— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №105674
Sending a picture on origami:
Is it a bull?
XXX or a cat?
Tagged: cat
YYY: But I have a bitch.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105673
The Guard!! to

Combine the sides first into one triangle, then twist it, like the tape of Mobius.

– – – – –

The tape of Mebius! Well of course. And I folded this unfortunate tent by the method "I closed my eyes, hook-hook. by Fuck. The Hook. by Fuck. Fuck you... Oh! It is done!"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №105672
I work as a teacher. We are in class 7 stage of social development. I tell about the agricultural, industrial, post-industrial societies, the main types of activities in them, etc. And here one student asks me:
- Imyarek Imyarekovich, say, and the representatives of the oldest profession are engaged in the service sector?
I play poker and say:
Yes you are right. Why are you asking?
- Just I didn't understand: You said that the field of services has been developed in the modern world, i.e. Post-industrial society, and the profession is the oldest.
We had to go deeper into the essence of the question and talk about the gradual development of the various branches of the non-productive sphere (although, on the example of trade).

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №105671
Testi recently bought a telephone, and he still likes to watch broadcasts about the USSR and the time. So he’s now in HD :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105670
As for the money tree, I have heard that it must be buried under its roots and then it grows well. My mother, by the way, this tree is so fat, happy, straight to envy.
Yyy Now the whole messenger knows where your mother stores her savings.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №105669
More in the under-Russian: "directly to South Korea"

Right up, cattle and coal!! >_<

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105668
No more forced hospitalization of schizophrenics

You are forcibly hospitalized, you are nostalgic.
A schizoid is a normal person, it is a stock of character.
This is a schizophrenic, yes, a sick.
Do not be confused, you will become a goat.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №105667
A stupid kind of divorce: well, he will buy me two wheels - and what, will he put on a bicycle?
I still have to lie down, not a question, and the "tricky scammer" will spend the grandmother in vain. Other people will come to buy – you see, the price will rise.
The chovak (chovak) is broken down and the front (or back, or one side) is repaired, they need whole disks cheaper before selling - because a piece of body they have already cooked, the glands have been found in the garbage, and there are no disks. I found a photo and started calling. Why so many calls? In order for the seller to think that the disks actually often buy 2. And soon there is such a "smart" like you - sold two and waiting for the rest to come to buy and the price will rise.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №105666
From Hockenheim in one forum:
How too Russian your "watniki", call us in the European way - watmenami)))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №105665
The Human Rights Commissioner’s office receives many complaints and appeals related to the loss of housing for various reasons: due to fires, mortgages and technogenic causes.
How it sounds, right? "The loss of housing due to mortgage!"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №105664
The principle of camouflage is to distort the volume and shape of the object observed in the brain of the observer.
WOW: They are doing right! Therefore, I propose to develop a civil camouflage.
HH: There is already. A dark gray suit, a white shirt, a silver tie, black shoes and a short haircut.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105663
xxx: Sisadmin says, addressing two nice accountants who are called him: “I will now finish with the printer and do you all good.”

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №105662
This is:
The smiles. The MDA. This is called diacritic or diacritic signs.

— — —
Umliaut is one of the dialectical signs. Especially two points.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №105661
With GickTimes:
Uris: Observations of an object alter the properties of that object. That is what the supporters of quantum mechanics say. And I was three months watching the cat hanging under the couch and nothing changed. I was tired of it and I remembered Newton’s second law. And again gave the mass of the cat some acceleration with a tap from the leg. It’s not me, but the cat watching me. He is in the right place. Plus a minus on the coordinate in the toilet in your bowl to the Planck constant for two.
DISaccount: This is because you have a classic cat, not a Schrödinger cat.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №105660
to the entrepreneur:
This is:

xxx: I sell car discs, set
XXX: Some people are calling.
Will you sell two of the four?
I answer them, so buy four and then sell two.
How can I sell two?
I’ll sell two of them later! 😉

Some are calling, you say?
I explained.
1st Hardly do not send, write the numbers ("I think if I have two more devices").
2nd A few is no less than two. The second number is also recorded.
Three You call the first, you confirm the possibility of sale.
4 is Sold half a set to the first, half a set to the second.

School, shit, everything has to be taught.
The classic divorce. Once you sell the first, the second (like everyone else) no longer needs to :)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №105659
xxx: I am now making a note in the calendar for the evening: "Let’s go to bed fucking" at 23.00
xxx: and I Google Calendar offers: for example, "Dinner with Olga at the restaurant"
Wherever you go, even in the morning hours - everywhere offers dinner with Olga in a restaurant
I think Google is worried about me.
YYY: GG, the link to Olga does not offer?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105658
Girl 1: I am bad.
Girl 2: No, I
Girl 3: And I am a bigger loooh.
Boy: Fuck, who threw an apple in the chat with the inscription "The Worst"?! to

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №105657
A great lesson on traffic rules from third-class drivers. There was a task for students (with the help of parents) to make posters with visual agitation (drawings, slogans, etc. on the subject of PDD). One boy from a not very prosperous family brought an A3 sheet with large, red, scattered letters:
Know the Rules of Driving, the rest until P***A!! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №105656
I call the provider today, Inet is missing:
The internet has disappeared.
Hi, we also have.
- O_O

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105655
This is:

I’m talking about microwaves, so I decided to share:
I put the cup with the pen to the door, the timer for 30 seconds, I open - the pen to the door
Timer for 35 seconds, I open - pen to door
40 seconds, I open the pen to the door.
Timer for 50 seconds, I open - pen to door
Yes, I can put the timer at any time, the pen will remain in a convenient position.
This is not magic, it is a model of the microwave so loves the order, as put, and took.


Maybe it just doesn’t turn inside? and :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna