— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105734
Clottuk: Barishna here one handed out - I still can't leave...
"I have to shave and shave, by the way, and shave it how, where?"

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105733
24 years of smoking!! I quickly got rid of the breakouts and all the nonsense!!! I took a month’s leave to quit smoking. I started seriously running and skiing. Shower twice a week! Then it all went out!! I've been hard without cigarettes for about 3 days but happiness in my first place sports!!! Only physical activity will help to quickly remove this shit from your body!! I am currently in the hospital! before I ran)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №105732
News is burning! VTB asked the government for 250 billion rubles. from the FNB" And right next to the head of VTB headed the ranking of the most expensive top managers according to Forbes. No, the guys never burn! Or I don’t understand something...

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №105731
Just brought a little boy (4 years) from the garden. The teacher said the child was fighting. "On the letter "b". In silence, she added: "Truth, in the case...."

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №105730
xxx: I think I need to get into the design, and do it as beautiful.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №105729
Find a way to limit the cat on the couch! You put a corner of cellophane pocket shrinking and the cat in a minute on it moves!! The sofa is always free.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №105728
A little poetry today.

A romantic evening.
The candles.
I hurt you.
The Greeks.

by zema041

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №105727
xxx: Honestly, I’m looking forward to a robotic car race when the safety issues of pilots cease to limit the insaneness of engineers.
YYY: It’s not likely to be like the joke: We launched two supercomputers to play chess. After 1 second. Without making a single move, the black player surrendered.

[ + 26 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105726
Orthodoxy: to restore security in Eastern Europe.
We are quiet in the Urals, no danger.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №105725
XXX: Do you want a new insult?
Tagged: burn
XXX is
xxx: means "double yats"

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105724

On the one hand, I understand that fathers are the same people as everyone else.
But on the other hand, when I hear from a comrade in a beard and with a beard, the printer does not start. It seems to be a bad..."
Something is going through my head.)
This is what! When a young daddy, the sweetest and most intelligent person, began to show me the graphical capabilities of Linux, which he manually installed in his laptop (I don't remember the package, then only the widget came out, so the effects in Linux were much cooler) and to show the capabilities of Linux programs - here I fell into a crash, feeling a complete crash.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №105723
An ex-USSR immigrant donated $1 million to FreeBSD. “You can say that FreeBSD has helped me get out of poverty,” says WhatsApp founder Jan Kum.

More jokes about compilation under freebsdu.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №105722
I also checked my granddaughter. And it may even succeed in making him at least one vaccination.He is the only one we have unvaccinated and unchristed. What if you are not baptized?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №105721
In other words, strange people. I went to the neighboring department to find a man. Behind the cottage, where the kitchen department is, this guy sits and cuts the sausage with a replica of a stick-knive from the SCC.
What is Cham? What is?
I translate for the illiterate. A modern copy of the stick-knife from the Simonov self-chargeable carabin
WOW: Let me admit. and?
xxx: a guy in a shirt-coat, in a serious euro-style office firm during working hours - a knife stick. NUTYPONEL
Oh shit, what’s wrong? Is that sharp knife?
XH: Yes
WOW: Well it is okay. A guy in a shirt and blueball cuts the sausage with a sharp piece. He is well. And you recognized in this piece a modern copy of a carabinette knife. This is your problem, Imho.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105720
Comments to local news, an article about one of the schools.

I love Marina Savchenko, let her know.

Marina Savchenko
Arsenie, I love you too.

Be my wife.

Marina Savchenko
well arsenic

Arsenic, stop the ballagans

Elena Pavlovna, I will not be again.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №105719
In the Moscow Forestry Institute at the time it was published a newspaper with the name "Bereozova kaša. A newspaper about unfavourable, but very healthy foods"

[ + 11 - ] Comment quote №105718
Never take anything that is offered to you "just so". never ever. Do not accept any expensive gifts, except for the anniversary "from the collective". Don’t borrow money, especially if someone offers it indefinitely and without interest. If you have a force majeure, go to the bank and make a loan. You will pay interest, but the bank will not wait for gratitude and will not teach you to live. Saved on interest is not worth the dirt that will spill on you in the case of the "beneficiary". Learn from other people’s mistakes. Do not take anything "just so".

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №105717
Two trains collided in Samara
Drivers of routes moved
They borrowed these masters on Daddy’s trams.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №105716
Hetfield: Today is World Toilet Day and International Men’s Day. I know how connected it is, but I congratulate you with all my heart!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №105715
You will not believe.
I was going home, the streets were empty and dark. Turn to the left where there is no one. Not with my happiness. They brake.
We violate?
There is no one.
- Anyway, the minimum (450 hryvnia this) must be written out
What will you do. I will not offend you with a bribe offer.
Insult me for 100 hryvnia.
He insulted, rattled, and left 😉

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna