— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105654
X: There was electricity. Behind the window hell and shit, minus temperature, ice and rain. We sit at work. Suddenly in the building like a training alarm and from the loudspeakers in the ceiling sounds: "Dear employees, there was a fire in the building, we ask you without panic to go down the stairs to the street."
The first thought – “Let’s go your ass down from the 17th floor on foot. Have you seen the weather?"
I think in case of no training alarm we will burn up here...

and LOL
Y: We listened to the sirene from the factory last Thursday.
Y: with thoughts "and fuck it in the mouth"
Y: So in case - bombed right on the workplace

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105653
I sit in the kitchen and cut the salad. Suddenly, on television, they declare "Salt, with reduced sodium content." Zavis. I think I should put a salad with chlorine.
Am I not understanding something?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №105652
To a vibrant topic - "What do people read in the toilet?"

I was here a few days ago in the same organization and went to the toilet (the toilet itself in general requires a separate story because there are no such in every apartment - a shower cabin, a bathroom and all that). Well so here. And on the snow-white toilet contained a book - a biography of Stalin.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105651
Sdn: When I was a kid, I leaned a plate with a borsch on myself. I was popularly explained that it is better to pour on the table than on the clothes - and lean away from yourself. Now I look at two smurfs and a note, and I think - a har with her, with clothes...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105650
The news:
The widely advertised “smart” glasses of Google Glass are gradually losing their followers. Moreover, the chances of the device to appear in the near future in the sale are very low.

The most popular comment:
Yes, I just passed the information, I don’t know, maybe rumors, or maybe the truth, but I’t want to. There was an infa that the girl was not included. and :(

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №105649
Idiots are generally very dangerous, not even because they are necessarily evil, but because they are alien to all considerations and always go across, as if the road they have found themselves on belongs to them alone.


[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №105648
The daughter caused his wife to become hysterical and panic when, instead of "Daddy's fever dropped," she told the telephone "Daddy was cold."

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №105647
The order must be purchased no later than tomorrow at 09:45,
Or your order will be cancelled.
Take into account the start time of the box office, c 10:00!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №105646
My grandmother told my grandson not to get married early. My grandfather got married at the age of 21, and what’s good? No car, no yard, no child is born, no money. (Thinking of Hm. What did I think of?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №105645
<111> bgg.. today met on the road my old "knowledge", who whimpered me as a child.. saw me and said "o.... yeah what, so far what?“" (Well, after work I just... often I can’t wash everything off of me".
I calmly get another forged tease and say "No... I’m a Kuznetsov!1"
Percentage of peaceful separation)
<222> And that sounds like it. "I am a cowboy!1"
I don’t get anything with my "I’m Sisadmin!!1" = (
<333> Toughened Laminated Safety
<222> And the drum.
<444> Kernel panic out of the trousers. Real and ceiling.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105644
by Geektimes:

We take the cheapest smartphone (we have an iPhone 5S at hand)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №105643
Serginio: Superman cowards really work!
Krosha: How is it?
Serginio: I went to the mail, send the package, and there...there are no rows and three operators are working O_o

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №105642
Igor_Iv: I suspect that when it happened, the ruling elite angrily demanded that the Emergency Ministry explain what happened. In just 5 seconds!!! to

Gest: Okay you... that’s called – "tendence". 30 years ago, scientists were called to the place of the fall, now they are calling an emergency, and in 30 years, they will be calling a cross march.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105641
On the site of the famous mailbox - news about the iPhone 7.
... and a body made of liquid metal.

The commentary:
Liquid metal?Remember in the movie he fell asleep at Android.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №105640
It requires a system administrator.
222: [quote="Polza"] [quote="PELMEN"] requires a system administrator.
And the services of the incoming system administrator will not arrange you? I have my own company, I can devote time to you T.91**** Sergei

333: The system administrator can’t quote? I would not take.
222: Sorry, I did not quote Sisadmin, but his secretary.)
444: Sisadmin, who needs a secretary to quote - I't take either :D

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №105639
BookMaster, 18.11.2014 11:11:20:
I don’t have plugins on the PS SS =( there are no underwater stones?

Denisof, 11:11:59
Are there underwater rocks?

Denisoff, 11:12:17
There is a rift in the entire lagoon.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №105638
*xxx translates the text from French
XXX is a bad language. This is the word...crab! Or a sucker. And the most offensive thing I can’t understand from the context is whether it’s a mackerel or a sutier!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №105637
Issue 12:19:56
set the task - "to draw a beautiful announcement on acceptance of utility payments"

Col I, 12:20:14
Are you also a designer?

Eve, 12:20:23
This is done in the program.

Eve, 12:20:28
You have to be a programmer.

Eve, 12:20:33
All logical

I am, 18.11.2014 12:21:09:
Nowadays, programmes are

Eve, 12:21:13
Yes Yes

Eve, 12:21:28
very comfortable. You are a programmer and you don’t know.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №105636
Design website for the employer. He liked it and decided to order a company style.

We discuss what info to place on the business card - the customer man is cool, bats, even shaped a scheme - what information to insert.

Showing me a business card sketch - the VK icon and Facebook in the corner.
I show him on them: And why icons, references?
He: And this is what?
I: These are pictures.
Let them be references! Let them go, what’s the problem?
I: Ssyylky... on the vision... iiiz буумаааги...

The customer sits, looks at me, says nothing, only tastingly blinking. A minute blinking eyes. Then he pulls his hand to the paper where the sketch is drawn, knocks on the VK icon and says: "Class-Class".

It’s crazy, everybody happens.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №105635
I finally got rid of the nightwish singers. Where it resembles Rotara, it is Tarja, it is grass. There where the fucking Birk is Anka. And where the pipet is the new Flora, it is really scary to call it no trut - it will come and webet.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna