— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 45 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105634
American calling 911

Did you call 911, what’s your problem?

123 Main Street

Okay, what is going on there?

I would like to order a pizza (well, another phone joke)

You called 911.

Yes I know. Can I order a big pizza? Half pepperoni and half with cheese, mushrooms and pepper

I’m sorry, you know exactly why I called 911?

Yes, how much time will it take?

Okay, Mom, are you okay there? Is there a threat to your health?

- Yes, it is (a moment of awareness, admit, before that moment you thought, "well what a stupid woman")

And you can’t talk about it because someone else is with you in the room?

Yes, it is all right. How long will it take?

The nearest patrol is approximately a mile from your location. Is there a gun in the house?

No is

Can you stay with me on the line?

and no. I am waiting for you, thank you.

The dispatcher broke this address through the database and detected repeated cases of arrests for domestic violence. When the officer arrived at the scene, he immediately saw the woman in a bad condition and her drunk boyfriend. Boyfriend was arrested for beating, and the controller remembered that call forever.

[ + 24 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105633
Nonamia by Nonamia
I'm looking for a 28+ age and 175+ height but I just don't want to shine here with photos:\ I'm a middle+ developer. You can ask questions.

What is the difference between an abstract class and an interface?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105632
Many people tend to confuse two concepts: “Fatherland” and “Your Supremacy.”


[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105631
Russia will soon have a visa-free regime with peace
and Mastercardless

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №105630
Wi-Fi in an airplane is a big deal. You sit like that, you commit in git :)
The fucking coders are now like pigeons: they fly in the clouds and collapse in the repository.

by DenisMartin

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105629
Why do people have cerebral fluid?
This is a type of thermometer.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105628
During the talks with the customers, we sat in a restaurant in Moscow and drank tea with biscuits. The cake cost 200 rs for 5 pieces. I asked – what kind of websites we make, not cookies at such prices...

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105627
I recently broke the pattern.
I recently woke up the alarm.
I couldn’t understand that for the whirlwind, the melody there is such that the dead will rise up.
And here yesterday I wake up and see a painting of oil.
He sits in front of the phone and as soon as he starts playing the alarm, he turns it off.
The Fucks
Well, I took and put off the alarm solution math examples.
Waiting to learn to count (rofl)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №105626
Sea cats are increasingly raping penguins on the island of Marion off the coast of Antarctica, scientists have found out. About the causes and features of unusual sexual behavior of lawned legs is told in the journal Polar Biology.

Yyy: good to be a cat, and a seafood.
Maybe a penguin, but not that.

zzz: Gone about whales - here they have a worthy device with self-directing to the target

Yyy: It’s just wonderful to be a big whale.
But a penguin is not that.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105625
We were disconnected from the water for an indefinite period of time.

Day one: I bring 1.5 liters of water for the teaker, the co-woman - 0.5. I drank coffee a couple of times and washed the cups.

Day two: I bring 1.5 liters of water, the roommate brought nothing at all. I drank coffee a couple of times, the cups washed nothing.

Day Three: I bring 0.5 liters of water and a single-use glass, roommates nothing. I drank a cup of coffee and the woman went out to see the neighbors.

Day four: a camaraderie with a solemn look reports that they have given water. I take the juice out of the bag and put it on the table. The expression of the camaraderie’s face at this time is invaluable.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №105624
Going yesterday under the snow with a nephew we walk, and sliding like, she tells everything and tells and here on the word to walk she slides and it turned out to be a very ringing summer! All the passers paid attention to us, the nephew understanding the situation, speaks even louder and continues his story...
I am proud of her.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105623
My cat recently barely brought me to gray hair. I went to the shower, and this infection, as it turned out later, slept under the shell. I think about life, all that... And here the cat sneezed! Imagine what it feels like when you wash alone in your bathroom and suddenly someone sneezes behind your back??? I thought I would drown the cat right there!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №105622
From Khabr, about the "direct broadcast" of inquiries in Yandex
by 111:
Don Kamil translated
What is PromoCode
How the begemoth sweats
Why am I an idiot

222 is not bad.

Techniques of Machine Doing
Polymers in Aviation
If you are not in a mood
Genital organs structure
June 7, 2014 Storm

And a little bit of romance...

Clenbuterol leaves
Persistent women please
Poetry of Essen
A warm autumn coat
Harmony is a joyful dance

444: So this is where modern pops texts take...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №105621
The mood was raised in the subway.
rainheart372: m
Milain: Engineer : "Let the door go, please, and I will take you for it to the next station"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105620
Post in the Topics of the video, where a naked girl sings, shown from all angles.
In the comments:

and qvintus:
Chess and Mat, Viagra!

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105619
There is a lot of beauty in the world without vodka.
Y: for example tequila

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105618
As my mother says, sclerosis is not painful, but it needs to be treated
YYY: How is it?
XXX: Do you think she remembers how?? to

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №105617
xxx: I am not an engineer, but we also decided to put political science here in 5 courses. It’s from the west of Ukraine, it’s the shit of the guys.
yyy: "Who has not jumped has not given up"? :D

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105616
This is:
Yesterday I drove on the road, in several sections.
On the sidelines were bushes of sand in groups of 5-7 pieces.
All the cows of the same size.
40 liters each. Distance between dogs
equal to 3 meters. In every shit.
Tagged with "Sand" The WTF?

Did he ride on the road for the first time? In the winter, under the snow figure figure figure out what a bunch - snow there or sand. And so the indicator - that there is sand and if it is on the track, then here it is.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №105615
In the Australian city of Cairns, a half-and-a-half-meter serpent of the kind of brown booga was found dead near one of the houses. An employee of the zoo control service who arrived at the call established that the frog died by biting himself.
The specialist initially suggested that the snake had received some kind of injury, and then tried to bite itself for the affected area. "I think she committed suicide not specifically," said the expert of zoocontrol.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna