— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №21518
"Lenny does not imply doing anything. Laziness is the freedom to do anything."

[ + 124 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №21517
She talks about life in the West.
by WTF88:
In America, like in any civilized country, it is customary to skip each other on the roads... and conflicts are extremely rare... - at least you would be in shock after Russia
I couldn’t get used to it for a long time... only smiled... – I’ve gotten used to it and perceive it as a must.
You only need to turn the turn... to get out of the parking lot. - Halfway stops to let you out. - the same with pedestrians. - just put your foot on the road. - all the cars become like dug up. - I don't want to go. - Those who have been in normal Europe... know what I'm talking about. - in the middle and small America is the same.
Come and live – then you will discuss.
The PS. - I once had gasoline out on the road. - A police officer passing by helped to push off the car. - Then he came to the gas station. - and brought me a canister and helped to pour it! “When I offered him the money (well, just for the gasoline... – they never take it) – he smiled... and said that it was an insurance case. - that I call the insurance... and attach them a check... with his paper... - and they compensate me for a can of gasoline.
How many times has the police taken a drunk home? You really get out of the restaurant, for example... in the mind... – they’re you – “Sir... you don’t sit behind the wheel in such a state, Sir!” - And quite often they can take you home (if not very far... otherwise they will call a taxi).. and the pennies will not take you! Their job is to help people!

[ + 76 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №21516
Help me, fellow gamers and those who know what Dandy is. Help me recognize the old game. Something like Chip and Dale, in a sense, the heroes are like some hamsters. The military story. Played together. View from behind from above. The first mission begins with a parachute landing from a helicopter. They shoot and throw grenades. I want to find. Tell me the name.
Z is. Plush for the cat, the shredder and the saint admin.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №21515
Braza: friends from Spain arrived recently... in the morning with a sick head went to the local store
and Braza:
1 to 2 Euro water
and Braza:
1 to 2 euro wine
and Braza:
I ate it again.)

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №21514
Service Questions Answers:

"Please help me translate "I love you""

The answer:
You, Emma, don’t have a lemon!

[ + 84 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №21513
to this:

You’ll understand what’s going on, I’m sorry, but you have to know the truth.
Late at night, between 12 a.m. and 1 p.m., get up, go to the bathroom without turning on the lights, take a lighter or light bulb with you. Close the door behind you and stand in the dark, turn your face to the mirror, for 5 minutes try to look in the mirror in the outer dark, then try to light the lighter, but only once, if you fail, then immediately, immediately open the door and as quietly as possible, without making abrupt movements, leave the bathroom and turn on the light. If you succeed... well, you will learn and learn a lot of new things, but I once again apologize to you for this.

What is it?? to

I’m sick... Tell me what’s going to happen, right?

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №21512
I am an enot.
EHOT: What have you achieved?

[ + 133 - ] Comment quote №21511
New Year’s Day, 00:15
Horribly want to drink and have fun, there is a little money but by calling friends no one was found at home, I watch a telephone in a bad mood. The phone call...
The girl is a bit sluggish - hello! Is it possible to oil?
You mistaken the number.
Sorry for the modest question. How are you called?
And me? Dmitry...
and OCH. I am pleased with Inna. Dmitry and let’s forget.
- Give it!! to

4 years of marriage)

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №21510
The younger sister once thoughtfully said, “I like to bite my ass.
He looks at me. I have eyes, o
And what? I am about bread!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №21509
Do you remember what year Alexander III ruled?
Yyy: Oh, you’re chasing me to Google.

[ + 46 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №21508
Online Women’s Consultation:
Question No. 12412 Hello. Tell me, during sex a man can release fluid from which you can get pregnant?
-- Anonymous (age: 17, city: Voronezh)


[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №21507
I received a SMS from a guy. "Execution cannot be pardoned"
Literally :
"The sun hurts the fuck"

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №21506
The thought materializes. The people thought so many times that there were only one pidorasa on top, which eventually succeeded.

[ + 45 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №21505
Listened this morning on the radio in one of the Scandinavian countries.

Three hosts in the studio entertain the unadormed listeners rushing to work with bikes, stories about the events of the past day, news, music, and more.
Here’s one of the hosts asks: And you know why men don’t trust to keep newspaper columns of questions and answers?
Others: No and why?
First leader: Well then listen carefully. This is a real question and answer published in one of the American newspapers about 10 years ago.
A column of questions and answers was held there by a certain Michael, who one day received the following letter:

Hi Michael!
Susan from Saratoga. The fact is that this morning I got up at half six as usual, made a coffee, gathered up and went to work. My husband Roger – he is 34 years old, of which we have been married for 10 years – has stayed home since he lost his job a year ago and has not yet found anything suitable. So when I left the house and drove my car, the engine worked somewhat uncertainly, but I was able to touch and drive a couple of miles before the engine stopped. After a few attempts, the car started again, but I decided not to risk and go home, which took about 10 minutes. After parking the car, I went into the house to take my husband’s car keys and warn him of a malfunction. When I went into the bedroom, I saw my husband in our bed with his neighbor Mary, who is 24 years old and she lives in a beige brick house on the right of us. Seeing me, she grabbed her clothes and quickly fled, and her husband began to explain that after losing his job he was depressed, he needed to distract somehow, and that they had nothing serious with the neighbor (not counting the fact that I struck them naked in bed), well, and still all in that spirit.
What do you think I should do now?

Answer by Michael:
Dear Susan!
You did right what you wrote to me. This type of problem is well known to both experts and our readers, so it will be useful to discuss them on the pages of our newspaper. The solution to the problem can depend on many reasons, such as pollution in the power system, insufficient fuel level in the tank, pollution in the lighting candles, etc. All this can cause difficulties when starting a cold motor, as well as the operation of the already heated motor. If you do not have the necessary qualifications, I recommend contacting the nearest maintenance station, where you will be provided with qualified technical assistance.
In any case, do not try to repair the car on your own if the problems with the motor started on the road with busy traffic or the highway.
I hope my advice will help you, Susan. Good luck on the roads!

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №21504
The father was very in a hurry, telling his son a fairy tale before going to bed, so the rabbit pressed, but ate the straw.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №21503
Listening dialogue on the street
“Young man, tie the ropes, and then how you’ll fuck up the asphalt!
Thank you fucking much!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №21502
From Blogs:

You will call me a chicken again.
I will take your eggs.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №21501
Waiting for a girl in the universe, he sat in an empty audience.
5 minutes to lie down and wait.
I’m waking up and there’s already a lecture.)

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №21500
I sit at the reporter at the English house, we talk about children, essay in English, and the phrase goes through to their address "...... blood drinkers.....". A few seconds later, her son comes in from another room and says, “Mom, I want to drink.”
The child did not understand the explosion of laughter.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №21499
Bocharik: Coffee makers are starting to control people, I am afraid of them. They are constantly ordering me to "squeeze water" "clean" "squeeze coffee". Well they...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna