— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №134801
Comments on "Human multi-foot" on Rutrekker:
Q: Is there a normal translation, not a goblin?
A: Without matts, so that you can see with your wife and children? No no no no.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №134800
“But you see that I’m not holding up!” the girl replies proudly, standing thirty centimeters from the absolutely free vertical armor.

Yes, I would have given her a good third time to crumble, withdrawing and giving a little more space :). M is b. There was something in her brain. And no, at least they the demonstration of ham stupidity. Every lesson would be.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134799
Xxx: The people seem to be degrading!

Yyy: To degrade, you must first reach a certain level, so that the reason is not in degradation but in the absence of development.

Zzz: Well said, it was once the BIC (formerly intelligent man) who were very educated and intelligent people, but degraded noble alcohol, and these... were on the island of monkeys, so they look smarter.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №134798
I received documents for connecting to the network organization yesterday. A large hall of 8 managers, each with the MFA. M is manager. I am.
M is We need an energy deal! Here is his representative!
Oh how comfortable!
M – But you don’t have a copy of the documents!
You have an MFI!
M is not all.
I – and where?
M - Over the road a special barracks! We are at 8:00 and he is at 9:00.
So we live!
And when in the end, I brought copies, they were scanned and sent to EnergySbyte. To my question: - why was it not possible to scan from the original to do, did not find anything to answer!

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134797
The devil: guys, go to hell with me, I have girls there.
Are there wipes and smoothies?
Are you a Russian footballer?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134796
X: In that square, the whole city of dogs walks out.
X: The most bright characters - a whispering aunt with a mops, a girl with a dressed toach and a hatchback with a hatchback, who did not even think of training a dog.
X: In general, he was silent only with the appearance of Tamara Arsenievna and the Child.
X: Tamara Arsenievna worked with the child in the army
X: The baby is a trained rottweiler and knows the team "fas" well.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №134795
I was called from Nintendo and told that they had a rare Pokémon Sloupok, but I didn’t betray you.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №134794
Discussion of the strength of bicycle frames on cycling.
xxx: Happiness will appear themes: the wind went in the winds, the rain went, the paint was washed off the frame, the ants flooded into the switch and broke it.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134793
Parking and scratches

The Preamble:
Organize an eco-parking in your yard. Not asphalt was poured, but a grid was laid through which grass could grow. Where before there were ten cars, twenty began to fit, and the passage became a little wider. In addition, the place at the children's playgrounds was not taken away. The courtyard road goes along the slope, on which an additional sink was made and already on top of the roof.

The Ambulance:
From the neighboring courtyard, where the ecoparking was not thought of, one poor man regularly travels to us and parks on our seats, officially attached to our house (more precisely to those who rented money). He rides on a BMW X5. In addition to the fact that we gave money to the parking lot even those who have an old jiggle-seven.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №134792
Every time I rush out of my blanket in the morning in autumn or winter, I feel like Neo has awakened from the first matrix, cold and hidden.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134791
11-year-old boy stole $5,000 from his father and bought his friends hamsters

Five bucks for five bucks? The boy will not disappear. So many friends.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134790
From the neighboring courtyard, where the ecoparking was not thought of, one poor man regularly travels to us and parks on our seats, officially attached to our house (more precisely to those who rented money). He rides on a BMW X5. In addition to the fact that we gave money to the parking lot even those who have an old jiggle-seven.

Did he know you gave money? Or maybe he sees free spaces, and he doesn’t think it’s an eco-park.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №134789
What do you know about titles?
Appreciate it!
"Young people will be able to find̆your work on a special day"
Remember the joke: "The market reached the bottom and began to dig". And here... on a special day...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №134788
The person who posted here quotes three or five years ago, thank you! Although something makes you smile, reading on the humorous portal boring shit.
A good banana is no longer a banana, but a classic.
Nowadays, however, almost every fairy tale here looks good just because it’s a joke.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №134787
The CNC machinery? Originally

The competition is interesting ;-)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №134786
This is:
Let the wolf bite his barrel. A machine gun and toilet. The small. and BACC.

A wolf and a barrel are written through "o".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №134785
My father is a professional necromancer. The body was raised 50 years old.
2 and 2??????? to
3: What this time?
1: The magnetophone turned on the lamp.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №134784
Lord, there are people who remember names in Ikea. I’ve been to Ikea for 12 years and I don’t remember any of them.
You get up in the morning, pick up the Tupplur, go to the kitchen, sit on the Hendrixdal outside Burst and pour tea into Upgrade, chewing Pepparcaka.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №134783
Wounded - wounded - killed a three-decker!

Three bullets managed to hit.
"Maxim" is a classic. Water cooled in a barrel. Fuck it without recharge.

Let the wolf bite his barrel. A machine gun and toilet. The small. and BACC.

The Batch.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №134782
And my colleague has two sons, the eldest - Henry, the younger - Martin (the colleague has a common name Vladislav). We joke that he is waiting for the third to call him Adolf and revive the fourth Reich.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna