— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №105034
Sasha: By the way, there is an opinion that man did not originate from a monkey, but was brought to the planet, explaining this by the fact that man has many diseases that cause the atmosphere of the earth, including the spine, which does not withstand the load.
The house is laundry. The locals are cats. And because we occupied their planet, they obliged us to feed them, take care of them, and post their photos to VKontakte.

[ + 20 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105033
I just don’t understand why the fierce advocates of heterosexuality are so sincerely convinced that if people are given a free choice, if not all, then most will joyfully run into homosexuality. You personally have everything so bad in the ghetto, you only suffer for the idea and think that everyone who is not so ideal is just waiting for the opportunity to crack for the forbidden figs? I swear by the textbook of biology, those who have always liked heterosexual sex, it will absolutely not like it - regardless of whether same-sex relationships are poisoned or not in society.

[ + 18 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105032

The Russian engineer would not have invented a TV that looks at the whole world.

Why are you so in a hurry? They have not yet reached their hands to the correspondence of this TV story.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
For the first time the effect of glow on n-p transitions in semiconductors was discovered by the Soviet engineer Oleg Losev.
and what? They were fooled and this: we buy LEDs in China because they are not able to do it themselves.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №105031
from ZH:

In fact, all humans are divided into two great races. Some fell from the tree, others fell from there. And by the color of the skin and the cut of the eyes all later formed.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105030
Xhx: I’m not going to play any more games with you!
YYY: Why is this?
I don’t know why, but you’re lucky. In poker, in erudite, in any platform. and all. No more games.
YYY: Nothing at all?
Oh yeah yes!
What about the game of the nurse and the patient? The nun and the gardener?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №105029
All of you finish!
There is a colleague, a passionate lover of home German (no fast food, and sandwiches). Coffee just what he likes in the thermos wears, and definitely a thorough lunch. Well, the thing is good, good cooking is great. Today he was stuck with boiling boiling water in a bowl. Everyone who was around, knowing his attitude to “jank food,” began to whisper, such as: gave up, to borrow money? The whole head...
It was a failure: the sauce was home-made. So the stranger also bought a laundry company for this matter.
Now we pretend, maybe he is not an analyst, but a cook at work?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №105028
Dialogue on the bus
Do you get baptized when we pass by the church?
Do you fuck my faith?

Orthodoxy, cruel and merciless

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №105027
People’s courts throughout Russia.

Without trial and investigation...without trial of witnesses...without investigation of witnesses...witnesses)))

Anonymous, you are talking about it. But when the investigation, the examinations, the trial, the witnesses and... "the innocent" with iron proofs and a bunch of witnesses because "the shark". It becomes somewhat uncomfortable. Yes, it’s a twist, but on the other side. Maybe in our lives we will get to the happy middle.
— — —
We do not get. Because we are on the wrong side. The normal law and its normal execution are not in the middle between the boundlessness of the chief and the boundlessness of the revolver. And it is quite possible that during our life (five minutes before its completion) we will have time to see that the morroworot and the sales mint perfectly agree with each other, and even easily turn into each other. Yes, at the time of the transformation they prefer more than usual to portray supporters for the people and even to gather three hundred deer to raise their hands.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №105026
HH: Well, how did the wheels go?
Like in a mother song. "with fire and heat"
What did the fire cause?
Type of that. You should hang a poster at home: “Don’t make your wife a cuni after a portion of chili.”
XH: O_o

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №105025
Picture of coconut crab:
"I never understood who thought of this "coconut crab". In my opinion, such a creature is more suitable for the name "Forget the Terrible Hernia";

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №105024
How to teach a cat not to suck where it is not appropriate?? to
XXX: I don’t know who. It doesn’t run with my cat. After two such executions, he came to the conclusion that he was being tortured precisely because he was SIT in principle, not because he was hurt where he did not need to. So, now he learned to suck and immediately hide. Moreover, he is always hiding - even in the bowl, as appropriate, even on the tapes. He cries, presses his ears, and runs under the couch.
A poor animal.

[ + 21 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105023
News: The monument to Steve Jobs was demolished in Peter because Tim Cook is gay
The comments:
Why do you write the truth? In the statement of the company ZEFS (Western European Financial Union) black on white said "The monument is removed for restoration".
and AGA. In 2013 put, and a year later - on restoration....Another would write what to change the version of IOS!!! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №105022
I saw with my husband a new store with stylish and inexpensive things, including for children.
I:- we found such a nice shop, now we will buy your clothes only there
Is it called 38?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №105021
111: What is your status?
I change my grandmother-engineer for a grandmother-cooker with a surcharge.
222: And without payment no one will agree. She is proud of me that she has a higher education, the kind of smartest. In fact, 30% is bad curiosity, 30% is dumb persistence and 30% is inventive.
Add 10% to Advertising
222: The remaining 10% is in g***
222: Imagine, I pulled off with a percentage, I think, say, I want to sleep more than to eat, I will sleep for three hours, I will shake my puppets and loaf again. I cut off the cell phone, pulled out the home from the router, sent a bunch of rays of hatred to the fierce child of the neighbors from above... You won’t believe, I wake up from the doorbell. At least 10 calls to the door! The day! The fire? The flood? The neighbor is giving birth? It eats! It was my grandmother who found a neighbor’s phone, brought her a mosquito and forced me to knock on the door to transmit that I called and told my grandmother how I worked at the universe!!! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №105020
to this
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
I'm a bad romantic, one night I walked on the balconies to the lady in the window, broke the fork, broke the pots with flowers, awakened my dad.
had to marry.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Poor Dad...

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №105019
To confess to a friend that he is gay, answer "Yes, what’s the difference?!" is not the best option.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №105018
Dome is a great gift.

Especially if you work in a group. On March 8th, we will say:
Yesterday I got my perfume. I have a ring! I have a photoshop!
In the background there is such a low voice:
I am a housekeeper.

and silence...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №105017
BlackFox: Advertising by UAZ Patriot. I quote literally: "There are still those who doubt that it is not suitable for the city! We will dispel their doubts. I thought...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №105016
Russian imperialists are interesting people. They are like Russia with Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan, but without Uzbek and Kyrgyz.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №105015
My mother burned me up... she went to Moscow (we live 1000 km away) and took the keys from the garage. Calling today, I ask: Did you take the keys from the garage?
She: Yes, if I urgently need to bring in December!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna