— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №148774
An old Jew was sitting in the yard on a bench. My little grandson was playing c machine. The old man picked up the rugged wire of the earth and sat and turned it in his hands. My grandson was interested in the discovery. He came and said, “Dad, give me.” The old man said what he simply won't give, but he can change to a machine. My grandson C was happy.
A few minutes later, the wire was bored and he went to his grandfather to change back. The old man did not change, despite the cry of the child.
Neighbors approached the old man, tried to pressure him to return the machine and stopped this nonsense. The old man told them, “Don’t stop raising a child.” He never returned the car to him.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148773
If you can’t take off the eye from someone, it means that he has pretty strong nerves. At least visual.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148772
<wasilij> - Yes, here we will clean, and here we will probably leave. The head is simple.
Look at it, you can at least for negotiations, at least for a hassle, you can appear everywhere.
– Rabbi, can you make a circumcision without excessive pathos?! to
<Gurman> can not. Esthetics is very important. Then take someone in the mouth.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №148771
This night under the windows some man wildly oral "Fuck, fuck, what fuck!!!!and "
I didn’t even scream at him, because I had the same question.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №148770
You all, young people, need to be taught.

>>> the correct algorithm:
1 Shooting
2nd Overloaded
Dedicate the lamp and ask "who is here?"

Shoot twice, the first to defeat and the second to warn.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148769
I will not say for Ukraine, and Tajikistan, for example, in the Soviet years received general literacy, electrification, modern medicine, developed infrastructure, higher and professional education, agricultural machinery and factories... which in the years of the newly gained independence were safely robbed and destroyed, and still cannot be restored. The company said that this year the central heating system was repaired. In the capital. In 20 years. Comrades, there is something to be proud of. Was it not so bad for Russia?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №148768
The bull in the Moscow Zoo did not wake up on the day of the bull
In the Petersburg Zoo cancelled events dedicated to the day of the surgeon, because the local surgeon died.

Congregatio: I understand that spring will come in July.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №148767
When I started living with a guy, my cat didn’t like the idea at all. He attacked his legs, kicked him out of the couch, sat down at my knees and pushed him off with his leg. The guy to the cat too was cool, he did not like animals very much. The time passed, the cat accepted, stopped choking, then began to murmur him sometimes, even on his knees came to him. And then, a year later, the guy lies on the couch, suffering from the desire to go to smoke, but does not get up, because the cat hugs me by the foot, suddenly I will leave, he will be offended and will no longer hug me. He appears to be converted to our faith.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148766
The Nurse's Story

Surprisingly, no one has made such a claim before.
I picked up a girl on Sunday. Wen practically no, stunned to squeeze from the first time, dropped... The next day again dropless, squeezed 5 times... The next day the same... Mother is going to complain to me that I did not provide the child with full help, because of the problem. I made only one piercing instead of six, as in the following days.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №148765
On one forum once introduced a matte filter with a full auto replacement. This became clear from the fact that one day the users began to send each other exclusively “a flower” and suspiciously often use the word “bika” in different contexts.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148764
I wait for a taxi, the first-floor window opens and a boy with a girl, preschoolers, knock the whole drum on the window and scream:
Chip by Chip!! Around no one.
And there are pigeons flying, probably not for the first time.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148763
"The Complex of Right"
Girl, I’m not afraid, but really, there’s such a thing as a dictionary. No one is forced to record everything. But a couple of successful records and your mother in any will be in something to tick her nose.
Previously, I was also angry when I heard from friends/co-workers/co-workers something like “I told you” or “I told you something, not this.” But the program writing ALL the phone calls literally removed this problem in a couple of months. Really, hearing "I can turn on the record" a person taught by a bitter experience immediately merges. and ;)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148762
xxx: Yes, he "Faust" in memory in the original quotes!
yyy: You say it in the original as if it was not written in German, but in Sumerian.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148761
Destruction of culture, language

and ohrenel? The Soviet diary does not knock you, where are the annual assessments separately on Russian and native languages and literature? There are special columns! Or do you say that this is a fake and the paper is artificially aged? From the skin out, so that you and your roots did not lose, and could quietly ride around the Union without an interpreter and look at you in a new place as a mumbo-yumbo. All for your sake, only to learn from this Gopnik grief, that we have real boys here in Zasraevka, and behind the river in Dristaevka all the pydors, there and steal not west, but a feat, and struggle the wall on the wall is not a crime. Fuck that night! I relaxed and started again. A quarterly mentality. Sometimes it seems that if you were not in the world at all, then all the other people could always agree.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №148760
The correct algorithm:
1 Shooting
2nd Overloaded
Dedicate the lamp and ask "who is here?"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №148759
Called from Chevrolet Dealer.
We haven’t seen your car in service for a long time. Is it on the road or is it wintering in the garage?
It’s winter in the garage.
When will you bring her back on the road?
I do not know
And who knows?
by Phil
Do you have his phone?
Surfers usually don’t have mobile phones.

Pause on the other side of the line.

and A! has arrived! I will call back in spring.

With a celebration, you!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148758
XXX: Take away and do not ruin a person's life. If he is just degrading next to you, then something is missing in you. You are not for him.

YYY: What kind of men we have are not independent. They cannot degrade themselves.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №148757
xxx> Many in Santa Claus believe quite seriously and in adulthood))
yyy> 3.5" discette is actually 3.54"
xxx> Do not eat, you are lying ((((

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №148756
and there. I write a list to my husband "how much you can ask". I approach, silently giving with an angry face. He surprisingly looks at the list and says, “You’re serving like a chelobite king!”

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №148755
On the stage falls a squad of sailors in shaped flannelows with guise collars.
The daughter:
The Japanese schoolgirls.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna