the swamp?
These are the wives and children of Russian officials and oligarchs fighting from the horror of returning to their homeland.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149784
The Night

>>> What are the ill people? Sleep in the dark!

I don’t know, no one lives under the bed.! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №149783
No question, man, I’ll go off. As soon as MY taxes cease to allow for lifelong treatment of all kinds of "children with disabilities" who are doomed to be completely useless to society (including myself) throughout their lifetime, I will immediately go away!

And I, for example, oppose you to be treated for MY OMS contributions in case you are seriously ill and your contributions are not enough for you. You are not merely useless to me, you are harmful, because you are furious with stupidity. How will we decide?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149782
Changes in the first day of school. Birmingham, England
The teacher starts calling the names of the students:
"Mustafa Al Eih Zeri?" "Here"
"Ahmad El Kabul?" "Here"
and Fatima Al Hayek. " " Here"
"Ali Abdullah Olmi?" "Here"
"Mohammed Ben Qadir?" "Here"
“Ali Son Al Yin” – silence in the classroom.
"Ali Son Al Yin" - again silence, everyone looks around in search
The teacher repeats the name.
The girl stands up and says, “Sorry, teacher. This is pronounced as "Elison Ellen".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149781
>> B 19th century was a nuclear war

Well, yes, also Lermontov wrote: And the nuclei to fly prevented the mountain of blood bodies.

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149780
I have not been to the clinic for ten years, be aware of the animal who is treated for MY OMS contributions.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149779
Do not lie to yourself or people. Women who have achieved enormous successes in science, art or politics do not engage in children, no matter how many they have! Children are either raised by grandmothers or are hired by specially trained people. Because for a doctor of medical sciences, a famous ballerina, or a minister, cooking and washing the pot is stupid and uninteresting. No, she will manage it. But this will even cope with the dumb after the PTU. And it is from them that the classic nurses are obtained, because in addition to the children's cockroaches, they have nothing to take their lives, unlike Belarines or ministers.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №149778
We think with our minds, not instincts. In my opinion, only IVF and need to leave to carry guaranteed healthy embryos.

And now turn your head on and read what is going on with IVF - a woman. It is enough for a man to be put into a bowl, and it is free. And the grandmother is first squeezed with hormones to cause multiple ovulation, then squeezed with hormones to plant the embryo (and they are not squeezed, and all this is repeated and repeated). Pregnancy-birth is not sugar, and this is all in addition. Fuck my mommy.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149777
I came once with a two-year-old child to a dermatologist about a strong diathesis, including on the neck from the back. The doctor said that it was not an allergy, it was a BRABANOM NATER!
He was always wearing a drum on his neck. After receiving the doctor, the child urgently demanded to buy the drum, we did not have it.)

A very common situation, almost every second drum rubs, you.

[ + 48 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149776
Let’s make an indigenous Russian who knows Uzbek, Tajik or Kyrgyz language the rule, not the exception.

Do you want to go to Hertha?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149775
for this and other things.

Valinor returned from work to the country from morning to morning at work from morning to lunch in the dining room in the dining room and then ate pizza in the restaurant in the cafe at the coffee and tea festival in the skype cafe in Moscow on the street Gagarin Moscow city school is located in the Elagino place.

Great request, you could not fail to post your schizophrenic nonsense here, because you are late.
thank you.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna