— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145174
Love is love, but you have to have sex.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145173
I paid for coffee. has gone. I remembered that I did not give up. He returned, took the gift, and left. I went back to the office and realized I didn’t have coffee. Back for coffee.
Barista: I made you stronger.

Roman Rosengurt

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145172
Yesterday, the top manager of Gazprom finally spent the entire salary for February 2013!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145171
I am an adult aunt. A few years ago in the mail was drawn an old acquaintance in the theatre studio, where the teenagers went. With a sad story - the head of the same studio is accused of disgraceful actions against the students, he himself says that, by accident, the width has broken, and the children have seen that it is not necessary. Guys from my generation are writing a petition "Hands away from the respected teacher!", the public of the city is advocating... In general, the classic picture "chicken mothers" condemned the poor man, only one problem - I still know at least three girls (well, that is, now no longer girls) who before graduation of school did abortions from him. Two of them signed the petition. In short, your will, but to the stories of the “absolutely innocent man on the same spot accused of what he had not even thought of!”

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №145170
I found a reason to be passionate about photographing food.

xxx "Symptoms of Autism:....For autistic children, how food looks is very important... "

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145169
In the wake of the new film, the protagonist was expelled from work, deprived of the home, abandoned by his wife and defeated by creditors. But since the film was Indian, the hero first danced and only then stumbled.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145168
Now the girl was going in front of me, the whole world on one man-one: the lower part of the body in warm loins with Scandinavian patterns of deer and snowflakes, the upper - in the skin of the innocently killed plush leopard. Globalization and IoT

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145167
I’ve heard a new word today, but I don’t understand how a trick can be concentrated in this place.

Judging by the grace with which the Kinderthe had circumvented the mention of this word out loud, he heard it not just so.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145166
XXX: What did the developers of this Libya use?? to
YYY: With the invention of the Darknet and Bitcoin, this issue becomes urgent.
zzz: By the way, to determine what the code was written is not so difficult.
zzz: under the grass the code is accurate, scratched in detail
zzz: but some decisions without a thoughtful study (or a crunch) fuck you will understand
zzz: on stimulators - comes out such proof-of-concept style:
zzz: seem to be a bunch of tasks solved in a short time, but with detailed consideration
It turns out that the exhausts are not caught, the input is not filtered, step to the right / step to the left - and everything breaks.
zzz: in acid programming can only those who have understood the true zen, I do not know.
Zzz: Well, those who are very friendly with opiates have more serious problems than writing some code there.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145165
From the overwhelming: I mentioned on the phone the “evil Marsians” and got a long conversation from a companion in the air express that it is chauvinism and they are good.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145164
I work in an enterprise related to the development of electronics and all kinds of spacecraft for space needs. The boss told the story. They built an antenna. We were lucky at the test. Before this, there was a check, type of weight, dimensions, numbers, etc. And on the tests themselves found out that something was wrong and the problem in the software. brought back for repair. When tested the second time it turned out that the device weighs 1.5 kg more than before. A representative of our department had to twist for a long time, imagining that the programmers wrote the code for one and a half kilograms. The device was taken, but where the extra kilos came from so nobody understood)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145163
The Unnecessary Questions:

xxx: Can civilian aircraft (Boeing, Airbus, Superjet) perform figures of superior piloting?
YYY: Once you can

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №145162
I am a lawyer, the wolf's legs are fed, at home I only go to sleep. A few days ago, bustling with the counters in the apartment and communicating with all sorts of utilities, I thought: I will retire, I will organize the TSH and slowly, with taste, I will debt all the resource-supply organizations, managing companies and other services to work like a clock. I will have an exemplary house. Wait, neighbors, 16 years left

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №145161
Gifts for boys
In our time of the ubiquitous availability of erotics and pornography (from social networks and Instagram and ending with specialized portals) to show as a gift breastfeeding is the same uncovered sweepstakes as to give a stock shoulder for a bowl, which was previously free of charge brought to the bank of sauce. Gifts in this field start with a mine, because even the nominee will be able to whisper on their own. Although, if the reputation of the carpenter does not weigh - you can give up all kinds of fuffles, yes.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145160
However, the treasury is entering a new level - now we also have neologisms:
"Gavno ipalok", "Brother of Okkam", "Kaknocrats"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145159
The xxx:
I am actually white and furry.
In my case, it is not a fur.
It is mold.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145158
from ZH:

That is, the little ones need to be taught to the classics, but somehow more human than is done in our schools. For example, send to a deserted island with "War and Peace" in your suitcase.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №145157
Employers who understand perfectly that they are paying salaries and could easily raise them without harming themselves and the company are always angry, but they never do so. And all because, according to them, "If a person works for these pennies, he agrees to it.
And then these people go to a restaurant for lunch and leave gold teas to the people who still get their salary.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №145156
Bhagavad-gita: The badges only wear secrets, they are different every day, and in general. And you have only three admines, you can remember.

Wow: We had a boy here before you, all his name was Roma, but this clique passed to him by inheritance from the previous admin, who was sitting at his table. But I was with his companion a couple of times and I knew he was Jura by life. I tried to re-learn everyone. And then suddenly it turned out that he was actually Igor. This is what I do, you, Vitya, until you put on the badge, you will be a Rome for everyone, be satisfied.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145155
xxx: Today I realized that I was too old for all this modern computer stuff.
YYY: What happened? You have been doing everything that has to do with them for 30 years.
I set up more than a hundred servers, custom printers, gathered life-images on the knee, crossed miles of network cable... A few days ago I decided to install W10 and check rumors about it.
Yyy: OS as OS, as it needs - so it works
XXX: just as she needs. and not me. At first this miracle tried to install some of my driver for my video card... failed. I tried again, it doesn’t work. Even if I did it myself and the usual driver would not fit. Then this miracle of nature flew out saying that something went wrong, and reboot at all ceased to load.
xxx: in general, I will be a screaming starter and say "just before it was better", and I take off the wheel and go back to my debian, who still thinks I better know what and how should work on my computer.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna