— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №145654
In our country, men live 20 years less than women. I will die...
XY: Nothing, I will survive.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145653
A moment of knowledge:
The northern elephant is born before the age of 1 month. After leaving the classification, the pineapple and until it reaches one year is called "neble".

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145652
Here again the unfortunate camel threatens to stretch through the needle ear. In one of the quotes in connection with this even met the word "farsh". So, the famous statement attributed to I.H. was pronounced naturally in Aramaic. When translated into Greek, there was a caseus. The fact is that in the Greek words "camellia" and "canat" have a close sound and writing, which differs only in one letter. So it is quite possible that an innocent animal for 2000 years will be threatened to stretch through the needle ear because of the translator/coverman’s sting. If anything, Google knows about this version, read who is interested.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145651
Boys, feminism does not offend or offend men (on the contrary, it gives you the right to disobey the rules of masculinity, for example).
Yyy: And the boy from the girl can’t be distinguished now.
Zzz: If you don’t distinguish boys from girls now, it’s worth thinking.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145650
When I read about the flat Earth, I thought it was such a joke. I was looking for something in the tub and found it. What do I say to you... Fuck my brain!! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №145649
When the pigs whisper about their national exclusivity, scratch clothes, poison all who are not in their herd - the only ones who rejoice in this are the butchers.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №145648
So it turns out that almost all the stories I remember by association. This is no exception. The “discussors” in the forum pushed...

Once I stood with a friend in a row for coffee in the institute buffet. It was 18-19. Boltali "for life" - a seminar on sopromat, a course on a sketch, a harsh post on the "History of the CPSU", a march on two yachts across the bay in the coming weekends as a "closure of the season", a rock concert of some kind, I don't remember exactly, and so on... The buffetchica for some reason was wicked and cheated on everyone in a row. It is my turn:
A small double, please.
The buffet began to make coffee. Then I literally threw it on the shelf. I say as kindly as possible:
thank you! Can I surrender?
Something burst under the nose and again boiling, counted and sprinkled the delivery. Rather reflectively, and also in order to calm her somehow, I say in an even more benevolent and even a bit pleasant tone:
and thanks. Where are your sweets and sweets? The salads, the spoonful and the sugar were really needed, not for the stems of anyone.

What started here! The cry, or, the roar. There is no specificity of what I blamed her for. I stand, smiling a little, and, interested, waiting for the developments. Studying people is the most interesting thing for me.

Here, a friend-one-student, waiting for this red madam to take a break to breathe, inserts a phrase, stealingly asks her. Study and Happiness:
Giving the knives?
...???... - The buffetchica was overwhelmed by surprise and surprise. Then I asked – Why?? to
You are his knife, his knife! I mean, you have to talk courteously!
Here is the line and the bed.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №145647
Matriots are sold. Lenin, you open up – Stalin. Then Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev and Yeltsin. After Putin – Medvedev, and then – bat! And again Putin.
And the Belarusian doesn’t open at all.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145646
In the class of cats implemented methods:
Find the hernia.
to shrink
Moreover, the method of finding a hernia automatically causes the method of scratching.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145645
I can’t put the first, second and salad in the thermos at the same time.
You can do it if you have a blender.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145644
AAA: Is there a more practical use of this attack? Can I find the neighbor’s WiFi password?
BBB: The neighbor’s asshole is just...
ccc: This is a client attack. The password is easier to get through the same Pixie Dust, well, or try to scrape.
ddd: It’s easier to come home to him and insist on asking why some WPS.
eee: Hang the ad at the entrance: "All who did not give up the password from WiFi urgently give in the square. XX to XX! The Government"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145643
Only romance remained in the outsiders, since since the days of Pushkin's "Onegin" nothing new was invented in it. They will not invent. Pure romance is something that is not new.

You are burning, my dear. The world has changed, the social roles, the rights and responsibilities of men and women have changed, the whole way of life... and the girl in love with you is still forcibly married to another, like Tatiana? Real romance, not pink soppes in sugar, very much depends on the way of life, on social being and consciousness. Another thing is that it is very difficult to write such a real and corresponding to the described era. Especially when the "romantic line" is chopped anywhere instead of a roast of petriflakes on a dish with a meat cut.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145642
Shmarakov: I think of the "Vinnie Pooh" era of the early Myocene. Vinny-Puch will be a dinosaur there, and Pentachok will be an entelodont. The sova will be giant and running, the type of ornimegaloniks. The rabbit will be one of the small notongulates. The Tiger, obviously, will be a sable tooth, and Christopher Robin will be eaten before the plot begins.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145641
What do you do?
I work at work.
The worker?
The tautologist.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145640
But really, what to do if people have been close to each other for a long time and you do not run away, but the figure is now not changed (disease) and the potency is also not ordered?

What should I do if I got into a dpt and lost a leg? Have you had burns on half the body? Are you old (a)
Simple potency and everything else - for normal people, first, it is far from the first place in life, and secondly, the appearance of the partner is not strongly bound.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №145639
Go with the guys somehow on a terrible quest with the actress - a girl from "Call". We are brave and nice, we smoke, well, we thought so. We were given one and a half lamps on six, in the total darkness somehow found a way out of one room into another through the closet, there was a small hole. We begin to climb, here the closet will shake, whisper, voiceless. In the light of the lamp, we saw this girl sitting on the closet, crawling and starting to grab us for the heads. We removed it, we removed it, we thought so. Everything broke into the closet, they crashed, and our friend, 130 kilograms, stuck in his ass and neither there nor here. Oret is exhausted, she said, she has already bitten his leg and goes to his ass. We pull him with the whole company, he doesn’t slip through. Here the ghost starts to roast, yelling, “Fuck Winnie Pooh!” - come down from the closet and let us pull out from the back of our bite and bustling comrade. By joint efforts, we and the ghost pulled out a slightly possessed friend. Then he went on a diet.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145638
AndXor: China closed exhibition where Africans were compared to animals
Is the animal protection society closed?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145637
In fact, it is now such an age and time that it is easier to have a dog or cat than new friends or a new woman.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №145636
- The Russian Post offers to tax cheap foreign goods, and then everyone will immediately break to buy more expensive.

- Let's tax a small herr, because the metro does not get in the ass. Is it the same problem? He immediately enters.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145635
My colleague, M, is not different in accuracy and care, problems with teeth and God knows what else, fragrances correspond. I sit at the table and I’m closer to him.
In a chat with another colleague (sits next behind me):
C: Listen, could you come and touch M—it’s warm?
I am :????? to
C: Well, judging by the smell, he died that week, and came to work purely by habit.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna