— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145214
It is fun to share an apartment with a couple. Especially when he’s a fictional German and she’s an emotional Spanish. She had already quarrelled with him, had dinner alone and went out to walk in total sadness, and he didn't even realize it. Then I was surprised that she was not at home, and I went to call her. At that moment, the Spanish woman came back and stumbled on the guy for not looking for her.
P.S Then she recalled a few more reasons to smite him and orle. It is no longer funny :(

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №145213
XXX: Figeo with these people
XX: That is, when a cat enters the sewing room, it’s normal? ("Spring")
When the wolf smokes Belomor and the crocodile smokes a pipe, does it not surprise anyone at all? ("Well, the weather" and "Spring")
When a bird and a bear ride in the clouds, should it be? (" three of them Good afternoon")
When the harsh archangel woman falls with her cries of pine - a real story? ("Squared")
XXX: But it was worth flying Luntic, it was all! Banned and not allowed. People, are you normal?

[ + 30 - ] [9 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №145212
I recently failed to see erotic dreams because of deep moral principles. I dreamed that the coach in the squad began to give me signs of attention, and then actively stick. And I, therefore, in response to him: "I am married, and for the sake of a minute conversation with you, I will not put my family life at risk!", I woke up in the thought that I am a boring person and how I did before that.

I don’t cheat my husband, even in my dreams. But the body has found a way out: I dream erotic dreams from the face of fictional characters, not my own. As if I was real.
An American spy in the USSR, or an ordinary forest yogi, or a Peruvian servant-hermafrodite in the temple complex, or a non-human alien, or a ghost. In short, I have a unique sexual experience. If anything, I’ll tell you how the eggs do this.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145211
“You’re just shit,” said the chemotherapist.
But I am a natural, not a kind of pederastic chemistry!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145210
I went fishing in the company of 50 men.

After an evening promenade and a light dinner (in terms of food little, vodka a lot), listened to their stories, which were reduced to 2 topics:

At work, everything is bad - the guard is everywhere, even the nail cannot bear, not to mention the solarium. It was easier before.

The whole army was robbed, pederast!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145209
A competent specialist in any field is almost uncommon. Those who think of themselves as literate are a lot of rubles.

So your job as a business organizer is to work with the specialists you can afford. Thus e. to organize the business process so that it goes normally with real Sasha and Masha, and not with those Euclid and Kowalevsky, who for your proposed salary and working conditions will not even take the telephone when they will be called by your staff. Does not work? Big back on our side of the barricades, in the hired workers. Is it? What was revealed then? And, do you need to report to the workers, what are they nonsense, so that God don't ask for an increase? It is easier to humiliate and humiliate than to think about a system of material and moral incentives. True, with this attitude and Sasha and Masha will not be especially close - why do they do this, they will always remain bad for you.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145208
There are people-sows, there are caterpillars, and I judge by the whole cat - I always sleep, I work a little and I don't want to sleep again.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145207
Restaurant in the universe in Germany. Building of Computer Science and Mathematics.
Why is all your food spicy? German dishes are usually spicy, I ask the chef.
“So the customers are sharp,” says a good-hearted, dull German, whispering in turn from both Hindus and Chinese.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145206
The mother approaches, says - steep your hands into the castle, well, I stepped, she looks, looks and says: fucking you are left!

Dima, left has been 28 years old.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145205
Courses will not make you a programmer. Reading books and watching educational videos don’t make you a programmer. Certificates don’t make you a programmer. Even writing code doesn’t make you a programmer.
Solving tasks with code will make you a programmer. Even if you’ve gotten this code off with stackoverflow...

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №145204
> Adobe turns face to Linux and open source
Companies like Adobe, Microsoft and Oracle have no face. Whatever side you turn them, they have their ass everywhere.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145203
By following the PGD, you are grieving the GIBD.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №145202
Thank you to the readers, especially the critics.
Thanks to you, friends, it makes sense to continue the history of the Ural Mountains.

Today I will talk about Chupacabras.

Contrary to the popular belief that the Chupacabra is a kind of beast - the locals have the opinion that it is like a kind of spirit that invades animals, and even humans, and forces them to produce things incompatible with morality and common sense. But until it touches you personally, you won’t understand, I think.

It started like this, and I started missing cats. The loss is not God knows what, but all knew from birth, lived for themselves, no one was touched - and suddenly began to disappear. Periodically, not constantly, one will disappear, or two at once.
He went, looked - there is nowhere, then turned to his interpretative guard Serom - where cats, look. Well, as a dog, even smart, to explain what are interested in the missing cats, you ask him - where the cats - he is looking at the cats near the house. I told him to protect the cats. He’s again in confusion – I’m guarding everything here, and the cats too. You fucking guard, I say, they are going somewhere.
A week ago in the evening came home - Grey, as if to say more gently, all encouraged. The throat is bitten, the wound is torn above the eye, crumbling, in general, cranky things. I was angry at all — and what a shit, the neighbor says — Chupacabra probably came back.
Okay, I think I need to understand. I went through the bloody spots, I had to go only 200 meters, to the river, and there are already dead two healthy dogs, like dogs. The square is all in blood - Grey, seeing that the forces are unequal, invented them to procrastinate the stomach and the intestines to pull out. And the man in camouflage risks - he saw me - and to me with a complaint - so what, always here dogs walked out, they hunted for homeless cats here, and here came, released, left for cigarettes - returned and so on. What a fucking mad man. We need to call the police, he says, to look for where this insane creature is.
Oh, I say, shit, call, now Patrick will come and explain to you, Chupacabra you are a fucker, you are here, fucker, not a hunting land, and, fucker you are a fucker, you do not have a license to hunt cats. And once you came here to hunt - he will make you a dozen articles at once, although, frankly - I would fuck you straight in the spot, the cattle without horns, who came up with such a fun - to come to other countries and hurt from the soul. And the angry creature doesn’t even need to be sought – here she is, in front of me.
The man understood that the conversation was not sticky, quietly sat down in his "Duster" and fuck.
And I went to treat Grey, I appreciate this guy, smart, courageous, only reckless little.
Now it's better - he runs, he's not crumbling almost, the neck I shaved him, the wound on his head was treated with Baneocin - well, of course, he stayed alive.
It is a shame that Chupacabra himself has died alive.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145201
If the meteorologists say that tomorrow will be clear, do not be deceived: they mean that now they are unclear, but it will come tomorrow and then it will be clear what the weather on that day.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145200
M1: Marina, will you go with us for lunch today?
Marina is no. You are harmful and now I need to be persuaded and softened.
M1: Well, it is already promiscuity some starts!
M2: What is it? Okay, Google: what is promiscuity? Promiscuity is a disorderly, by nothing and by no one limited sexual activity.
M3: The consolidation of the collective, in short. The Timbleed.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145199
Comments on GT:
XXX is oh! My level of paired and assembled! I thought one was so special.
yyy: I have already had time to get used to the tolerant expression “special people” applied to the mentally ill, but “special electronics” is great ;), I will take up the arms – they will ask about some mechanic (builder, repairman) – a handle, I will answer “oh, this is a special specialist”. thank you!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №145198
Instead of a shirt in the winter, you can wear two bags of bricks - you will not freeze guaranteed.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145197
XX: Speak slowly, or I don’t have time to put a screw on everything you say.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145196
>>The company offered a friend to employees for free(!) Take a promotional course that costs 200. Not from altruism, specialists in this direction are catastrophically lacking and they are expensive. Two out of 50. Other "some time"
– is
Not for free. Do not go to the guess - with a contract in the style of "who will not work after this 5 years - will compensate for 150% of the study". Who wants to be a slave?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145195
I lived with Negroes. I ask who my parents are working for. Nigra says: My dad works tsar.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna