— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №145994
Stop pushing the idea of a man without a brain is normal". Men with brains exist.
1) Expressing your here terminology "throwed with the mouth" (in fact, no one was thrown, people lived about a year, tested feelings and understood - mutual - that they are not a couple, decided not even to try to get married). According to the documents, the child has both parents, but the relationship between these parents as if they can not, both are already married to loved ones. The father usually sees the child once a week - and somehow everything is tricked to know what the child lives, it is he who often goes to the movie with the child on all these Frostbite, Moana, Spiderman and the Last Rich, sometimes with them goes his younger already married son, sometimes two, and what the child would like to discuss with the child himself (and not in the terminology, just say, what to buy).
2) Expressing your here terminology "sell your wife on the neck". No, he’s not lying on the couch, he’s a doctor, he’s rushed on extra rates, but the salary, even with the transfer, is still twice or three times less than that of his wife, so they in the family circle decided that it’s better for her to carry the money in the house. The father, no longer taking the processing, with the child watching movies, playing, singing, in a playful form teaches French (type of toy on it "talk"). The interests of the child are almost better than the wife and a maid knows, Pinkipe with Celestia never confused.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145993
Many people know that whales communicate through special sounds, which scientists call singing. In this way, these majestic animals look for a couple and talk to her throughout their lives. However, it turned out that whales, who can not get into the "notes" of the whale song and simply falsify, so remain lonely for life, because. They are not recognized by partners.
I finally found my totem animal :(

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145992
Go to shit. I’m 36 years old and I’m working in an opera. I listen to metal, walk in torn jeans and so on. It was harder with the hijacker, he fell down. I shave the skull, completely brutally. and those who'remove' the past - fake and posters. They did it only because they had no friends.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №145991
Often in films, the main character (unemployed/student/..), having experienced a tragedy in life, says: I want to travel for a year.
What about, your mother?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145990
The gender dispute
Regarding the "heh, men": in the children's clinic, coming without registration to the reception, it was very convenient to naively knock in the eyes and say: "I don't know, our dad recorded for today at ten o'clock". A harsh doctor cried out "These men..." and took without a record. A couple of times passed, and once for a blood test so got :) It was true, it was before the introduction of electronic records.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145989
Cyclists show the maneuver of the unit. And they, probably, only because of such a strange drivers whisper and miss even when in priority.

I am an entertainer with an internship, both in winter and in summer. I show manoeuvres must, but only if there is someone to show. Because I want to live. I don’t think it is necessary to walk with my hands on an empty crossroads. So from experience I will say - many drivers dumb don't know what it means a hand raised up, bended in the elbow. Some even stumbled and tried. Show it, don’t show it, it doesn’t make sense. One even shrugged his hand in response, thinking I would say hello to him.)))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145988
P.s Father all his life smelled, himself on 3 apartments earned and now the pension is good, and lives well, tfu-tfu. But there are those who have lived on the hole all their lives. And the apartment got and did not work almost, they stood in the rows. Now they complain.

Right, it was not necessary to insult the fool in the kindergarten, to teach at school, etc., but to all go to your father... for a minute, WHERE? Where could you have earned 3 apartments if the apartments were not sold? They were not sold at all. It was possible to join a cooperative at work - after a huge turn, in a dog fight, if the enterprise was building housing. But if the apartment is already there, at least one, and the area for each is not less placed, then you will not be accepted in any of the housing centres, full of unpublished. So you are crazy, baby. This was not earlier than in the '90s, after the general privatization of housing and obviously after the collapse of the system under which the 'apartments received'.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №145987
Requested One – Bringed Another

But I am seriously interested in this question with the story of a husband, who on the birthday of his daughter gave the wrong doll that the girl wanted, despite all the information received in advance. Here many spoke in the spirit that the wife had eaten, that she was not supposed to eat her husband's brain. But what exactly, in the opinion of such people, should she have done when she saw the wrong gift? to silence? The woman acted quite correctly: when the daughter did not raise the question, and asked alone how he tricked to give the wrong thing. Let’s leave aside the question that she had to take a gift to her daughter for herself. And how do people who are outraged by her embarrassment act when they do not receive what they asked for? He was not sent to a potato store.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145986

Interestingly, none of the former stylists, punks and others I encountered during my life, now do not wear jeans, do not grow pattles, do not listen to the Beatles and others who were then popular, and on the street you can't see the patty retirees in the shells.
The question is, at"era, did you fight for that?

The former metal player. Of those with whom I continue to communicate, only one told the children about the hobbies of his youth, the rest hide it, and two hide it from themselves. In my eyes they say that I am confusing something, they were exemplary pa-boys, one even bought a diploma thousands. And, as they say here, the cherry on the cake, the former fellow girl, now a fierce struggle with corruption on TV and on the Internet, actively supports all sorts of prohibitions. How she raises children - a separate song

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №145985
Professor's girls are few, but fighting is almost everything from Luthien to Galadriel. But the guys are often decent fools (Tingol, Maglin, Boromir and Dad finally, if you need VK). So not very carefully your girls read the text. Complexes are not allowed. I can’t remember any negative female character. Tell me?

Ungolianta, Thuringvetil, Shelob, Lobelia again. Just if the female character is negative, it is worse than a nuclear war. A "fighting" positive ladies are married with a decline, starting with Meliane, and pull for themselves and their husband. The role model is very for the amateur.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145984
Well, okay, let gay people really be oppressed, offended, this is unfair and the other, the other...
But what fucking humorous quotation do you get out of?
The Peders.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №145983
He takes away my money care entirely...And I order toys in the shopping, so as not to shake his brain.

and what? In your case, it would be very strange to do it differently. The quote was about another - everything was agreed in detail, and the result was contrary. I also have a question to some of these commenters: "How do you do this? After reading one quotation, insert an opus in response to it about how good you are?!and "

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145982
Posts with Estonian

What to do if the light is turned off, for example?
I don’t remember having the lights turned off.
WOW: Something really apocalyptic must happen that the light would be cut off and not warned by email in a couple of days.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145981
CHH: I wonder, but who makes the decision about canonization? Does the commission have anything?
Yes, there is a commission.
A very interesting work!
Girls in the bar can be carried out) type, hey, beautiful! Do you not want to be counted as saints? I can submit
I am intrigued.) What to do?
WOW: Well, let’s look... from the simple options – the tormented death...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145980
here here :

The Caesarean Wife Woke Up from Anesthesia. He sees snow. The officer. I was in a coma for a year.

of birth. I hear something went wrong. All the doctors are swirling around, the faces are alarmed, then they run somewhere together with the droplets on the catwalk, the eyes are taken away, the questions are not answered, oxygen, something is cracked again...
I go back - I lie under the plate, no one at all, around a white plate, somewhere water drops, neck-language-hands-legs do not move, and the cold is such that again I almost fall into unreality. In general, until the doctor came, I thought she was dead, and already in the morrow.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145979
And so I can tell you what you need to do to be as happy as I am in my marriage, but I’m silent: I understand that I’m just lucky and my advice will probably not help anyone else.
I don’t want to annoy you, dear, but what you describe is a typical form of normal behavior for an adult, intelligent and educated man. But what is currently a STATISTIC NORM (I am talking about the mass distribution of advice based on one’s own, individual experience) is just a deviation. But with the general degradation of society, the statistical average weighs precisely to such deviations. and s!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145978
For a normal person, the need for the continuation of the race should be obvious, at the level of the reflex, if you want it.

Lavrov. by Zpg My eyes are burning. Is that what I read now? Faith in humanity, wow, call back!

If for you, the twilight, the continuation of the genus is still a dull reflex - I have bad news. The continuation of the family is, your mother, a conscious choice. Like buying a car. Did you get the rights? Did the PDT teach? The exams passed? And why? And because stealing you with a solder, a car on the road is A RESPONSIBILITY. Children in the home are a responsibility. Even bigger than a car. "Reflex", Zuko... Who gave this man two diplomas? Immediately pick up and send to the boat!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145977
The task of the mass media is to convince the people that the opinion of the tsar and the boyard is popular.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №145976
It’s full of stories about the incomprehension of groups of people.

There is a summer camp for schoolchildren in the city (now with new trends was more likely to be), there children went on survival trips on the taiga, learned to walk on the bajdarka, swim out when the boat overturns and other unnecessary nonsense in life :). Children after school should properly take a loan - this is more important.
One summer, the boxers broke up in the camp next to them, and the coach decided to take them out to practice. The chief of the camp of schoolchildren gathered them says: "Boys - boxers people are hot, flamboyant, in the "dine" can easily give, you are already keeping away from them."
A little later, someone listened to the conversation of the coach of the boxers: "children, here the extremes on the whole head broken by the camp stand, you do not climb to them, they "close the bowl", and you do not need injury before the competition."

This reminds me of world politics.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №145975
The biggest dream of childhood?
to become adult.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna