I went to my aunt in Ukraine. She decided to surprise me and make sushi.
I was surprised, fucking. Sushi... with salt... from strawberries!! to
Previously, leaving the house for a long time, a person worried that he did not turn off the gas or gasoline, and today - that torrents did not turn on.
[anya] (16:46:51 1/11/2010)
Before yesterday I thought on the subject that there is no wickedness and each is beautiful in its own way.
[anya] (16:47:08 1/11/2010)
Then my mom told me to put a rubber cap in the pool.
[anya] (16:47:15 1/11/2010)
I found one shit.
I was told how much attention and gifts you need to sleep with me.
yyy: 2 hours of communication and Abkhazian home cognac)
Zap-it: hearing, what do you smell in your guest shoes?
niceneasy: I do not know. Probably someone was there. The socks smelled.
The jacket falls from the hanging
It is mature, to see.
[ +
- ]
Tell me, is it okay if after sex with my husband I want to thank him every time? I stumbled once! So he, for the sake of God, always please, I am not at all for thank you, but for the idea! What idea is this? I was ashamed to ask.
We sit in the room and look at the telephone. Favorite is going to the kitchen, please bring me a snowflake from the refrigerator (a milk-acid beverage). He cries but agrees.
A minute later, he returns with a full bowl of ice from the freezer. A lot of big pieces like that. And I tried to...take it off...
Only (20:41:02)
The program is called light alloy!!!! to
Only (20:43:40)
What is this program?
Only (20:57:32)
Why do you keep silent when I ask you something?! to
Only (20:58:06)
Can I also be silent when you ask me about history?! to
Only (20:58:16)
I will do that!!! to
Only (20:58:31)
I’ve gotten enough of it!!!!!!!!!!!!! to
Only (20:59:22)
I’m just a walking encyclopedia for everybody, and as a person I’m not interested in anyone!!!!!!!! to
Only (20:59:32)
I can’t do that anymore!!! to
Only (20:59:42)
I got enough!
Only (21:00:25)
And since we already "speak", I will tell you everything I think about you!!! to
only (21:01:31)
First, you suggested Sasha to blur just to forget someone (who, I wonder, you don’t tell me anything)
Only (21:02:44)
Secondly, you are cutting under the steep and free rocker, although no freedom shines on you.
only (21:03:39)
Third, you think too well about yourself and ask others too high demands!! to
Only (21:04:36)
And lastly, you LOVE doing people who love you hurt and thus self-realized!!! to
Only (21:05:45)
I love you very much and you are my best friend despite all your shortcomings.! to
Yeshua (21:07:49)
I was fucking washing.
[ +
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With "Response"
Question :I, engaged in onanism with cucumbers and it suddenly broke inside not pulled What to do?
Answer: Try the wheel
She is pure and impeccable...
Are the breasts missing?
My imagination struck the table football.
Why is?
I don’t know, I just liked running with guys.
[ +
- ]
The eternal problem of the girl: to leave or stay. The eternal problem of young people: to break up without problems.
by Mark Alishin
I sit in a cafe, cutting a puddle with a plastic knife. The door opens - and the cafe enters an elegant, high chatenka. This is Vika, the stewardess, I know her.
I greeted her hand, she noticed me and spit on the opposite chair.
What a meeting! Long time no see you. I have a weekend today.
You look great. Wick, are you okay now?
Vika had an easy operation a couple of months ago, so I’m, of course, interested in her health.
Yes, it is all OK! I even received a prize for illness.
Is it how?
Wika told me. Her first flight after leaving for work was a flight.
Moscow is London. They were flying on a crashed Boeing, a man 100 on board.
One hour after the departure from Sheremetyevo, they fell into a terrible storm. The plane began to fall frequently and horribly into the air holes. Ten minutes later there was such a rumor and turbulence that all the believers on board began to read and pray, and the rest cried out. The situation was complicated by the fact that there were a lot of small children on board - you can't explain anything to them, and the throat of the angels. The whisper, the scream and the mat stood unimaginable. The plane shook and whirled. Everything would have ended badly if it had not been the fantastic cold-blooded Vicki. Between the passenger screams, she declared in a quiet, harsh voice:
Dear passengers, please remain calm. I get into such
twenty times a year, and you see, I stand before you alive.
After this, Vika calmed several especially hysterical ladies with the same silent, harsh voice, gave someone vomiting bags.
Then he appealed to the passengers several times - loudly, harshly, with arrangement. Looking at the quiet, courageous stewardess, who never raised her voice, the men and ladies completely silenced, and the children quieted and only continued to scream frightened.
Wika laughed:
I’ve never been in such a storm! I also thought that
The Trident has arrived! How I wanted to talk to everyone, you didn’t.
You imagine! But I just couldn't - the operation was on the ligaments.
No louder than his usual voice could be pronounced.
She had to play the role of a quiet, harsh teacher.
In the phrases "we are on you" and "we are married" the same set and order of letters.
What a different meaning!
I want to be Miss World!
You are my Miss World. Too little to you?
I want to be Miss Mirra for everyone!
Then you’ll have to suck half the jury!
YYY: It was just me...
XXX is fuck!
The most dangerous advertising is the advertising of the licensed software and games store on the torrent tracker website. I found one yesterday.
accel (00:32:37 2/11/2010)
Not enough to kill me.
accel (00:33:25 2/11/2010)
I will throw you off on the road before the gay parade.
accel (00:34:37 2/11/2010)
And then with the sign "Babies are not people" before the feminist parade
[ +
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On the torrent tracker, the distribution of the film "Height".
Because of a mechanical malfunction, the jet blows to an unimaginable height, and then begins to fall through an endless fog. When the guys regain control, it turns out that by all calculations they should have crashed into the ground, but instead continue to fall into the unknown.
The comments:
Isn’t this the plane from Calumbur that crashes 500 series?
And sweet dreams!
Sweets like you?
She: Okay, how are you?