— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №73354
9 year old son decided to sit on a diet, to limit hand and sweet.The whole day held, eaten soup, the second.In the night turned off the light and slept with my husband to sleep, suddenly in the kitchen wild thunderstorms, we jump on the light, the son stands in one hand mantle in another roulette.I-????? Son, sad: to understand and to forgive.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №73353
hč: there next to the sign "wallpaper"
nn: not "the wallpaper", but "both"
Tagged with: shop "Saratovsky both"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №73352
from JJ:

It seems to me that the loving and tender expectation of the Armageddon, which we observe around us, arises naturally from the worsening infantilization of the population... No one, like the gritz, wants to decide anything, everyone wants a dress.

And the zombie apocalypse, or something like that, is almost like the beginning of a long journey. Nothing depends on you, the people around are mostly unfamiliar, whom you see in the first and last... And everyone is busy with their own things and survival, nobody looks at whether you behave there or do not behave.

And your plans, ambitions and other heresy are not you-the loser abandoned, but globally, everything was ruined... Beauty! Here it is, free.

[ + 50 - ] [7 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №73351
Most rape in this country is committed by a hool, also hool represents a threat to public morality, law and garden plants (grasses), and therefore, the presence of an individual is a potential threat to society. In this regard, I propose:
1st Recognize the fox as a potential threat to society.
2nd Obligate owners to register it in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of residence.
Three Polyclinics on the ground to introduce a mandatory check on the sexual maturity of the carrier, according to the results of the check to issue orders for registration.
4 is Obligate registered owners of houses to report to the premises for each (incl. and the use of the fox.
5 is Strictly regulate the rules of use and storage of the hook, for non-compliance with the rules - to punish, up to the withdrawal of the hook from the owner.
6 is Limitation of size for civilian use. Also develop a police, army and mass destruction variant. Citizens whose size exceeds the civil norm will be obliged to voluntarily bring the hut into conformity at the police department at the place of official registration.
7 is Launch a large-scale campaign to hand over unused or homeless whores to police for reward.
I think this law will be more useful than many recently adopted.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №73350
The administration of Il's prison, where Anders Breivik serves a 21-year sentence, made concessions after he filed a complaint with the country's correctional agencies.

The list of all complaints of the Norwegian "prisoner number 1" has taken up 27 pages. Among other things, the killer, who claimed 77 lives, complained about cold coffee, lack of butter, lack of moisturizer, cold and lack of communication.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №73349
This is for those who are not lucky with their partner, the stones are controlled sounds ;)"
You won't believe - the control authorities in the form of children and teens stones blow to the root:))

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №73348
In clear winter nights, when the water vapour content in the air is insignificant, the greenhouse effect ceases to act; heat goes straight into space. The temperature in the ground layer can fall by 5-10 degrees.

Q: And how does the Sun manage to heat the Earth in such conditions?

z: The earth is heated by friction around the atmosphere during rotation. The sun only illuminates this disgrace.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №73347
The night. I worked a taxi for 12 hours, bought beer in the courtyard, two wandering bodies approached the car.
The dialogue:
You know Ozzy Osbourne.
Yes Yes
Let us sing!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №73346
Katofeic: I come out of the store here, and my big tipper is rubbing and so unobtrusively the code is tapping on the lock of the truss. I am not in a hurry to approach him, gently piercing his handle and politely so interested: "Help?" He for some reason refused to help and so boldly seeded the walk of geisha holding his hands for his ass.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №73345
XXX: I said it all.
YYY: Your arguments are funny. For such answers, find someone more stupid than me, although you are unlikely to find him.

[ + 48 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №73344
XX: When I was a child, I was permeated by anti-tobacco propaganda, and if I saw a smoking man on the street, I approached him and said, "Uncle, don't smoke, you will die." I don't remember myself, but they say that uncle little cigarettes all did not press from such an unexpected)

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №73343
From the forum about the top 10 cities with the worst conditions for living, where mostly cities of Africa and the Middle East, in the end the worst city took the first place:

The 1st place. The worst city in the world is Dhaka, Bangladesh.

first comment:- 3 times read, but where is the rating of Rusaievka, Kokchetawsk region??? to

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №73342
Imagine that we are in the kitchen and swallowed open gas. You can fight an explosion by removing people’s flashbacks. But sooner or later the spark will come from somewhere. The later the more powerful the explosion will be. Instead, you need to block the gas and ventilate the room, but the owner of the kitchen is lazy to do this.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №73341
The vertical power always depends on the horizontal links.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №73340
A taxi driver told me. In his words:
I worked as a chauffeur. One day I was sent to the district center for a cow meat mixer. They come and they are not accepted. None of any! Go back far away. Do not take? Okay well. I will arrange for you.
He drove the car to the party council, under the very windows, locked the cabin, and went to the dining room for lunch.
The cows are far away, they want to eat. They are in the body, REVOUT! Conflict in Paradise! What is? Why is? Where is the driver? They found me in the dining room. explained the situation. A call from the compound! Take the cattle! It is urgent!! Accepted without wire.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №73339
Sergey Viktorovich parked so badly that he was told on the car that he was a fool.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №73338
In the catalog of services of the clinic, the program to test the patient for the DNA of pathogens of 15 different sexually transmitted diseases was named "The Program "Maximum".

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №73337
ZUMOTRIX: Astrologers predict a huge number of apocalyptic status on December 21 in all messengers and social networks.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №73336
"Post of Russia" in order to improve the quality of services announced a tender for the purchase of pigeons

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №73335
<xxx> is coming
<yyy> what do you want? O_O
<xxx> Quantum Mechanics assignments send me

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna