— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149094
My friend's son is 5 years old. The family is Russian, the only child.

In the evening, after the kindergarten, he sits and dreams:

I will grow up, get married and have nine children. And I will call them Vanya, Sereza, Nikita, Masha,... and Ildar!

My mother is surprised:

Why is Ildar?

“Well, I don’t understand if I have nine children, I can’t even call one Ildar.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №149093
Skvrlmrdrbjevski: In the phrase "I have heard you" I personally hear something intermediate between "Go to" and "Thank you".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149092
Has anyone understood what distinguishes Eldar, Noldor, Sindar, Nondor, Phalatrim, Galadrim, forest elves and green elves? They are all the same elves, only different names.

The same as the Tatars, Mordians, Chuvashis, Russians, Ethiopians, Papuas, Yakuta, Chinese, Swedes, Spaniards, etc. They are all the same people, but different names.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №149091

I went to the hospice. The caring wives are indeed more, because there are men lying alone... It is true that half were relatives of both sexes.

Men are lying. The husbands do not even put their wives there. How many sick women lie on my memory, all of them lie at home under the care of so busy children, the overwhelming majority - daughters. To see the husband, even alive - there are almost no such. Very often, after learning about the disease, the husband just has a new wife.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №149090
Gorinychi snakes, unlike dragons, are peeled out of three-yellow eggs.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №149089
I sing, I play, I draw, I sew, to the languages of ability... The only question is, why am I acting better than my husband with a screwdriver and a blade? Well, in short, the third husband is already hard to endure. And what should I do? Hiding their abilities? Sooner or later it will come out of the bag. And then, to strike yourself on the throat - it is possible only for the sake of a very valuable man.

You can’t get married well – get married.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149088
xxx: But, by the way, it was wildly funny when some guy said to me "Oh, right she is rushing here, equality wants, go to the factory to work! ", and I am like "I am working at the factory, BULVAN! And I do a lot of hard work, like the hundreds of women I see there every day, who take 12 hours in day and night shifts to pull concrete with their blades, repair huge machines, put jewelry with many tons of items, sit on the crane, work on a break-up, break off products from the pads, climb into the oven, within which 60 degrees to push the stuck pad, work with chemicals from which the skin runs.

This silence responds to you. A striking detachment from reality in people))

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №149087
There are two deer hearts. The frozen ones. What can be done so that the deer does not share them in vain? Nothing comes into the head.
22: Push the arrow and give the 14th number to a man as a Valentine.
Let him decide what to do with them.)

[ + 11 - ] Comment quote №149086
My wife and I hired a cleaner, a student girl from our own home. She came twice a week for 2,500 and cleaned everything in the apartment (50 meters) to each dust, because there was not enough scholarship, and they don't get to work without experience.

And then she left our house and I learned that she lived with her girlfriend, they separated, and the apartment was that girl’s. And now sometimes I wake up at night and think that literally recently three floors below in the exact same apartment, there was a beautiful deceit in its shape and content and how they smoothed and kissed each other in the dim light of the nightmare, how their hair was beautifully lying on their pillows and how she gently guided her finger on her stomach, from the top down and looked into her wet eyes, snacking her lower lip with perfect white teeth, and in the morning they woke up in a hug and cooked breakfast together completely naked and laughed of happiness.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149085
Paul is
Gender: male
by 990
Quote Message by Chester_sk8 View Message
You can still take your wife, children, fireplaces, saucers and go down the mountain =) you scroll down, back running. The training and training ;)
When I was young and stupid, my father’s words seemed to me so heretical. Why do you have those bugs in the basement? Gloves and turnips are enough. Hope in Bratislava, Skiff in Fashion, Musculus, wherever it is. Why do you have this protein in pills, which interferes with strawberries, but still blows hunting. Dad is shy. Dad is stupid. Neither does Flex read, nor does Maskle and Fitness. As for the base. Dorian Yates is. Large weight, small number of repetitions. Not to mention methane and retabolil, which will also help. The weight grew and the mass grew. The Astenic. Now I understand the mass. Do you want to grow to 90 at 20? At 40 you will be 120 and rejoice you will not be This is not about me, about the older comrades who took the piedestal on the city powerlifting, and now can not lift the package from the tape more than 5 kg because of the hernia of the vertebrae, there was a time, dreamed of 70 ti, now the upper shoulder swells visually from ten pressures. Pussy from the holidays. And I want ease in the tournament, speed and health. I put an aerobic load. It is stupid to go stupid. It's more useful than buzzing, but I would gladly advise everyone about the type of boxing for health. Gants and turnips. and run. It would be small to report it. They are the smartest, but the dads are the stupidest.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149084
When life with his wife is not sugar, the husband pulls to go for salt to the neighbor.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №149083
In the week to a friend went to the base, he holds special equipment and trucks large. I see a new wardrobe in the guard's cabin. I don’t pay attention, they are constantly changing. He went to the office and got up. There, Rousseau decides on the phone. My friend told me to sit down and wait. I didn’t have to rush anywhere, I sat down and waited. He agreed on the phone, cut the tube and sat down:
Have you seen the new guard?
I didn’t look, did I have to?
The point is not that. The Savior is mine.
In the sense?
Well, I met the New Year with a hustle. He distributed the salary to the men, sent his wife and children to the father-in-law to the village and struck him in the joys of drinking. The urine hit the head, let's go on the cakes and on the babies to beat balls. It was a week off, and now it was home. He sat in a taxi, his head was plagued, and he was squeezing. Not reaching a few quarters, he asked to stop. I counted, thinking that while I walked, I would wind up. I forgot, fucking, that we live in Siberia, cold under thirty. I slipped, I hit the ice with a butt, I didn’t cut off, but I can’t get up, I lie with my eyes knocking. In five minutes, some of the young people ran, I think they will help get up. Nihren was not the Timurov, the pockets were snooped, the mobile phone with the wallet was squeezed and removed. I could only get half loud. I lay down for another five minutes, and I feel the shit coming to me. He stood up on the ropes, popping up. And here it falls:
To help you? - culturally so, and from the smell itself such that it cleared up in my head.
No need, I say.
He did not listen to me, picked up and dragged me somewhere outside the garage. I think it all went well. And he dragged me into the garage abandoned, his bed there was equipped. The fire broke, somewhere got a bottle. Raised his hands with his legs, he gave in. I warm up and thanked him for going home. The neighbor called an ambulance, they came and picked it up immediately. Freezing is easy, shaking. A week in the hospital and a week at home. Then he found it and took it with him. He now has a guard and a cowboy. I pay my salary and get my passport back. He is a builder in general, himself from Rostov, a children's homeowner. On Sakhalin went for a long ruble, barely got out, he says. Okay, I have to go, I ran.
I went down to Kent and looked at the man. A face like that, somewhere from thirty to fifty. is struck. But you man, you man, you man, you man, you man.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №149082
Two ants are standing on a football pitch and watching the team’s training. One says to the other:
Do you know why we are better than them?
The second: No. and what?
First: You and I will be 100% on the pitch in the World Championship final.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149081
Miracle with a backpack:
What will change if I hold my backpack in my hand?
At least, with sudden turns of your body, this dirty bag will stop hitting completely strangers in the face.
And do not be upset when you are taken for the backpack and attached to the mouth of the order - it is deserved.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149080
There is an exit

Everything is simple. In order for people in their backpacks not to interfere with each other, half of the passengers should stand on their arms.
It was as if you had never opened...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №149079

Advanced youth proposes to ban the songs of Stas Mikhailov and Leps. Someone screams: rap - feces and advocates for the physical elimination of Timati.
Opponents of the utyug consider everyone who goes to work in costumes to be fools. Freelancers actively "do not understand" those who work from 9 to 6. Find a normal job.
Slingomashes at sling meetings carry out plans for mass executions of all the "chariots".
What a damn democracy. Where do you go in politics if at the domestic level you can’t understand that there are people who are different from you.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №149078
Is there a beautiful man flying from Moscow to Los Angeles today?

No need to transmit anything. I would just like to think that some beautiful man is flying from Moscow to Los Angeles today.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149077
Every day I was sent valentines on behalf of one girl. It was sent from mine. We never sent Valentines to each other. What causes this effect? Per the whole class saw the birth of feelings and wanted to push us? Both of us were the fatest in the class.

Yyy: Everybody hoped you would come close and collapse the khuyam.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149076
Topology - Fantasy

Collection "The Difficult Task", 1982
Stories you were looking for:
The missing subway train - A. Daych, "Mebius’ Belt" (so called, da-da)
The professor who cleverly composed the opponent is Martin Gardner, "Null-Party Professor".
Please please.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №149075
I personally took two of them to show me with my finger. Stir into my ignorance. What is there in fact? There are many women, yes. Why is? There are men in the hospitals.

You were in the shrimp, didn’t you? And you go to the oncocenter, half there. As a constant visitor, I tell you, and if you have a drop of conscience, put your insinuations in your ass and don’t tore your heresy to me. Everyone is sick. They care - yes, mostly women.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna