— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №89245
I sit in the kitchen with my son and have breakfast.
I: "Good appetite!"
The son makes a solemn face and says: "Appetite. It will not perish from the thousand nine hundred and ninety-seventh year.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №89244
My wife and I work on interior design. Distributed the volume of work, warned that if it is overdue - I will go for mistakes.

After an hour, the result is square bulbs, and the light does not come from the window, but from a fictional basement, the entrance to which is located in the center of the room. And an evil smile.

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №89243
The multiplier in the Russian language is not formed by the letters "a","i".
There are no exceptions! No tractor, no driver, no computer, no accountant, no shredder, no dollar, and no contract.
The masters look at it quite surprised.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №89242
When my husband is capricious, I threaten him that I will not sew for him the plush toy I promised for his birthday. He is frightened and does what I want. I am evil =)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №89241
No-no is :

I’ll tell you the ma-a-all secret.

Multiple numbers in the Russian language are not formed by the letters "a","i".
There are no exceptions!

Please open your eyes, look at the snow and the sleeping lawns. And then state that there are no exceptions. Then go read about forms of formation of multiple numbers. Note that in addition to speech, there is also a professional language, in which the use of -A instead of -i/s is equally common. Read about the equivalent forms. Therefore, please install drivers on your computer, and I will look for drivers on the widget, motherboard, audio and wifi module. Because of the word of the drivers is already turning me.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №89240
in windows 8.1 restarted, we look forward to windows 8.2, which will return windows 7

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №89239
Good night, sleep with your loved one. He turns his back and says:
It would be hot without ghosts.
Without what?
Without ghosts
Without what ghosts?
All of these emails.
Which emails?
What have you come to me!
I fell asleep sweet again.

[ + 29 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №89238
And we have in the city an exhibition of sounding figures (modern fauna and dinosaurs). Part reacts to touches with "native" sounds.
The boys who trusted the exhibition changed some sounds for fun.
The people were roaring at first, but after the incident, when the child, who approached and swallowed the enormous Triceratops with sad eyes, stunned, hearing a loud GAV, the rage ended.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №89237
The fire occurred due to the violation of the rules of smoking in the bed.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №89236
Diman: Summer, I’m standing in the headphones, dancing in the tact of music and smiling at the sunny day. With a light scarf on my face, a ragged neck on my head, I wear light jeans, a shirt, a pink vest. I know I’m being pulled for my pants. I turn around, a 6-year-old girl stands and looks at me with huge eyes. I take off my headphones and bow to her. You are dumb, you are dumb? “Emmm... Yeah... The girl turns around and cries in the whole voice – MAM, I HAVE SAYED THIS BILLAN!

[ + 36 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №89235
Dear parents!

Stop posting your words here. Believe me, they seem cute and funny only to you.
Nobody cares about your kids, okay? No one." © J. Carlin

[ + 12 - ] Comment quote №89234
Today in Arbat took part in the video recording of a strong man of Russia... It was necessary to hold a chain of 12 kg on an extended arm... I watched first one stood 30 seconds, then the second 20 seconds, the woman held 2 seconds... I learned that today there was a record of 40 seconds... I asked... I stood, recorded, held, started counting, filmed on the camera. Filmed from different angles, at 15 seconds I felt trembling, at 30 felt proud, at 40 began to appear tired, at 50 began to vibrate a hand, at 56 gave up... So to say, they shot me... there was no limit to joy) I went quietly... I didn’t want to say that in the contest the strongest man for today won the Ukrainian... Maybe they would still remember Povetkin)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №89233
Review of Battlefield 4:
The whole story revolves around the aircraft carrier Valkyrie, but in reality it revolves around the fucking scriptwriters.

[ + 12 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №89232
When I was young, I loved drinking. That’s why my wife left me. In short, I lived with my deaf old mother in a three-bedroom apartment. My name is Victor. Although it is uncomfortable to write such an unpleasant event, but in thirty years it can happen to anyone.

One day after work, I had a lot of fun with my friends. I came home on autopilot. My mother was watching TV in the living room. Sound for the whole corner. I quietly crashed into my room, raised the couch seat to get the bedding... But then the last forces left me – I fell with a bullet into the couch’s bottom, and the seat over me fell. I was medium-sized, shorter, fit perfectly in the couch box and fell asleep.

Mom, watching the movie on the telecast, looked into my room. and none. I thought she had stumbled somewhere. She closed the entrance door to the castle and lay on the bed in the bedroom. There was a dead silence in the apartment.

At two o’clock in the night, I woke up with a thirst. The head was torn, the whole body was hurt, the leg was cramped and wanted to go to the toilet. I opened my eyes, it was dark. “Where am I? I asked myself. I need to get rid of it or I will die!”

I laid my hands on a hard bed and tried to sit down. The Bach! He hit the forehead of the faner. “What fucking thing?“!”

I examined the surrounding space with tremendous palms. On top of the cover, on the sides, the boards... “Lord! I am in the grave! My eyes came out of the orbit of horror. Somewhere he ate, cut off, and I was mistakenly buried alive!

No is! Let me go!! I am alive!! – I stumbled in panic and started to knock my limbs into the top of the box... However, a tired mother didn’t hear anything. Her restless sleep could only be disrupted by a weapon salute made right in the bedroom.

I became weak and cried bitterly in my grave. What a terrible end! I counted it. He was buried alive for thirty years.

However, when I crushed, I still took myself in my hands. Maybe it’s not all lost yet? There was a weak hope in me. Sasuke himself buried the cemetery. The deck was slightly nailed and all... And the earth, maybe loose – buried by drunken slugs and, like, hardly trumpeted... After all, if I don’t come out myself – both! Cranes to fuck!“!”

I gathered the last forces in a bunch, strained, stepped my feet and hands into the "cover" and pressed in a stangistic way! The heavy seat of the couch rose up... I rushed into a light crack, like a bottle of champagne!

Painfully shaking my back, I fell out of a wooden confinement on the parquet floor.

The A-A! A wild, heartbreaking scream broke out of my traumatized vodka chest.

Save it! Save me!! I am not dead! I am alive!! to

Their brains were feverishly scanning the surrounding muddy SOMETHING. There was no dirty ground nearby. I thought it was Morocco...

The whistle of a wounded bear, comparable in decibels to an atomic explosion, awakened not only the mother, but also the neighbors.

The wretched mother rushed to the call, turning on the light.

Ritchie, what about you?! to

She was in my sight in the fog. But I stopped riding on the floor, stumbled on the parent with a glass mad look... Nausea flew from anywhere, it was disgusting. I, driving away all this ugliness with my hands, thought that I had met my mother in the sunny paradise!

Are you dead too? I asked and cried again.

Well, the mother, of course, rushed to her child, began to lick me on the head, tightly pressed to herself, as in childhood, and often cried, comforting:

No one is dead, my son. We are all alive! You had a bad dream. Look, this is your room. Do you know?

Slowly my self-control returned to me. I climbed to the prison sofa, touched it and finally "looked out" - I realized in which "grave" I spent the night.

Well, I drank, of course, 200 grams with lemon. I swear to him that many years have passed since then. I don’t drink after that nightmare. Sometimes I drink beer with cakes. The happy wife returned, gave birth to an heir. Life is fine...


[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №89231
Bosk (1) LV Today, 13:18 ↑

You do not laugh...but yesterday I looked at the shops that are sold there... four varieties of Latvian and two varieties of Russian... I saw... and a familiar Latvian stood next to him, well, I turned his attention to this nanurmort and you know how he commented on this?, he said, "You are Russian swallows... you raised your holy hand."

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №89230
Commentary on YouTube on Powerbalance:

I bought a bracelet, the hair grew up, the computer started to work faster, the car started to drive faster than the calin's style to develop and became 300 km after that as the bracelet stretched her on the exhaust... I advise really helps, and when the cat on the neck bracelet dressed she instead of a mouse pulled a tapir home.

[ + -5 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №89229
The Marathon of Avatar.

I love it, the first time I saw it when I was small. I told my dad that I wanted to be a water magician. He took me to the bath and gave me a shower.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №89228
Tagged with: UGU
Lav: The feeling that people get towers only to write more in social networks, in the column "education".

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №89227
Take today a wife with a seven-year-old son to a maid (the woman gave a weekend to normal boys to sit in a purely male company). Two minutes ago my son called. The quote:
Dad, please take me! This dumb series began "The Golden Age", and there was a battery on my PSP. I have nothing to do. It is intolerable!
I’m so sorry for him... I’m under whiskey, my son, and I can’t save you. This is life...

Here is a good reason for the child not to go out, but to take a book in his hands.
It is a pity that this is not an option.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №89226
According to the idea of the author, looking at the demotivators in the style of "Guess the country by the photo", everyone should think about Russia.
Ukraine is almost always represented there.
by 77

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