— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134921
For some reason, they are born fools ALL (there is nothing to think about, all the time weapons, fisting, treating the mother as a source of sacrifice, ruin, where it will be), but at the same time, most of them still grow into people, and these individual personalities - such and remain.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №134920
The most characteristic example of the victory of form over content is the portraits of Che Guevara on the vitrines of the departments for the sale of expensive cigars.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134919
The dogs were incredible, yes. When do you start collecting shit?! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №134918
Novostm: In Omsk Orthodox activists achieved cancellation of the show of rock opera"Jesus Christ - Superstar".

The comments:
You can’t sing about Satan, you can’t sing about Jesus either. About what possible?? to
About uncontrolled reproduction in the name of increasing the army.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134917
I remember in my childhood a friend’s hamster died. He cried for a few minutes and threw it into the garbage. And a little later in biology we learned that they fall asleep in the winter.


Zzz: I also had my hamster dropped in the winter. He also read that he might fall asleep, but then he waved.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134916
He threw a 32-kilogram bathtub into the bathroom. This is explosive material, not your sodium.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №134915
and Ashan.

A middle-aged lady in the company of a man (judging by the appearance of her husband) and a 10-year-old child approaches.

The meeting course goes to them a guy, apparently a student, rolling in front of him an empty cart, and holding a shopping bag in his hand.

A woman gets a ten ruble coin in order to unlock the lock of the cart. Then there is a dialogue between them, where the guy is P, the woman, respectively, J.

Woman, let’s change (moving the car towards her)

Q: (after a slight confusion) Is she good?

P: Not beaten not painted (the husband of the woman begins to rust quietly)

Are the wheels rotating normally?

Q: (a little closer, penetrating her in the eyes) The rubber is new, from the spot of the rubber - the turn of the bag.

Takes her from her hand a redhead, smiles to her curved “half-in-half” husband and goes away like a boss))

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №134914
What has changed with the start of the heating season?
I sleep in a winter bedroom instead of a summer bedroom :((

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №134913
Everyone has their sympathies and antipathies, and sometimes there are no reasons for the latter. Or there are reasons, but they are incredibly absurd.

Once in my childhood I had a dream in which my mother went to Leonid Agutin. He seduced her with his guitar and the magical "Hop Hey Lala Lee." I remember that in my dream my dad was so worried that I just poured in tears, begging my mom to come back. When I woke up, I found a pillow filled with tears.

Since then I hate Agustin, even though I know he has nothing to do with it at all.

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134912
Comments on the video "How the movie should end"
XXX: Do as the fist should have ended

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №134911
The proverb “One in the field is not a warrior” has always stressed me, even as a child.
yyy> did you not understand?
xxx> Understood but not so
xxx> Always wondered why the proverb at all for such an obvious situation
xxx> Of course one in the field is not a warrior! Did he get stuck in the field alone? Where is the enemy?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №134910
I found my wallet today. And as a good Christian thought, “What would Jesus do?” So I turned it into wine.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №134909
My daughter is almost 9 years old and is in 3rd grade.
Grandpa asks :
What is your favorite lesson?
The last one!
To the blunt question in his eyes he adds:
No matter which one, only the last one.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134908
We are all different. Gluck, for example, for a musician and a drug addict - completely different concepts

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134907
xxx> Hello to you! We offer everything for a successful EGE, cheap!
yyy> Until now, thank you
xxx> How old are you?
yyy> 31
xxx and gt?? to
yyy> has not grown up.

[ + 12 - ] Comment quote №134906
You know what the matter is:

This, by the way, also applies to lovers of parking on the sidewalk. Cut-off tyres on board instantly get rid of this habit.

You have this parking on the sidewalk, but I once cut the tyres of a neighbor, who considered a particular part of the yard (absolutely legal parking, not attached to a particular inhabitant of the house) his legal place, well that is, he loved to park there, and then it turned out that I came home before him. I was a fool in his brain. So you can also be on the reverse side of the "reward" of some idiot (and not the fact that you can prove something and find someone, for example, I am just lucky that I personally saw from the window), once you encourage such methods, here either do not do shit to your neighbor, or do not fool when your neighbor does shit to you.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134905
Anesthesiologist for the patient:

and silence! You are on the air!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134904
In the bus comes a man without professional identification signs and silently stretches his hand. I look in the face, but I can’t understand the acquaintance or not. I took his hand, do it. He gets money for a hotel trip. How do I know?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №134903
Where I work, the staff are well aware that I do not drink alcohol. What, however, did not prevent them from giving on February 23 a beer glass, and on the New Year - a set of vodka bottles.

By the way, New Year. Literally immediately after him he went to the post office and, returning, found a thoughtful man near the garbage container. I threw the package from the package into the tank, and the man looked at me and asked, "Shampoo need? “” My bathroom is not filled with shampoos, but to borrow it from a strange man at the rubbish like I did not want and I refused. And he continued:

- I was congratulated at work and this shampoo from measles was given. My head is naked like my knee.

He takes off his hat. Naturally, it’s a full bowl.

No need, I mean. and OK.

He takes a bottle out of his pocket and throws it into the tank.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №134902
Only fools walk in sandals with socks. I am without socks. And all why – because I’m a cultural, advanced person, not what you are.
“Petrovich, only fools walk in sandals in the winter.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna