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[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105534
From the Lithuanian Forum:

My daughter and grandmother read the book "Samson and Roberto." The first part was about the fact that Samson and Roberto were very poor, dreaming of sausages and bones, and so on. The daughter was very immersed in this topic, began to play with the grandmother in these characters.

And I just sold our children’s things that day, all of which the children have grown up long. Here are the buyers, looking at the bed. My beauty comes in from the room, all in the image, and with a sad, quiet voice says:
And we are hungry here, so we dream of food at least some. Did you bring us anything?"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №105533
The shop "Patriot. A few years ago there was a shop of women’s clothes "Amnesia".

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №105532
The hardest thing to do is clean the bathroom.
Of course, she is burning.)

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105531
“Every day I take out the rooted steering wheels from the ended hands of the street drivers, I roll into the rolls of the fools who tried to write SMS, crossing the highway, I collect, like a puzzle, debils who lighted their lightning in the gasoline tank, and I burn in the grave of the idiots who tried to spire the high-voltage cable. There is no end to this, which clearly testifies to the intellectual level of the population."

and c)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №105530
About the names...
of Chelyabinsk! I am proud of you.)
The name of the car "Shared sponges")))))))
Well mushrooms in the sense of washing)))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №105529
here here :
Have you ever seen two or four year old kids? What kindness and education??? At this age, children at the level of development "what I see, I sing".
— — —
Correction: they are at this level, if you deal with them at the level of what he understands, small yet!" And if you take for the basis the idea that the child understands everything perfectly - it suddenly turns out that children are not foolish at all and learn very quickly both good and bad. Somewhere it was that the most educated children in Japan, Korea and other parts of the East - and all because they are treated there not as children, but as future adults.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №105528
I have a degree in psychology on the subject of relationships. Home porn is one of the discussed and approved sources. BSDM porn is part of my work process, and nothing else.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №105527
The cat in the house is not only mimics and sessions of relaxing murmuring, but also... suddenly... hardly wrapped into the house a huge threshold, extracted on the neighboring balcony

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №105526
The Testers!

The child is learning computer science. "Mom help..." from the word "run" in five steps you need to do "step". In the process of converting the word I added "bag". It gives a rating of 2, no such word.
– – – – –
You found a bug in a computer science teacher, contact the developer. Another bug is possible - if the word "ficha" is not familiar to this prepute.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №105525
The morning. My daughter is 5 years old, wearing clothes in the kindergarten, can't plug a button on her pants. The Father:
You're getting married soon and you can't hold the button.
The girl with tears:
Everyone gets married in dresses, and I have to wear these pants.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №105524
Let’s stay friends?
Which of us are friends?
With sockets?
So much better.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №105523
Have you ever seen two or four year old kids? What kindness and education??? At this age, children at the level of development "what I see, I sing".
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh
And if you don’t educate them, they’ll keep this sweet immediateness up to 30-40 years, ah.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №105522
For those who can’t read:
This girl with a humanitarian mindset:

I sit on the last row of seats in the trolleybus, in the corner, I also pulled my knee to myself, in general, I sit very compactly, facing the back seat, and I talk on the phone with the boss. Suddenly, the trolleybus falls and the horns and it stops very sharply, people fall. And I see a huge (really huge, 150 kg) ass fast approaching me, closing the horizon. It’s getting dark, and nothing but the ass around.

Read on Yandex about inertia. Sitting in the last row, with braking, in the worst case, you could head that ass instead of serving as a landing ground for it.

The words "face to backdrop" do not point to the thought, or is the reader not a chukcha?

[ + 20 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105521
This blinking eye:

I go to the shopping center. I am overtaken by the carapuse with the screams: "Di-i-i-ma-a-a! D-I-I-I-M-A-A!and "
Here appears a stinking mom and even louder in the footsteps of the baby: "Not Di-i-i-m-a! and Daddy!!and "
What is "O_o"? As soon as the child becomes acquainted with the world, he begins to name objects and people as others call them. And the mother of the child calls his father Dima by name. He is her husband Dimas, not "Papa". Therefore, now explains to the child how correctly this person is called from the child’s point of view. Totally ordinary situation.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105520
xxx: If something prevents you from doing everything right in life, may there be a problem in the rectal disposition of the upper limbs? )))))))))
Yyy: this is not in the upper limbs, this is in the head.
YYY: I’ve gotten fine.
YYYY: And here is Nahuya.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №105519
And nothing that in the origins a small child, because of the social skills not yet formed, just whispered about what struck him, and all around him just scorned his holy simplicity? No one of the adults, note, did not make any comments to “Madame Mishkilapina.” Stop wearing fruit, yeah.
= = = = = = = = =
The remarks that the mother should have made to the child for the purpose of forming his social skills were also not said. It appears that the mother was entirely solidary with the child, and she was not uncomfortable with a drop, as did the soaked "companion", the author of the post. This is why, in particular, "crazy ovaries" and are called.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105518
Shakerezada said: “Shortness is not only the sister of talent, but also the mother of great misunderstandings.”

[ + 12 - ] Comment quote №105517
I was in the bathroom and had my phone with me. The wife doesn't know the number, I call her and whisper "I love you" and threw the phone. I go out of the bathroom and ask, “Who called?” He replied, “My friend...”

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №105516
Recent studies have found that women who are overweight live longer than men who pay attention to this.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №105515
Now the people were offered to exchange imaginary prosperity for illusory greatness. And the people, of course, took it on...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna