— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №135361
You are here naked.
Where I am naked, I am in a shirt.
Yes, under the shirt you are naked. perverted

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135360
Do not scratch:

This applies to cats of both sexes. And that to smell them, from them for a kilometer, even to approach it is not necessary and so bad.

A distinction from inadequate/irridious, which cats are better not to trust at all. In a good puppy, animals are castrated / sterilized, trained to the pot (where there is always a fresh filling), fed, stitched, chopped and straightened, which is why they are calm and happy, and therefore do not binge where it is not necessary. And only a little cat wool on the clothes (which is everywhere despite frequent cleaning) will give it out.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №135359
Amatorero: He put his wife’s head on a similar organ. She is:
Do you try to convey thoughts?
and no. and Nifiga. I just give intelligence.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №135358
The first six months in Germany. In the dining room at work every day put on the tables pennies and sheets of paper, which lists today's dishes and you can put an estimate of dishes, cost and service from 1 to 6. I always put ratings above the average, but not the highest. Today, a colleague looked at and reminded me that in Germany, the ratings put the opposite, the unit is the highest rating, and six is the lowest.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №135357
I go on the bus. The guy is sitting opposite. His grandmother is sitting next to him. A typical representative of the urban subclass. And between us there are three boys, looking 14-16.
We approach the stop, the guy rises up, getting a little bit on the go, and here he fell out of his pocket a few five-thousand notes. Her grandmother’s eyes burned, and the other passengers were stressed too. I even had a vicious thought. And the teenagers quickly sat down on the place of the already jumping grandmother, picked up the money and shouted the already outgoing guy. He turned around, saw the money in their hands and quickly seized his pockets. The money was returned to the owner.
A couple of minutes later, the grandmother said:
Herod is evil, neither to himself nor to an elderly woman, yours!
It is answered with an epic phrase:
We are a lost generation.
It was quiet in the bus.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №135356
and then! Scientists (military, athletes) do not become. They are born!!! to

Soldiers are not born, soldiers are dying. and c)

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135355

Cats, do you know what most of you smell? Does it smell worse than a smoker?
By appearance you will never know if a man has a wife/children or he is lonely, but you will know a lonely puppy by the smell.

Many men note that when they marry, they start to be in demand among the grandmothers.
And why?
washed, fed and cared for
The clothes are collected.
So it looks very possible.

Get rid of the habit of smelling other people.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №135354
My mother is an intelligent woman of early retirement age. Teaches on computer courses for the elderly (most of whom generally see the computer for the first time in their lives, and every small detail they have to explain many times).
And, as in any event for the elderly, there is no way without the screaming outrageous grandmothers.
Recently, a panel of tasks was dealt with in one of the classes. One of these babies stands up, and for the whole audience:
This is all you say: panel, panel! Do you know what a panel is? That’s where the prostitutes are.
My mother was not confused:
Here is the same. That’s why it’s called "panel", that everything is easily accessible here!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №135353
The rough life of metalworkers - fell into the metal colleagues are considered carbon additives.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №135352
xxx: Really, sometimes there is a feeling that Yaroslavl was built / expanded not for people, but only because there will be opened trade centers and everything for consumers. The Chessword.
YYY: At least for consumers. The paradox of Yaroslavl has long been surprised - after 19-00 there was nowhere to buy a nail along the route from MKAD to Ser.Posad, I had to solve the quest every time with its search, if I did not care in advance. The emergence of modern infrastructure can only be welcome.
zzz: Previously a prostitute could be bought in Yaroslavl at every step, and now where are they??? They did not stand the competition with the nails.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №135351
Is it possible to make a magnet with 3 north poles, and without the south at all?
The number of poles must be straight.
Okay, fuck him, let them make four north poles.
Here is an example of the wrong task :)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №135350
There are glass bridges:

It’s time to ban news from China.
"The bridge built for $3.4 million"
Pure common opinion is very cheap. It irritates their ability to do business for little money.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №135349
The girlfriend congratulates her on her birthday: “It’s good that you have a birthday. On the one hand, you’re one year older, but you’re still alive.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №135348
Everything is easier.

I think they thought something like this:

The card reader. Noot for a professional? After all, it is so convenient to put the software from the manufacturer, create a Wi-Fi point and transmit photos through it. And yes, disable these memory extensions via SD cards.
Remove the USB. Noot for a professional? New devices with full USB no longer exist.
and HDMI. Noot for a professional? Why do some professionals connect something to the most universal connector at the moment?
Food with magnets. Noot for a professional? So he will always stand on the table and not move. This is a laptop!
The F key. Noot for a professional? Seriously, who is using them? Better we put the screen there, and move the entire keyboard down just to remind people that there could fit another string of keys.
The battery. Noot for a professional? Why increase autonomy? Let’s make it thinner.

People with one twist have only one parameter. On the one hand "hard" and on the other hand "not cool". Such an abstract and vague "crute" consisting only of some unfathomable scattering in which only its width is measured. The real needs of the target audience are too complicated, from this head bo-bo. So I thought something like this:

We’re doing it for profs!
Profit is cool, heh. he he. he he.
We take what is cool and add it to the note.
Yes the bacon.
Thin is cool! Magnets are cool! A small screen is great!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №135347
zzz> The stools are better. and Nippon.

xxx> I like the fresh air more.
xxx> And interactive with the real world.
xxx> And in my head only letters and breasts work well.
When people learn to read their thoughts, I’ll open up a porn resource from my head.

yyy> and I do not, I pretend, they come into my head, and there they are empty to the exit, and there are no doors. Fuck me, I’m going to roast.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №135346
Work better. When I am retired, I will receive a pension from your children’s taxes. The childless unemployed.

When you become a penny, retirement will be cancelled
To this all goes.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №135345
I wrote to the child during the meeting that I would come - I would argue. The fresh stuff is hanging, hot clothes are waiting. Now I think: maybe, fig with them, with the estimates?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №135344
Beating on Fridays is normal, and shooting on the mucous strokes after work is all, divorce. Because it’s like going to men in the garage, only worse.

I know the miracle. I have met this many times. Guy, you won't believe it, hold on: Friday night can be spent not just for a beer or a drink. There are countless other options, believe me. And your "this is why I don't binge" on all cases of life - it looks sad.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135343
A guitarist who has sworn all his life that he hates dancing has recently played Argentine tango.

I only regret one thing now.
Whatever I am studying.
No matter how I train.
I can’t play guitar and dance tango at the same time.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №135342
XXX: You don’t bite me, fuck you don’t look like a lawn!
WOW :...
Sorry, it’s too obscene...
No, I just remember how the landscape looks.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna