— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №145494
We approach with a shopping cart to the line to the supermarket box office. There is an 8-year-old girl with a car, too, we are behind her. It is her turn to make purchases on the carrier, we understand that without her parents she will not do it, but we still clarify - you will or we will go, which she said would wait for her mom. Well, okay, we passed and already the cashier is breaking through our shopping, mommy is flying and begins to scream - no, not on us that we are such fools have gone by the child, and on the daughter - why did you miss it, I left you for something. The child with tears in his eyes says - and how would I pay without money. We mommy explain that nothing terrible happened, we asked the girl, she said that she will wait for mommy, we are already counting, everything is perfect. So why vaccinate a child with this phobia? And the unpleasant precipitation remained, as if we were the cause that now this girl will feel fear, remaining in line without adults.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145493
The case was 10 years ago. I just got married, and after a while, I was asked to help bring the linoleum to my wife’s grandmother’s apartment.

Well, I didn't agree, so I also called him to bed and twist his new clothes, so that she't wait for the maid until the weekend.

Apartment in the 9th floor panel house. The room is small, I pretended to do it for 2 hours maximum.

I brought linoleum and plinth.

There was no heavy furniture in the room. Everything was prepared.

Grandma sent to her daughter not to listen to the perforator, and boycotted the job.

He removed the old wooden plants, removed the old, laid a new linoleum. He pierced a bunch of holes in the wall with his father’s powerful perforator, and twisted new plints.

Satisfied waiting for the hostess, I bring her into the room, I say, "Accept the job!"

She liked everything.

Go to drink tea.

I once again look out of the hallway into the room and notice one strange thing that never came to my mind before.

Where are your batteries? I am asking.

They are in the walls. My grandmother from the kitchen answered.

How about the walls?

- Yes, the pipes straight in the walls are murdered from top to bottom.

I woke up! I have never heard that in my life. I had a sweat.

The matter was in the summer and even if I broke the pipe with a perforator, I could not immediately find out.

There will be a big surprise in October.

I tried to find out where the pipes were going. She did not know.

The bullet flew to Jek.

I started asking if there could be a plan for these tubes. The technician said it was their eternal problem. In one of the apartments a pipe flowed, the wall was crushed to cook. And where the pipes, you can only find when heating will give and they will be hot. They even tried the device somehow, but inefficiently.

I only have to wait and be afraid.

I told her everything when she came back from work. His answer was brilliant: "There were marks on the old plints where the pipes passed."

I had the time to throw those plates out.

There was a weak hope that by drilling on concrete I would not be able to break through the iron pipe, but I did not believe it.

As a result, I walked with this stone in the shower for 4 months, and when the test heating was allowed, I sat all day in this apartment, praying to all the gods that nothing would flow.

It all happened. I made new marks on the plinths and went to mark this case with a light soul.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145492
I called Uber today. I come and sit.

The driver asks:

Does music hinder?

No – I say.

Okay, he answered

and smoked.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145491
Yesterday I went out on the balcony and near the neighboring entrance saw an inscription on the asphalt.
Dear, smile to the new day!
Tagged with"
I was very angry, p.s. Post script after the letter, not the signature.
He felt like Sheldon who said the most horrible thing on the wall "Dear Sheldon!That"s what was not there...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №145490
- Volodya, - I report darkly, - I sat on a diet.
Why so sad? My husband responds sympathetically. Has it spread?
- Goat, - I bump and slide into the kitchen to cook a magical shrimp.
After 10 minutes, the man begins to smell anxiously.
and yes! I speak with challenge. I’m on a diet and I’ll eat it.
— Wait, — Voldemort waved, not ceasing to shake his nose. The same smell... mmm...
He blissfully falls down in the chair.
What is? I ask confidently. You like it, right?
I never thought I could have anything in common with a person who likes the smell of cooked celery. They can be tortured if the international convention has not yet prohibited them. By the smell, it must have been.
"You know," continues the husband, covering his eyes from pleasure, "when I was a kid, I was sent to my grandmother in the village for the summer. It smelled the same when she was cooking.
I swim in a smile, and he continues:
- She kept pigs and twice a day, she bragged them such a shit... One in one smells, direct nostalgia...
I stood and he opened his eyes and said enthusiastically:
Do you know what kind of pigs grow up?
and roar.
So how to live?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №145489
"New watches from the state corporation "Rostech" for the Russian military are able to withstand the consequences of a nuclear strike" PHOTO

<I have lived for a long time>
There is an anecdote-instruction about the behavior of a soldier of the Soviet Army in the event that an atomic bomb explodes nearby.
"What should be done in this situation first?"
The correct answer: "It is necessary to hold the ACM on an extended arm so that the drops of melted metal do not spoil the boots."

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №145488
The destiny of a holop is to roar for punishment and to love the baron for encouragement.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145487
Samara, the station, I go off the train, overtakes the man and runs a pack of money almost under his feet (steps in two ahead), immediately on his shoulder: "Oh, look, money!!!" Divorce, I thought (since I will not come to Samara, there are 3-4 brigades of such spiders at the station). With the words “money dirt!” Broke the penalty. Dirty fighting, 3 fucking run to look for the “puppet.”

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №145486
Package with packages? and Erund! Here is a garage five kilometers from the house for storing three-litre pots - this is the topic.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №145485
Oh, what a girl I am!

Wow: Well, it’s... Whoever says it’s a boy, let him throw something first...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145484
Some operations on the phone (and even on the computer) can take a long time, which can catch up. As a relaxation, I imagine doing the same operation without the phone and computer: I mindfully dress up, go (or even eat) to the nearest collector/communication salon/terminal, stand in line, pay in cash, go back. Or postpone for later to jump on the way. Wait until the hour is over. All, the green bank app is finally loaded. You can put money on the phone :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145483
Correspondence of developers with the director about the beta testing of the application in real conditions:
Good day! Will we soon be given living people for experiences?
It sounds somewhat evil.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145482
One day he witnessed how a crown was softening dry bread in a pit.

And I once witnessed how a crown in the flight threw a walnuts under the wheel of a passing car and then picked up and took the resulting puddle.

And his father told him that the crown also threw the nuts right under his feet and then waited next to him, looking with astute eyes for a man to cuddle a clever bird and crush the nuts.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145481
Everyone believes in fairy tales. In (...) "Our leader is the best, around the enemies"

Introductory reflection of minds. In the version "Our leader is the worst and around friends" is believed even less )))

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145480
Do you plan a wedding in one day?
And who will marry me?
M - you are with the nests and the tail with the julia
I am married to Grey.
M is no. But it is time. It’s time for you too.
I probably not.
M – Then you have to get married. by force. All of them.
Am I everybody at all?
M is no. You and my neck.
In Russia, same-sex marriages are prohibited. Especially among relatives.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145479
How to distinguish a poor oligarch from a normal:
Poor man watching Sting’s concert from a VIP lodge
The rich man invites him to come home.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145478
The new Star Wars trailer:

LucasFilm: We have an epic saga, we need to add something...
LucasFilm: It is true! Add the fighting wickets!
LucasFilm: And let’s add small wuki – kids will like mice.
Disneyland: HMM
Disney to buy Lucasfilm
Disney: More Animals
But we have a galactic war!
Disney is more! The Beast!

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145477
"A resident of our city beat away from the Gypsies with the help of socks" VIDEO

ZZZ: When I was young, I could calmly lay two or three small camps with the smell of my socks.
Now the situation has normalized.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145476
XHH: We have a new employee at every cock scream, he throws at the comp and unconsciously mates.
XHH: It turns out that he is hanging on a messenger notice, and we have a cock somewhere near the office (yes, in Moscow, there are cockroaches in the third ring area!When the window is open, it can be heard very well.
XHHH: Explained, made up again, hanged a hookah.

The next morning, dog weddings began under the windows.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №145475
I go home in the metro. I stand. I sleep. There is an old lady sitting and reading. I fell asleep and the train stopped. And I fall on that old lady. I immediately woke up and started apologizing. The people standing next to me called me Ham. The old woman said, “Why do you argue with the boy? You do not see, student. Probably hungry.” He then said to me, “Do not listen to them, you have done nothing wrong.” Then she took a candy from the bag of “The Mouse in the North” and gave it to me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna